Wednesday Nov 16, 2022
Trump 2024 & Biden’s FTX Money Laundering | Poland Missile Crisis | Colorado Legalizes Psychedelics
In this week's episode, we discuss Trump's announcement of his 2024 bid for the presidency, Trump saying he would sentence all drug dealers to death and why I completely disagree, FTX crypto exchange being a democratic money laundering scheme, Poland blaming Russia for two dead after missle strike which seems to have been Ukrainian air defense missiles and the FBI raiding a UFO journalists house for putting out legally obtained material on Area 51.
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Welcome to the Revolution.
Hello and welcome to Red Pill Revolution. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening. Today, we are going to talk about some pretty interesting things that have, I mean, it's been f a way crazier week than we've had in a while, so let me walk you through what's going on. Colorado. Colorado, the, the entire state of Colorado just legalized psychedelics after the midterm elections that includes mushrooms, dmt.
I began all of this stuff, so we will touch on that briefly. The FBI rated the home and seized the property of a journalist who posted legally obtained information about Area 51. Then we will also discuss Poland getting hit by a missile. What most people are assuming came from Russia. So we will discuss that.
We will actually go ahead and look at all of the updates from what's going on there, as well as talking through the transcripts of Vladimir Putin in his discussion today. We are going to also discuss the recent announcement by former President Donald Trump that he is going to run in 2024, along with some crazy things that he said during that announcement that I do not agree with.
So we will talk about those and why I don't agree with them. And we will also discuss the X Crypto scandal, which many people believe is actually been a front for Ukrainian money laundering back to the Biden administration and the Democratic Party. So that was all in the last. Two days , basically. It's been wild.
So without further ado, let's go ahead and jump into.
Welcome to Red Pill Revolution. My name is Austin Adams. Red Pill Revolution started out with me, realizing everything that I knew, everything that I believed, everything I interpret about my life is through the lens of the information I was spoonfed as a child. Religion, politics, history, conspiracies, Hollywood medicine, money, food, all of it.
Everything we know was tactfully written to influence your decisions and your view on reality by those in power. Now I'm on a mission, a mission to retrain and reeducate myself to find the true reality of what is behind that curtain. And I'm taking your ass with me. Welcome to the Revolution.
If you didn't know, I actually sat down and created one intro music for this podcast, the very first, uh, time. And, and by the way, it has been a year since I lost this or launched this podcast, which was October 20 19th of last year. So one year, happy one year to the Red Pill Revolution podcast. I don't know if I have.
Any claps here. Oh, look at that. Woo. All right, look at that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you guys. 50 episodes one year later. You can stop the applause. Thank you. All right. Awesome. Hey, thank you so much, guys for listening. I truly do appreciate it. This is such a blessing in my life to be able to come on here and get all of this out to you guys.
I don't know who I would, I've, I've, I don't know who I'd talked to about all this stuff. I mean, I talked to a lot of people about it, , but, but, uh, it's, it's awesome to be able to talk to you guys. It's awesome to be able to engage with you guys. So, honestly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for being a part about a part of this.
Thank you so much for spreading the word. I do plan on this being 100% what I do with my life. So please, please spread the word as much as you can. Uh, if you can, uh, go ahead and over to Red Pill revolution.co. You can subscribe to the podcast there. Leave a five star review, hit the subscribe button, all of that good stuff, write a review if you can.
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Some extra little goodies. Sometimes I write some stuff in there. All good stuff for. Head over to red pill revolution.coo.com is for losers. Do it right now. I would appreciate it. And while you're there, you can actually go and donate If you would like to fuel the revolution, you can go directly to Red Pill Revolution, uh, or I'm sorry, gifts and go slash red pill revolution.
So give setting go.com of course, uh slash red pill revolution. Give saying go.com/red pill revolution and I would appreciate it. That's what I got. Usually I do it at the beginning, but I don't know, I guess I missed it cause I was so excited about all of the wild stuff going on, . So let's go ahead and talk about the very first thing today, which is that Colorado legalized psychedelics, not just mushrooms, not they legalized dmt, like they just, they didn't start at the bottom and just move their way up.
Over the years, they just went like top to bottom psychedelics legal in Colorado from Proposition 1 22, which did get passed. I think that this is actually, I'm a hundred percent behind it. I think psychedelics, uh, have proven scientifically to have a large positive net effect on so many mental health issues.
Uh, I personally have not done them surprisingly, uh, but, uh, am definitely open to the idea at some point in my life, maybe down the. I'm not interested in it at the very moment that I'm sitting here with you, but I do see so many positive effects coming out of this. I do see, you know, just from meditation and things that I've talked about in the past, I have, you know, reached those places that you can get to through psychedelics, and I've seen the positive effects in my life.
Uh, and so I absolutely believe this is something that I stand behind wholeheartedly. I think it's awesome. So let's go ahead and read this article. This is coming from ABC News. Everybody's favorite, uh, news website? Not really. It says Colorado has become the second state. Second state. Oh, I was wrong.
Second straight. Colorado has become the second state to decriminalize and legalize recreational psychedelics. Voters passed about initiative during last week's election, and it will make it legal for adults to purchase and used DMT or dime methyl Tripp. Dimethyltryptamine iga, mes. Uh, it actually excludes peyote.
Um, they can also use psilocybin, nearly 1.2 million voters, roughly 53% of the total vote approved. Prop 1 22, according to state election results, it says, currently Oregon, Oregon, Oregon, depending if you're from Oregon or not from Oregon, you say it one way or the other. I think at least all the people that I've met from Oregon, say it's Oregon and all the people I've met, not from Oregon, say it's Oregon.
So I'm not from Oregon, Oregon, Oregon. I don't know. Currently, Oregon is the only state, uh, to legalize psychedelics. In 20 22, 50 5% of Oregon, uh, voters passed initiative to legalize recreational psychedelics. Starting next year, Oregon residents can use psilocybin at licensed service centers. And not in their homes.
According to the Oregon Health Authority, Colorado's ballot measure comes 10 years after it. In Washington state, voters passed ballot initiatives to legalize recreational marijuana for adult residents. Today, 21 states and the District of Columbia offered legalized cam cannabis for adult residents, five states, Maryland to Missouri, Arkansas, North Dakota and South Dakota had ballot measures in this year's election, the legalized recreational adults or recreational marijuana for adults voters in Maryland, Missouri passed the recreational, uh, measures while voters in other states rejected the referendums.
Interesting, but that's wild. Colorado. Colorado is up Colorado leading the way, leading the charge on the front of this. And, and as we saw what happened with marijuana, they are just going to start a domino effect of all the other states. And again, I am wholeheartedly behind this. I a hundred percent approve.
Uh, I I think if you don't, you should look at the scientific studies that talk about veterans ptsd. I think that you should look at the scientific studies that help talk about how it helps depression. Uh, I think you should look at the studies that show that you literally have to eat more than your body weight or some crazy, something like that.
Not medical advice, Uh, and mushrooms to die. I'm sure it's may not even be a thing just like marijuana, uh, dmt, uh, not sure how that works, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't kill you. Like a lot of the pharmaceutical medications that were given, like Oxycontin, like, uh, you know, fentanyl, that they literally give to women in labor.
Crazy. So again, I'm a hundred percent behind this. I agree with this. I, I don't see anything wrong with this. I, I do think they're gonna be setting up treatment centers. I believe that's gonna allow you to grow these in your home. Uh, as it stands right now, these are like, you get in big trouble if you're found with stuff that literally grows on shit and the farming pasture
Like, why, why does that make any sense? If it's put on this earth, why should you allow a government entity to be able to tell you whether you can pluck it and throw it in your own mouth? In your own mouth? I could see if you were. Plucking it off of the cow patty and shoving somebody to the ground, forcefully opening their mouth and throwing it in there, shutting their mouth and making like shaking 'em upside down to make sure, I guess upside down probably wouldn't work.
But you see the point if you are doing it to your own body, I think you should basically be free ring. I, I think you, you should, even if you don't agree with psychedelics, even if you think it's wrong, logically, philosophically, I believe you should be able to ruin your own. A hundred percent. If you want to sit all day and smoke weed and play video games, I think you should have the right to do so, and you will find that there is so, so social repercussions, sociological social repercussions to that that you probably don't like and eventually you may change what you're doing as a result of those social repercussions.
People probably don't wanna hang out with you. People might think that you're a loser if that's all you're doing all day, but there's also some very high functioning people who smoke weed all day and make a bunch of money and do awesome stuff all the time and just enjoy it more while also eating snacks.
So , I don't, I don't necessarily think that there should, the government, especially if we're ping out oxycont, And allowing the drug cartels to pull over fentanyl in boatloads, which I guess is coming from China. You know, I, I heard the Dr. Phil interview where he was talking about how China is manufacturing fentanyl, taking it to the cartels.
The cartels are bringing it into the US through the border, which tons of people are coming over now as of the last two years. Wonder if that's a coincidence and then killing your friends and family and children with it intentionally because they want the demise of our culture. I don't know, just a theory, but it seems to make a lot of sense to me.
If you were going to do something like that, why wouldn't you do it? Through drugs? Through the minds of the culture. Uh, from the inside, right. And, and utilizing the drug cartels. Why wouldn't we? You know, it just makes so much sense. Uh, I don't. But is that happening? You know, is is, is it in your kid's candy on, on October 31st?
That was like the whole scare about that. I don't think that was happening. At least if we didn't hear about it, I'm pretty sure if we would, if somebody's child died from a fentanyl overdose from eating smarties while going through subdivisions on Halloween, I'm pretty sure it would've been in the news by now and it wasn't so interesting.
Now, off the backs of that crazy stuff, let's talk about some other crazy stuff. The FBI raid the home and seized the property of a man who put out information that he obtained illegally about Area 51. So this journalist found photos, found information about Area 51, collected it completely legally. Did absolutely nothing wrong and still had his property seized and had his home raid by the fbi.
I don't know how the FBI is still functioning right now after all of the un like crazy missteps that they've taken recently. The, the, the rating of Mar Lago, to which we heard puts nothing, absolutely nothing at all, came from that of literally kicking, like, maybe not literally kicking down the door, but metaphorically kicking down the door of a former president, which has never happened in the history of our country, of his home's, house.
His is home, his domicile, right? Think that's the word, uh, rated the house of a next president, the last president, like two years removed, President and no repercussions to the fbi, and no repercussions to Trump. Nobody's even talking about it anymore. It's not even a conversation. and here they are doing the same thing.
Now to this journalist who put out information about Area 51, I can't believe we're still talking about Area 51. Honestly. Like we're literally having congressional hearings surrounding UA boos, UFOs, aliens, uh, and we're still rating the homes of people based on area 51 pictures.
That makes, that makes literally no sense, no sense at all. So, Hmm. All right, let's go ahead and read this article. This is coming from Real News, No Bullshit, which always seems to kick me out of their website. Even though I am a member. Highly recommend you find several news sources that you, uh, you know, feel are unbiased and also, Not click Baie and also are reporting properly without any political bias and pay for their stuff, even if they're small.
Real news. No bullshit at Real News. Not bs.com is one of them that I use and I subscribe because I wanna support good journalism. Now, I don't know if I exactly classify myself as a journalist, but if you would like to support my work here, I already told you how to do it. Red pill revolution.co or go to give and go.com/red Pill revolution.
That's called a plug because I don't do ads. Nothing. Nothing at all for you guys here, so just me talking. All right, let's go ahead and pull up this article now that I have signed in and successfully talked for a minute and a half while I do so, and here it is. FBI rates home and seizes property of journalists who post legally obtained information in photos of Area 51.
All right, so it says, Last week the FBI rated multiple locations in Las Vegas, in Rachel, Nevada, approximately 28 miles from the Nevada test site. Tied to journalist j Jor, J O E R G A R N U George ar new looks way more difficult than is probably pronounced of dreamland resort.com. Uh, a new our news website is a popular page that covers activities at the Nevada test site.
He posts various photos and information related to the secret of site that he claims are legally obtained for his viewers to see. Posts also includes zoomed in pictures of the facility government aircraft, locations of military ground sensors outside of the base security cameras, and the notorious camo dudes who protect the military install.
You mean military? Are they not military? A day before the FBI raid his own are new hinted that something could be coming writing. It has been brought to my attention that there is a concern about some of the material on the site. I do not believe that collecting or publishing that material is against the law otherwise, I guess sounds like they gave him a heads up.
Um, photos taken from, uh, his website shows the camo dudes in the truck. Um, the day after approximately 35. FBI agents served search warrants at both homes and seized computers, cameras, files, cell phones, and other electronic devices. Our news said each location saw at least 15 to 20 agents rummaging through our homes in about eight vehicles.
Needless to say, it was a spectacle for curious neighbors, both in Rachel and in Vegas. In the process, I lost all of my data. Medical files, financial tax records, passwords. Following the raids. Our new also raised concerns that the raids may lead to bogus charges being filed against him in order to send a message.
I'm concerned that overzealous government agents may use bogus charges against me to send a message. Putting the truth out there cannot hurt. Hmm. Sounds familiar. Right. We had the FBI rating, uh, Mar Lago. Uh, we had them doing plenty of other little, uh, weird things recently that seem to be unconstitutional, including this one here.
Uh, I'm, I'll be interested to see the follow up on this. Um, nothing too in depth there, but it is again, like I said, surprising that there's still these types of things happening, which maybe they just thought it would never come up. But obviously when you raid the home of somebody with 35 FBI agents, there's going to be some talks about it.
35. That's a lot of FBI agents. Hmm. All right. Now let's talk about the moer pressing issues. One of them being that NATO leaders are holding emergency meetings after. Allegedly Russian missiles land in Poland, killing two people. All right. Now this is again coming from Real News, not bs.com, and it gives a timestamp for all of the things that happened.
And it, again, is making me sign in. But because I like good journalism, I will do it. Uh, so it also could be because I'm using Brave Browser. Brave Browser is a great browser. It's probably the only browser that I would recommend that you use because it hides all of your data, all of it, um, doesn't track you.
Uh, you can also, there's a VPN built into it. Uh, then Brave Search. Brave Search is what I use instead of Google, cuz it doesn't curate your search results as well. So this gives a timestamp of all of the happenings that are going on here. Let's see how long it is. Um, and I'll kind of talk you through what the day looked like regarding Poland.
And it's not too much, too much time here. So this says that at 4:14 PM Polish Prime Minister says the country has heightened readiness. It has been introduced for all polish services, including the, uh, police firefighters, border guards will also increase monitoring of Polish. Air, air, air, space. Uh, Polish government releases first statement officially blaming Russia for strikes on its territory.
In the statement, the Polish government said that on November 15th, a massive shelling of the entire territory of reclaim and its critical infrastructure by the Russian military was observed for hours at three 40, a Russian made missile fell on the territory of the village of Presdo in Lubin Providence resulting in the death of two Polish citizens in connection with the incident, Foreign minister RA has summoned the ambassador of Russia to demand an immediate detailed explanation at 3 0 3, approximately, I don't know, three minutes before then.
So are we looking at this in the wrong direction? It may appear.
Hmm. Let's see. Okay, so let's start from the bottom. We started from the top. Uh, maybe they should tell you that nothing against you. All right. 10:07 AM two rockets have landed in the town of Presdo Poland on the border of Ukraine. They hit the grain dryers. Two people have died. No word on who is responsible.
10 14. Approximately seven minutes later, Polish Prime Minister has called an emergency meter meeting with top government officials reports indicating that two Russia missiles landed in Poland. 10 17 aid to Prime Minister, uh, says that he is holding a meeting with a national security team and top defense officials.
The meeting is set to discuss repercussions of a missile attack by Russia Senior US Intelligence officials speaking to Associated Press confirms that two Russian missiles landed in Poland. Now, I guess that the bigger concern with this is the fact that, you know, everybody's been talking about World War.
World War Three, World War ii, Everybody's been talking about world, the potential of World War ii. And if you know anything about World War ii, Poland had a little bit to do with it in the beginnings, right? Poland, I'm sure, uh, had basically got bombed and got pulled into the war, and the rest is history, right?
So that's kind of some justifiable concern surrounding this action happening. Now, from what I've read elsewhere, some people are less concerned about this turning into escalated conflict. They're more concerned about it escalating NATO's response as opposed to Poland directly. But that's the concern.
The concern is that Poland gets bombed. Poland gets dragged into the war. This sounds like it may have been a potentially. Didn't actually, you know, wasn't the intention to pull Poland into the war. I don't know why they would do that right now, unless they were trying to further move territories. But even then that wouldn't make much sense because they're having difficulty in Ukraine.
Anyways, uh, it says 10 17 a prime Minister said there's gonna be repercussions. Senior US intelligence official confirms the two Russian missiles. Laia, as defense minister said, my condolences to our Polish brothers in arms criminal Russian regime fire two missiles, which targeted not only Ukrainian citizens, uh, but also landed on NATO territory in Poland.
That's from Lafia, Hungary speaks out the Penta, The Pentagon did not confirm or deny the information. Now, what I would say is the most interesting portion of all of this, so it goes on to say that senior US official confirms to NBC news that something did happen with a Russian missile hitting Poland.
They do not know whether it was deliberate or an accident. Then Russia response. Russia says at 1207 that statements by Polish media and officials about the allegedly alleged fall of Russian missiles in the area of the settlement is a deliberate provocation in order to escalate the situation. No strikes were made by Russian weapons against targets near the Ukrainian Polish State order.
The wreckage published by the Polish media Hot on the heels of the incident in the Village of Pres Vidal, has nothing to do with Russian weapons of destruction. So Russia vehemently denies the claim that these were, their missiles says they did not fire any missiles towards them, so that that was, had nothing to do with them, and that they're trying to provoke this situation further by saying that it was them 1237 nato.
Uh, Secretary General said that NATO is monitoring the situation. They always are closely consulting. All right, Uh, Poland says something, Poland, the White House doesn't confirm the details. That was at one o'clock. Uh, Let's see. Head of the Polish National Security says Polish. Uh, Duda currently is in talks with US President Joe Biden.
Uh, now it is saying here at 1 27, Ukraine's foreign Minister said, Russia now promotes a conspiracy theory that was allegedly a missile of Ukrainian air defenses that fell on Polish territory. This is not true. No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages. So this is a he said, she said situation right?
Russia. Russia denies it that this was their missile. And Russia even goes on to say that the missile was Ukrainian air defenses that fell in Polish territory. UK Ukraine's foreign Minister says that's not true and so on.
Uh, two Ukrainian diplomats say that NATO ambassadors will meet tomorrow. Invoking article. Article four allows members to bring any issue of concern, especially related to the security of member countries. Okay. Ukrainian news outlet says, uh, that the Air Defense missile landed in UK Ukraine. Hmm.
Ukrainian News outlet interfaces reporting that Ukrainian KH 1 0 1 Air Defense missiles landed in Ukraine. So a Ukrainian news outlet confirmed what they were saying. Uh, the next thing that happens was at two o'clock, Ukrainian forces may have been involved in the explosion that occurred in the Eastern Poland to lure nato.
That's from the Russian state. Uh, and it looks like there are some. Pictures of this. So it says, two weapons. Analysts are claiming that photos of debris from the missiles found in Poland near belong to a Ukrainian missile. The analyst note that at the end of a Ukrainian rocket motor identified as, uh, what is it, 48 N six DM Sam's rocket motor photos attached with thes.
Ukrainian called these claims conspiracy theories. Of course they do. Uh, Poland has officially summoned the Russian ambassador after the missile strikes Polish media outlets reporting that government officials believe the missile debris is from. How convenient. How convenient that they're, you know, this is a, again, he said, she said, but it sounds like after that whole dirty bomb situation where the UN Security Council met about that, if you don't recall what that was, The UN Security Council was called into a meeting after Russia called them based on claims that Ukraine was building a dirty bomb to drop on from what somebody told me.
I don't know if this is correct and I haven't verified it, so maybe not, was Paris and then we're going to blame Russia trying to bring other people into the war. Uh, Poland uh, releases official statements blaming Russia, and this was at, uh, five or six o'clock. Um, Polish Prime Minister says, The country is heightened readiness, right?
Da da. So there you go. There's the story. Right now, we don't know who did this, who, where the missile got dropped from, who did it. Uh, it seems like it could have just as much been Ukraine as it could have been Russia at this point. Uh, but I guess time will tell and maybe it won't because again, we, we barely even have access to any of the contrarian conversations surrounding this, especially when, if I post this tomorrow, it's going to get flagged as misinformation.
If you talk about the two sides of this conversation, one being that Russia claims that Ukraine air defense missiles dropped in Poland, the other being that Ukraine claims that Russia bombed Poland. Poland, obviously a NATO ally, uh, says that they believe it was Russia. Now again, all this is doing is escalating.
Nobody is saying we deliberately bombed anybody. There's no, no foreseeable way. That this action gets heightened into, you know, what some people are concerned about. I don't see it. All right. Um, Polish president says Raq may have been Russian made. All right, so we already talked about that. There's a video that goes along with it.
Um, now I would say, oh, here's a video where it allegedly shows that Biden says it was unlikely that it was Russian made, which means that it could have been Ukrainian. Uh, so let's see if I can get this connected here and we can listen to that, cuz I think that's a, a good one. And then we'll actually listen to what Biden's initial response to be was because it was hilarious.
Hilarious and concerning on both parts, but mostly concerning because he's our president and not some random dude. Uh, so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get this video here and let's see if I can just.
What happened, Our entity simply goes out to apparently two people were killed. And, uh, and then we're gonna collectively determine our next step as we investigate and proceed. There was total unanimity among the folks at the table. We also discuss the latest series of Russian missile attacks, which are continuing the brutality in humanity that they've demonstrated throughout this war against Ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructures.
And, uh, it's, they've been totally unconscionable what they're doing. Totally unconscionable. And the moment when the world came together, the G 20 to urge deescalation, Russia continues to, uh, is chosen to escalate in Ukraine while we're meeting, I mean, there were scores and scores of attack, missile attacks in the Western Ukraine.
We support Ukraine fully in this moment. We have a. We have since the start, this conflict when they continue to do whatever it takes to give them the capacity to defend themselves. Mr. President, it's too early to say whether this missile was fired from Russia.
There is preliminary information that contests that. I don't want to say that till we completely investigate, but it it is, uh, I, I, I, I, it's unlikely in the minds of the trajectory that it was fired from Russia, but we, we'll see. We'll, so this whole thing is still to this second being perpetuated as being Russia firing missiles at Poland and.
Biden is saying that it's unlikely that the preliminary information shows that that's potentially not true, but is hesitating to say it because it doesn't fit their narrative. But they know there's gonna be so much blow back once it's confirmed that it was actually Ukraine, that they can't hype this up to be this crazy bombing like they would have loved to do because it's eventually gonna show that it was from Ukraine.
At least that's what I'm taking from it. Uh, and, but let, Here's this clip. This was earlier, a little bit earlier today of Biden showing that he will not respond on this yet, which is a bit different than what he just said, but this was just. So ridiculous that this was the response of our president, and then they literally shoo everybody out of the room.
So here it is. Let's see the question that's asked, and let's watch his response. Mr. President, can you tell us what we know so far about the
right here? Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay. So what you just heard is somebody saying, Can you confirm that, you know, can you talk more about what happened, uh, in Poland with the Russian missile? And he goes, No. And just stares at them weirdly as all of his handlers swooping and go, Everybody get out.
Everybody get out. That's what you hear in the background. Everybody get out. Everybody get out. Keep moving. Keep moving towards the exit. Please move. Please move everybody out. No more questions because you asked the one that we don't want to answer right now because we don't, It doesn't suit our narrative.
And that's the biggest problem here is they want to escalate this war. They would've loved, loved it if Russia bombed Poland, even if by accident, and now they know there's probably probably irrefutable evidence that it was Ukrainian air defense missiles that dropped in Poland that caused these two people to die.
That was the actual reason. So there you go.
All right. Sorry. Had to correct something real quick. All right, so there you go. That to me is so telling of what they want out of this. They want an international conflict. That is what they want. They want to get drawn into, They wanna draw the US into the war. They want the public support surrounding it, and they're trying everything they can.
They're trying to, even potentially, according to Vladimir Putin, bring them in by doing false flag dirty bombs, which is just so, so beyond concerning. All right, so there's your information on Poland. Now, Putin did come out. And have a speech today where he actually said something about how the, uh, certain countries, Well, I'll just go ahead and read it for you.
Um, he says, Good afternoon colleagues. Welcome to the meeting, uh, organizing committee. Today we'll be discussing matters related to preserving the historical memory, the ongoing or organizing committee that consistently devotes priority attention to this issue, which is particularly relevant today. So what he is talking about here is that he's accusing western countries and western cultures of deleting and changing history.
I'm sure a lot of that's talking about the United States of America, right? Every time he's saying western cultures, he's either talking about, you know, us or the ue, right? So attempts made by certain countries to rewrite and reshape world history are becoming increasingly aggressive ultimately, and obviously, seek can divide our society, take away our guiding lines, and eventually we can rush and influence its sovereignty, essentially, shake it sovereign.
Distortion of history. Imposing of myths in the undermining of values is often, it is often with these myths that de stabilizing states, nations begins. As we can see, a similar scenario has been tested in some other countries, including Ukraine. There have been attempts to target Russia as well, but as I have said before, we took resolute in timely measures to protect our interests and stave off similar sabotage.
Wow. They have a whole committee in conversations surrounding, uh, keeping history. Correct. Interesting. Um, not gonna dive too much into that, but he talks about Nuremberg. It says, I would like to note that many initiatives rela related to this topic have been launched by our organizing committee. One of them is the no Statue of Limitations project involving a systematic and scholarly collection of data on the crimes committed by the Nazis and their accomplices against the civilian population during the great patriotic war, the very crimes against humanity condemned by the Nurnberg Tribunal.
The scale of those atrocities were so egregious that at the time, in the 1940s only a part of the evidence reached to the court as it was impossible to consider everything. Today we are filling those gaps and restoring justice. Interesting. Let's see if he mentions Poland at all. Cause this was today the same day.
We'll see if he says anything regarding that in like questions. Uh, no. It seems like two mentions of it and they don't have to, they have to do with Auschwitz, which was in Poland. Um, Okay, so interesting. You can go read that. I found it right directly at kremlin dot slash event slash president. And then you can look at all the transcriptions of his recent conversations.
Uh, but an interesting one. So now let's go ahead and discuss Donald Trump. Donald Trump announcing his 2024 bid four presidency and the live event I believe is still streaming right now, maybe over by now, but it was streaming 40 minutes ago. And here is a clip of him stating his announcement. In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.
He's pointing at people. He's super happy. He's, Yeah. You, you and you. Yeah. We're gonna do it. All right. There was Donald Trump saying that he is going to run in 2024. Now, he followed this up with some, uh, very good statements surrounding protecting children, going after sex trafficking and some things like that.
And then he followed that up with some not so agreeable statements on my end, I don't agree with some of this, at least this one statement that we'll show you in just a second now. This is off the backs of the Ron Des DeSantis situation where Donald Trump was just talking a whole bunch of shit about Ron DeSantis and Ron DeSantis came out and said, Hey, when you're in the, the spotlight like I am, and you're, you're actually doing things out there.
It brings on criticism, which I think was a very studious response by Ron DeSantis. Now, when it comes to this side or that side, you know, I, I tend to, this is a hard, hard one now, I, I think that in the light of where we are as a nation, we need less escalation, not more, right? I don't know. I as, as entertaining as it is, as fun as it seems to have a Donald Trump 2024 presidential run and, and win for the Republican party.
I would not be opposed to Ron Desant. Being on the card either. I think that the comedy is great. I think that the energy is fun. I think the movement is, is important. But I also think in an ideal world, what we need is not more craziness right now. Again, Trump's done some great things in my mind. Uh, a lot of the legislation that he passed, obviously the economy at the time was thriving.
Gas prices, uh, you know, all of it. He did a lot of great things, a lot of, a lot of tremendous things. Uh, but I do think that in an, and maybe it's not even his actions or even his words as much as it is going to be the response of the general public on the other side of things, I think we need a deescalation of tension in the United States today.
I think just, just looking at it from a, a step back, Right. Looking at it from not looking at, you know, the, the movement here or the movement there. I, I think overall as a country, I would like to see more empathy. I would like to see more unification. Right. And Biden ran on unification and we know that didn't end up being the case, but I would like to see a deescalation of tension.
And I don't know if we get that with Donald Trump right now. I think we get four more years equaling, Lord, a 12 year back and forth of Trump. Than Biden. Than Trump then, you know, So I, I, I don. Now the bigger question is, could Ron DeSantis even win? Does he have the movement behind him Now, I I, I think polling wise, he did fairly well against Donald Trump recently in exit polls.
Now, I don't know if that would translate right. I, I haven't seen stadiums be filled by Ron DeSantis the same way they have been for Donald Trump. I don't think that he's as good at marketing himself. Personally. I don't know if he's as great at starting movements. I don't know if his slogans are as good.
His jokes definitely aren't as funny. , there's some downfall to Ron DeSantis. But I think in an ideal world, I do think that it would be a net overall positive for our country to, to, to deescalate from the, the, uh, sitcom that we're in currently between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, or I'm sorry, Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
I don't think it would be a bad thing for that, for Ron DeSantis to take office. Now that says nothing against Donald Trump. I just think as a culture, as a country, it may be in our best interest to deescalate tensions, and that could happen through Ron DeSantis. Now, there is some things that Donald Trump has said recently, recently, being an hour and a half ago that I completely disagree with, and, and this alone will likely split the party and make a lot of people who are on Donald Trump's side really question whether or not they're going to vote for him in a Desant Trump election.
Right? Um, primary is the right word for what I was looking for. So, without further ado, here's that clip right after I tell you that you should go ahead and hit that subscribe button. You should go ahead and subscribe. Hit it right now. If you didn't hit it already, I for give you, but if I ask you twice, I might not.
I still will, cuz you'll still listen and I love you. But I would love you even more if you hit that subscribe button. And if I love you already because you're subscribed, take it a step further and really fulfill my heart. by, by leaving a five star review, write something in it, please. It would mean the world.
That's the only way that, uh, it really builds the podcast up and spreads the word. So if you appreciate my work, I would appreciate you working on just typing something, anything, whatever, you know. Gimme your best joke. Tell me your favorite episode. I don't know, just talk about it. I would appreciate it.
Honestly, it would mean a lot other than that. Go to, uh, the Red Pill revolution dot COO website. Sign up for the sub stack, uh, gifts and go.com/revolution and donate. That would be awesome. And here's the clip that I'm talking about with Donald Trump that I actually disagree with. There's not been much that Donald Trump does in his, uh, Speaking about legislation that I've actually disagreed with, and here is one that I highly, highly disagree with, highly advise against.
I cannot even believe that he said this. It saddens me for the, the, the party that has been the one that has been speaking. Sensically, Sensically. I think that's a word. I know nonsensically is a word sensibly. Sensically has to be a word. Anyways, let's go ahead and listen to this. This is Donald Trump saying that he would put to death anybody who is caught dealing drugs, we will wage war upon the cartels and stop the fentanyl and deadly drugs from killing 200,000 Americans per year.
Agreed. That would be nice. And I will ask Congress for legislation ensuring that drug dealers and human traffickers, these are. Terrible, terrible, horrible people who are responsible for death, carnage, and crime all over our country. Every drug dealer during his or her life on average, will kill 500 people with the drugs they sell.
Not to mention the destruction of families, but we're going to be asking everyone who sells drugs gets caught selling drugs to receive the death penalty for their heinous acts. Cause it's the only way. We don't need any more blue ribbon committees. We don't need, I don't like to say this. Highly, highly, highly disagree with that statement.
It is absolutely not the only way to stop the deaths from fentanyl. To stop the overdose. Overdose deaths. Overdose deaths. That's a fun one. It is not the only way. And if you understand what's going on and the people who are dealing these drugs, yeah, maybe if you're ta and, and even then again, I think that it, it's such a wrong way to move this.
You're going to divide the party right there with that one statement. Trump just divided the party. He's going to lose all of his younger base. You're gonna have 10 80 year olds in the audience clapping for that. And you're gonna find that every single person under the age of 50 at this point, does not think that every drug dealer should get the death penalty because you know, who are the drug dealers?
You know, your guy on the street corner are the ones doing the drugs. And you know, the ones who are doing the drugs, they're the ones who are highly affected in low socioeconomic classes. That statement made no sense. And it's a, a poison to the party that he just did that. And I really hope he finds some way to draw that, bring that back in before 2024.
And if he doubles down on that, I think he's gonna have some issues because that's not the way, that doesn't make any sense. It's not going to, You really think that taking somebody who's dealing a schedule one drug, marijuana should get the death penalty. You know, how many 16 year old dummies are out there dealing marijuana in the 26 Remainings or however many?
What is it? 29 states? I don't know however many states there. Our left 29 states that are not legal. Why? Because they like to smoke weed. And that's okay. And even if it's a, a. Different drug than that. I just don't think that's the way you don't kill, You don't sentence them to the death penalty. How many people a year are caught with drugs?
How many people a year are caught dealing drugs and you're just gonna take the single mom in the trailer park or, or in the hood who's selling weed, selling psychedelics like shrooms and DMT and all of these things that are literally the whole movement. And you see that with Colorado, the movement is moving away from the war on drugs and Trump is doubling down on it.
And that's not what the people want. And they've spoken over and over and over and over again. We do not want the, what was it, Truman, the war on drugs. Right? We, that is not what we want. And so I, I really do hope that he finds a way to pull that back. I, I, I don't think that that was the right way to go about it.
I, I don't know why he would even include that in what he was saying. Nixon, not Truman, Sorry, I'm stupid. Nixon Nixon's speech of the war on drugs. That's not what anybody wants right now. Culture is moving away from that. Younger generations are moving away from that. We don't wanna kill every drug dealer.
You know what they need? They need a good economic structure. They need, they need good education. You know what, And, and maybe you're stupid and you deal drugs, but that doesn't mean that you should be put to death even if you're dealing like fentanyl, Right? And, and again, that's, it's horrible. I hope nobody, nobody's dealing fentanyl.
I think it's wrong. I don't think that you should be put to death for, if anything, put to death as sex traffickers put to death to human traffickers. Put, put them to death. Don't talk about the drug dealers. How about, how about put them in rehab and, and help find them jobs? Give them a, a counselor, because I guarantee you 50 to 70% of people, maybe not.
I would say it's probably close, at least not more than this, of people who are actively dealing drugs are either a poor as can be and can barely afford food or b, are have severe mental health issues or a combination of both. The way of combating that is not by putting them to death and especially just saying drugs in general.
Like I, I, I just think that's how I, I'm so a, like I have never heard him say that before and I'm honestly like that really just shakes. The, the movement to its core, even if he lost 25%, because that's, that's really close to, to a big enough. If he actually runs on that and actually plans on doing that, you've lost me.
I'm not voting for you If you want to put every drug dealer to death. Now, again, I'm against don't, don't go. But again, drugs are so, the classifications are so stupid. How many pharmacists are you gonna put to death? Trump, how you gonna stop, stop Oxycontin, because that kills way more than almost every recreational drug combined.
How you gonna do it? It doesn't make any sense. And for you to just spout off and say that in your speech, it was written for sure that was written into it, and you just think that was gonna be applauded into the election cycle. Like it just made no sense. And, and again, especially when you're, you're dealing with somebody who like DeSantis, who is going to run on, you know, logic.
Reason and not these big, crazy statements. You know, it's, it's gonna be a hard, it's gonna be a hard time that he, that he finds himself in trying to run on. That if he, if he doubles down on that, even if he says it again, this is going to be the thing that spreads like wildfire tomorrow. This is going to spread like wildfire.
Even more so than the fact that he's running, because that was a crazy statement that was so like, you know, how many like redneck trucks you like kill your local drug dealer on the back of their shitty truck, and that's who you're playing to. How many people have that sticker, like six guys with, you know, I don't know.
I, I just, I disagree with it. I, I don't think that that's the way to go. And, and again, it makes me not even just from a marketing standpoint, even just from a, uh, political party standpoint, it was untactful. Highly untactful because this announcement was huge. It was huge. It was a huge announcement. And uh, and now it's tainted.
It's tainted by the singular statement that he made that at least, I would say at least 50% of the people. And even if 50%, I would say it's less, it's less than that. Who think they should all be put to death, Even if we're talking about fentanyl, because again, the people you're doing that to are low income, uh, generally uneducated mental health issues.
Americans, not the cartels, not the Chinese who are making it. You're talking about killing every day of mothers and fathers for getting caught up in the machine that gets them to eventually deal drugs because they feel like they have no other way to feed their children. That's who we're gonna put to death.
That's who we're gonna put to. Not that gal, Elaine Maxwell's. Donald Trump isn't calling on Gal Maxwell to be put to death for all the horrific things that her and Jeffrey Epstein did to people. He's calling on people who sell weed.
I don't know. That's my thoughts on that. I, I, I highly disagree with that, as you can tell. It makes me sad that that was even stated. I think it's really gonna throw a wrench in the party if he runs on that. And, uh, I guess time will tell, right? As always, time will tell. But I really think that that was highly detrimental to his speech today to what should have been a celebration turned into a mockery and a negative mark on Trump's record by him saying that singular statement.
And again, I voted for Trump. Voted for Trump twice. And obviously in light of Joe Biden and, you know, the, the Hillary Clinton, like what are you gonna do in a society that's trying to turn your children into trans kitty cat, uh, litter box using students and I guess Joe or, uh, Joe Rogan, different Joe than Joe Biden talking about that, I talked about that a few episodes ago, how Joe Rogan talked about the, the kitty litter, uh, situation in a, in a student's bathroom.
And, uh, he, he didn't exactly like, apologize and say that I was wrong. He was like, Nope, this dude actually told me that. And he called to like, verify with him and all that type of thing, but he kind of walked it back a little bit. But I have family too that said the same thing. And, and I don't know, maybe it's just this weird wildfire, like, you know, but thing, but I have people that I know in my family that said that this same situation happened in North Carolina.
So if I was wrong for perpetuating that, Ben, shame on me. Um, but it wouldn't surprise me and that's sad enough, right? That is sad enough. All right, so the last thing that we're gonna close out on here is going to be FTX FTX filed for bankruptcy. If you don't know what FTX is, it was a cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency exchange that recently filed for bankruptcy, and now where they get gets really squirrly is the fact that the CEO of FTX do was the number five donor to Joe Biden's campaign donating $50 million to Joe Biden during his running for president, the number five donor.
Do you know who number one was, by the way? Take a guess. Take a guess who the number one donor was to Joe Biden's political campaign. Just one teeny little guess. If you started hearing Star Wars in the background,
it was George Soros. Yes, it was George Soros. George Soros was the number one donor, and if that tells you anything about the number five donor was this weirdo who started ftx, and now there is all of these situations. Even Elon Musk came out and said it's a little bit fishy that Ukraine invested billions of dollars of your tax dollars into ftx.
Which then allegedly was siphoned off back to the Democratic Party. So when we're talking about these, these, uh, the, the shuffling of money by the Biden administration, the, the, I don't know how, like hundreds of billions of dollars that we've were at, at this point, uh, of the money that we've sent over to Ukraine.
I don't know what the exact figure is, but I'm sure we can find it out. Let's read this article. Okay. Now, this is not coming from one that I'm familiar with, but it did seem to have some good information and it kind of conglomerated all of the tweets and everything on that. So, uh, verify some of this for yourself and we'll actually listen to some of this video here, if I can get it connected.
But, uh, we'll read this together. I do think that you should, um, do your own work on this, because I, I, I'm honestly, it's, it's so crazy that I want you to go study it yourself. I, I don't wanna be the only purveyor of information here because this could literally be the one thing that takes down. The, the money laundering scheme, that is the Biden administration and the Democratic Party because they donated so much money, so much money, and then all of a sudden they file for bankruptcy out of nowhere.
And then, you know, meanwhile, all of this money was being shuffled back through FTX from Ukraine, who invested the money that you gave them to fight this war against Russia, into this cryptocurrency that eventually went completely bankrupt this exchange, which went completely bankrupt
and for no reason, which didn't make any sense. So let's, let's read through this. A lot of people lost a lot of money. Like billions of dollars of Americans' money was lost during this weird little shuffling of, of money here. Uh, so while this connects to my Bluetooth, And there it is. Look at that on the fly.
That's how good I am after 51 episodes. Um, we will go ahead and read through this. So this is coming from Breaking Digest. Again, I don't claim this to be the most, uh, you know, scientific of articles. Um, so do the work on yourself, but I thought they did a good job conglomerating all of the information on this in the way that you would not see from the traditional media.
Um, so again, this is coming from breaking digest.com and it says you've likely heard about the company called FTX recently. And its founder Sam Bankman, Freed who goes by sbf ftx seemingly rose up out of nowhere to become a crypto, uh, cryptocurrency behemoth. Last week, FTX went bankrupt with no warning at all.
Shocking everybody. The crypto market tanked. Bloomberg called the FTX collapse, one of history's greatest ever destructions of. Now as we're putting together the pieces, we're learning that this might actually have been the biggest money laundering operation of all time. Remember all those billions upon billions that were going to Ukraine?
Some of us suspected it all long, but didn't know exactly how it was being done. Now we're starting to connect the dots. Here's how it could have been done. The US takes billions of dollars of taxpayer dollars and funnels it over to Ukraine. Ukraine then puts those billions into ftx, which is owned by S bf Sam Bankman.
Freed Sbf then takes the billions and donates them back to the Democratic party. This is not speculation. Sbf was the number two largest donor, uh, from what I read, he was the number five, but this says he was the number two largest donor to the Democrats next to George Soros. The Democratic party then funnels the money to people like Joe Biden and uses it to run elections.
End result. Key Democrats end up with millions. Races are stolen. If this all ends up being true or even partially true, um, Potentially trees in this. All right. Now Elon Musk himself posted this and it's a little bit of an infographic, which in which he commented on, and this was two days ago, says SBF was a major democratic donor, so no investigation, and it's a kind of a quadrant of a picture of the CEO of Ftx, S B F, Gosh, that's confusing and stupid, who's a MIT graduate.
Showing that from him went to Gary Gensler, who's the head of the F or the s e former president at mit, which then went to, let's see if I can actually open up this tweet here. Uh, which then went to the professor of Economics at mit, former boss of Gary Gensler, which then went to the CEO of Almeda. And Almeda was the, uh, basically a funding venture for the FTX company, which did market research and invested money, which then went back to.
Sam Bankman Fried. Right? Uh, so that is your theory. Now let's go ahead and move through this and see about this article a little bit further. Right. Some other people said, while Biden Gang has been harassing and threatening Elon Musk and this company is one of the worst scams in modern finance, was being perpetuated under the nose by a regular, uh, while he'll investor and the second biggest Democratic donor.
So yeah, this was Tom Fitten who said that second biggest donor, not the fifth busiest donor, Jack pob said it is increasingly looking at the Democrat. Uh, Democrats 2022 campaigns were funded by kickbacks from Ukraine funding using FTX as the pass through vehicle. No wonder this guy is scared for his life after ripping these people apart off.
Wow. So that's the idea. The idea is that, and then let's go ahead and here's a good video on it that we'll read. Um, Sam Bankman Fried spent 40 million on Democratic candidates. He also donated 10 million directly to then candidate Joe Biden. Wow. And it basically explained how FTX is basically just a Ponzi scheme.
Uh, and here's a video that says FTX 90 seconds, 99 seconds. Here is your explanation.
Bankman freed people. Call him sbf. He's the founder of ftx. He also controlled the crypto hedge fund called Alameda Research, but that's all gone now. He wants you to think he's a sweet guy. He even bought in a famous YouTuber who called him the most generous man in the world. Yep. That happened through this.
Sam Bank. Fried is a liar in a crook. His personal crypto FTX token was basically a Ponzi scheme hidden below layers of moon bro jargon. He even went on Bloomberg's podcast and bragged about it. Yep. That happened. He used his Ponzi token as collateral to borrow billions of real dollars that he couldn't pay back.
He then used those real dollars to build an empire out of dying companies like Voyager and Blocky. This led Jim Kramer to call him the new JP Morgan. That's weird. It's not like Jim Kramer to promote a billionaire con artist. Sbf sold people cryptos like Bitcoin or so they thought what they really bought from SBF was an I.
But as long as everyone didn't cash in their IOU at the same time, the scheme worked until it didn't. This other, A-hole who hates SPF came along and engineered a bank run with some passive aggressive tweets. It worked. SPF didn't have enough money to repay everyone at once, and now his customers have lost everything.
He'll be happy to know that this is exactly how every bank in the world operates. So where did all the money go? He misappropriated 4 billion trying to save his failing hedge fund. Whoops, that's a felony. He spent 21 million on Super Bowl commercials, 5 million for the big guy, 40 million in campaign donations.
I wonder what he wanted in return, and everyone who's pointing at this story and saying, This is exactly why we need to regulate crypto. Remember that SBF stole billions. That's already a crime, and he spent a lot of it on bribing politicians also a crime in order to create a crypto monopoly for himself.
Government regulations don't protect the customers. They protect the crooks. That's exactly what SPF was trying to do
there. You go if you caught all of that . So, um, there was also something in the balance sheet of FTX that literally was an investment titled Trump Lose. That's what we're dealing with here, is somebody who, that's, that's the direction that he went with his financing and spent $10 million directly to Joe Biden.
Directly to Joe Biden. Um, so there was one more thing here that I wanted to see on this. Oh, the World Economic Forum. Let me go ahead and just pull up this article. The World Economic Forum scrubbed the FTX crypto story from its website. So they had a full page dedicated to FTX on the World Economic Forum website and.
Gone now. Gone. Completely gone. You can't find it. Right? And this is again, coming from, they, there's good verifiable screenshots and all the tweets and everything of, of where this came from. Um, but this was coming from, uh, somebody who had a good screenshot of it on the World Economic Forum website, which talked about FTX and said, FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by traders for traders.
FTX offers innovative products including industry first derivatives options, volatility products, and leverage tokens. It strives to develop a platform robust enough for professional trading firms, and intuitive enough for first time users as well. Good sales pitch so that you can fund money to Joe Biden.
And just like that, it's gone. That portion of their website is gone. The day this happened, yesterday that, or two days ago, this was now gone, took. Got the money, the from Ukraine over to Joe Biden, over to all of the little minions of the Democratic party, and then scrubbed it from their website, used their website to build legitimacy.
Show that, you know, and here's, here's an interesting thing about this, is like, there's another person who ties this to like pedophilia in some weird way. Um, I don't exactly know if I agree with all of that. Um, it literally just had to do with like the logos and symbolism, and it definitely lines up with the symbolism surrounding pedophilia that the FBI and the CIA themselves came out with showing the symbolism that talks about that and, and being the, uh, I think it was the logo for Al Meda, the scientific research and, and investment firm that was an offshoot that, uh, Sam Bankman Freed was also the CEO of.
Uh, but that's a another story that maybe look into. Now here's another one that we'll talk about on this, which is that the FTX founder Sam Bankman, freed funneled max donations to Nancy Pelosi's likely successor. Hmm. FTX founder, and this is coming from Fox Business ftx, founder and ceo, Sam Bankman Freeman donated the maximum allowable amount to an individual can give to the candidate to house Speaker Pelosi's likely successor bankman Free made a contribution of $5,800 to rep Hakeem Jeffries in 2021.
According to the federal election, uh, commission data, while the amounts was relatively tiny compared to the roughly 38 million, the crypto entrepreneur funneled to candidates and political action committees ahead of the midterm elections. It represented the maximum contribution in individuals allowed to donate to a single candidate under federal campaign finance loss.
Now, if you have to, if you have to understand the kind of the business model of how this worked, FTX was not a. Uh, it was not a, all of the billions of dollars that people put into this were never actually sitting in crypto. It was IOUs. It was all blank. It was all fabricated. And he took those billions of dollars.
10, it was like $10 billion or something crazy that it was worth, um, FTX confirms unauthorized transactions as 1 billion in crypto, reportedly vanishes. There's another headline for you. Um, but he took that money and did what he pleased with it. And, and then what has happened was that the Ukraine and put that money into the FTX exchange, the cryptocurrency exchange, gave this guy, you know, Sam freed whatever, gave back IUs as a result, Then sent the actual money to the Democratic Party, to Joe Biden, 38 million of what they received.
At least. At least. And that's just what we know here. Two days after what's gonna come out in two weeks. Two months. So, Let's go ahead and, but, but you have to understand how that business model works. The, the, the money that people were putting into this, the people that were buying cryptocurrency only worked if they were liquid and they weren't liquid in any of their assets.
They put the money into the cryptocurrency exchange and then he said, Okay, sure, yeah, you got 12 of, of FU coin or whatever, . And then it didn't, they didn't actually hold any of it. They had IOUs that said, Okay, if it goes up and you pull out and we're liquid enough to pay you, then we will, But it didn't actually hold the value of the coin, which is kind of weird when it comes to crypto because there should be some verifiable transaction when it comes to that.
But I guess when it comes to these exchanges, it doesn't work that way. Uh, so, or maybe I'm wrong there too, but that's how, how I understand this now, it goes on to say that according to the fec, individual contributors are only permitted to give 2,900 per candidate per election. Individuals may combine two maximum contributions into a single donation of 5,800.
Since primaries and general elections count as two separate elections. Wow. $5,800. That's what we're writing this whole article on Jeffries was the only house candidate who Bankman free gave $5,800 to. He donated the same amount to various Democratic and Republican senators in 20 21, 22. Jeffries who is currently the fifth highest ranked Democrat in the House, is considered a likely successor to Pelosi when she steps down from her role as leader of the House.
Democrats. Politico reported the New York Democrat is expected to have more behind the scenes support from the Democratic leaders compared to Adam Schiff. Hmm. Yeah. I don't know if I care about $5,800. Bankman Free's donation than Jeffries, though it was a just a small place of his over slice of his overall political givings.
During the midterm election cycles, the majority of his 38 million donations were sent to a Protect our Future Pack in house majority pack, both of which were exclusively supported Democratic Can. . Now, here is the bigger issue with all this is Super pacs. Never have to talk about where their com, where their money came from or where it went to.
That's a huge issue that nobody's talking about while we're sitting here sifting through this. One individual's 38 million, A super PAC could have donated 38 billion. Just doesn't have the the laundering scheme that was set up through ftx. It says Bankman Free's donations made him the second largest donor to the Democrats in the cycle behind only George Soros, who donated nearly 127 million.
So to correct myself, he was the number two largest donor to the Democrats behind the world's biggest super villain. Maybe it's second biggest behind Claus Schwab, but the world's biggest super villain, George Soros. And then right under George Soros was Sam Bankman freed of FTX number two donor to the Democratic party who literally laundered your tax dollars to.
Joe Biden in the Democratic Party. All of the money that we're sending to Ukraine, all of the aid that we're sending to Ukraine went directly into ftx, which went right back into the Democratic National Party. And Joe Biden the big guy directly. And you know what's gonna happen out of this? Nothing.
Nothing at all is gonna happen. Nobody's gonna go to jail, nobody's gonna be in trouble. This guy's gonna get off with some blue collar or white collar bullshit charge that nobody, he's never gonna, and he's gonna go live. He's already living in The Bahamas. He's never gonna see any, any issues with this.
He's never gonna go to jail. Nothing. Do you know what would have happened if, if Donald Trump did this? Do you know what would happen if Donald Trump did this? If Donald Trump got caught taking 10 million, 40 million to the Republican party from somebody who immediately went bankrupt and was literally just siphoning money from your tax dollars through Ukraine's war efforts back to themselves?
Through cryptocurrency and they got caught red-handed. Do you know what would've happened? The FBI already raid him over some bullshit documents that had nothing, nothing at all on them that was worthwhile, or else he'd be in jail or at least facing charges and nothing happened.
Do you know what would've happened, ? It's crazy. Nothing's gonna happen here. It says bank freeze donations made in the second largest donor. We just talked about that. Meanwhile, a massive liquidity crisis, forced FTX to file bankruptcy last week. Bank freeze net worth subsequently dropped by an estimated 15.6 billion to no material wealth.
Holy shit. 15.6 billion according to Bloomberg's Billionaire Index. The former billionaire admitted on Thursday that he effed up. Effed up . Wow. All right. Wow. How wild. All right. And that's what I got for you guys. That's what I got. Now
we're gonna be doing the episode soon where I'm going to roll out, You know, I talked about doing the background music on that intro at the very beginning, which I think is fun. It's kind of cool that I sat there on Logic Pro and you know, never did that before and made that intro. But anyways, much more important about that intro is the words.
And I realized that since starting this podcast, I've gotten a little bit away from the essence of that intro. Really capturing and questioning and rethinking the way that our culture works. You know, finance, history, education, parenting, all of that stuff is something that I wanna hold the essence to. I don't just wanna do current events.
I want to help you reshape and reeducate yourself on the way that you view our country. This world history, education, parenting money, Hollywood, all of those things that I discuss in an intro. Those are all things that are near and dear to my heart. And I will be announcing something in the very next podcast that is going to be reaffirming that and not pivoting the way that we do this podcast moving forward, because we will still do this format, but also adding on an additional layer to it on a weekly basis that will start to build that section of it out more.
Okay? So stay tuned for that. Leave a five star review, type it up because next time you listen to this podcast, you don't have to hear me say it again and be like, Oh man, maybe I should do that. Maybe I shouldn't, should just, you know, type something really nice about how awesome he is and how great this podcast is, and get a bunch of people to join this movement.
You won't have to feel that next time if you just do it right now. All you gotta do is just grab your phone. You're already got it than your hand anyways. It's sitting there right now in your hand. And if it's not in your hand, it's in your cup holder or something crazy. And if you're one of those, you know, fancy people, you gotta, uh, you know, something in your car that holds your phone for you.
But all you gotta do, hit a five star review. Type something nice. It would mean so much to me. Head over to Red Pill revolution dot c o.com is for losers. I don't think I could do that any better if you've ever seen it. Head over to YouTube, Subscribe there. Uh, rumble. I'm on there. Truth Social Instagram, TikTok got banned, so we're building that one up again.
Uh, TikTok is now RPR with Austin Adams. Uh, everything else is at Red Pill Revolt. Uh, sign up for the Stubs stack. You'll get all the articles, links, videos, topic videos, full, podcast, video, podcast, all of that stuff directly to your email every single week and soon, multiple times a week. So again, thank you guys so much for listening.
I love you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful week and I reset my roader here so I don't have my stinger, uh, but maybe I'll do it with my mouth. Have a great week guys. Thank you so much and welcome to the Revolution.
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