Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Mitchell Gerber: China’s Crimes Against Humanity & Prisoners of Conscious
In this week's episode, we have a discussion with Mitchell Gerber, an investigative journalist who has dedicated 22 years to exposing crimes against humanity happening in China. With a resilient character and a determined mind, he has been working hard on the frontline of a significant cause, which has been coined a “New form of evil.” Mitchell has been traveling the world in a crucial attempt to raise awareness about the crimes currently occurring against certain religious groups resulting in horrific acts of violence by the country's own government.
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Hello, and welcome to red pill revolution. My name is Austin Adams and thank you so much for joining me today. Today. We have an incredible, incredible. Conversation with a journalist that goes by the name of Mitchell Gerber and Mitchell Gerber has been on a long journey almost 23 years. Now that he has been following the atrocities that are going on in China surrounding the Lanng movement.
If you are not familiar with what the Lanng movement is, it is an ideological and spiritual movement that took over, took over the country until a point in 1999, when it was completely outlawed by the Chinese communist party. Since that outlaw, they have been rounding up millions and millions of LAN gone practitioners, sending them to more than 2000, what they call hospitals.
But what has been recently deemed to be concentration camps in the wake of the Uyghur Muslim news reporting that has come up recently, but the Lanng movement has been going on for what seems like a much longer time to a lot more people. And it is far less talked about. So I hope you enjoyed this conversation.
Uh, Mitchell Gerber is an incredible journalist and incredible speaker and breaks down the movement very well for us from your ideology, what's going on, who is doing it, how the United States partake in some of these things. And so let me kind of just talk you through Mitchell's bio here. He's an investigative journalist who has dedicated more than 22 years to exposing this organ harvesting of the Falen gong spiritual movement.
He has been working hard on the front lines of a significant cause, which has been coined a new form of evil Mitchell has been traveling the world in a crucial attempt to raise awareness about the forced organ harvesting of the Fain gong in China, where hundreds of thousands of these innocent practitioners have been sent to those state mandated hospitals that I just discussed with you, their organs cut out of their bodies while alive.
The organs sent for massive profit to the Chinese communist party and the bodies burned in cremator. To conceal the evidence. There was a 2019 tribunal, which we will touch on and even listen to a little bit. where the tribunal gets together and compiles a ton of evidence on this and determines that this horrific human atrocity has been going on for far too long.
And this was back in 2019, and there's still very little conversation around it. This is something we absolutely need to draw awareness to. We also discuss a few current events and some other topics as well, but I really hope that you gain some insight into this atrocity from this conversation. Uh, I appreciate you so much.
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And again, you're signing up directly under my license. This is not a third party ad. So red pill revolution.co.com is for losers. And without further ado, let's jump into it. Episode 42 of the red pill revolution podcast with a great conversation with Mitchell Gerber.
How did you decide to get involved into this.
It's uh, quite a long story, you know, in 2001, I was studying international business at the university of Georgia and I was partying a lot. I was drinking a lot. I was very stressed out. I was handling a lot of, uh, uh, business clubs. I was, uh, inventory manager at the college of, uh, business at the university of Georgia.
I originally come from South Africa, origin. My ancestors or my family were from Ukraine and Lithuania. And then they fled the Nazi occupation into South Africa. That's where I was born. Moved to America, became the first in my family, Austin to become an American citizen. And while I was at university, I was always fascinated by the Eastern way, by Marshall arts, by K Fu and karate from the Japanese, uh, way of life to the Indian way of life, to the Chinese, uh, Eastern way of breeding yoga and, um, uh, Chiang and, and Taichi.
And one afternoon they had a beautiful festival with all these music, uh, uh, musicians, arts and crafts, and one booth struck my interests. And I went up with a friend of mine who was attend the university with. Her her father was actually the president of Porsche. Uh, and he was managing all these operations of, of, of Porsche the, the car internationally.
And she was also very interesting intrigued in meditation, yoga. And I went up to this booth and I thought to myself, oh, this is very interesting. Fallen, go fallen DFA, a self-improvement meditation and mind and body practice incorporating five exercises. And I thought, wow, this is pretty interesting. So I went into the, um, I, I saw these, uh, Chinese people Mo uh, exercising and practicing, and I was very intrigued.
I was very attracted to the energy and the frequency, cuz I I'm a very sensitive person and I'm a very empathic person and, and intuitive person. And I just enjoyed the traditional. Values and, and missis of the spiritual movement that was deeply rooted in Buddhism, deeply rooted in, in Chinese meditation, yoga, namely fallen DFA, also known as fallen go.
So I went and tried out the exercises and immediately, I just felt after practicing the first exercise, which incorporates stretching techniques, the whole I'm blocking of my body. I felt all my, without my traps down my back just popping. And I'm like, what the fuck the hell is going on in my body, man?
And I just felt very relieved. I felt a wave of energy. My whole body started to feel warm and I felt I could. I, I was, my whole body just opened up in a very short amount of time. And that's what intrigued me because I've usually done yoga meditation. Tachi um, I'm very active when it comes to Jim. I love Jim I'm 42 years old, but I'm, it's very important to keep a well healthy state of mind, state of body and state of spirit spirit, very important in this day and time, especially, you really want to keep your body as a temple, you know, clean and clearer and focused and, and.
So I thought, wow, this is pretty interesting. So I went back to the booth after, uh, feeling blissed out, doing the five exercises. They just took us through the motions, maybe about 10, 15 minutes. Um, and coming back, I felt very refreshed, very light and, and uncomfortable. But then I looked to the side and I'm like, what the hell is this?
I was a kind of talk, taken back and creeped up by the, the, the, all these pictures of, um, um, these Chinese people being tortured and persecuted. And it said on the top of the, of the, of, of the, um, the, the billboard board, they had these, all these billboards stop or posters, stop, help, stop the brutal persecution of innocent fallen gang or fall for practitioners in China.
And I thought to myself, well, what's going on here? You have a beautiful spiritual movement, peaceful, comfortable. exercises. And then you have this whole, other side of the dock side of these people being killed and persecuted in China. So I want to know, and I really found out what was going on. So,
so did you find yourself kind of navigating right from that moment?
Or did you kind of figure like, kind of become aware of it and put it on the wayside and then start to pursue it later in life? Or was it like, kind of like from that moment you realized that it was something that you wanted to, to dive deeper into and dedicate a portion of your
life to, from that moment, something hits you in life?
I was man. I was destined for an investment firm money. I mean, my father invested a lot of money on. But something hit you deep down inside. And what hit me was social work. I always was a social worker. I always was a, tried to be a humanitarian ever since I was in elementary school to, to high school, to college.
I always loved helping people, but something ignited me inside that I had to go on a crusade to expose this evil to the world and validate and support this spiritual movement that gave me such incredible health and people thought I was crazy. I was like, why are you giving up all this money, fame, fortune power, beautiful woman to go on a crusade that no one really gives a crap about million miles away.
It has moments to do with you or anybody else. Why do you care so much? Because I said to myself and when I felt inside and I, and I, and what I shared with them to fail, to support what is good and to fail, to expose what is evil is unacceptable. And we have to, before we pass in this world, do something that is honorable.
Worth merit and valid and virtue something that money cannot buy. So I went on this crusade at the time. I didn't realize they were killed for their organs, which I want to get into a little later, which is incredibly heavy, hard to believe and kind of creepy, but it's worthwhile speaking about because now the Chinese communist party is not only, uh, you know, a million miles away or at the gates of our, uh, our own freedoms in our own Western society, but inside our backyard ever since the coronavirus, et cetera, et cetera, came along.
So this is how I really got into it.
Gotcha. Yeah. Makes perfect sense. So, so would you say it was like, where did you find yourself getting more involved? Was it maybe in the next two years after that moment? Was it closer to the last five years? Where did you see yourself really diving into this and, and really kind of getting more into the, the deeper, darker aspects of it, as opposed to kind of being intrigued by the practice itself?
Right away. I was, I I'm pretty much an extremist. And when I feel intuitively that something is right to go for, I'll go for it. So at that moment, when I came home, I, I learned the exercises. I read everything I wanted to read about the, the, the practice. I, I enjoyed the spiritual philosophy. It really matched and aligned, and the principles were quite attractive, which are very simple truthfulness, compassion intolerance.
Three universal principles that aligned with my, my Juda, Christian faith, and I found the exercises quite attractive, very healthy and comfortable. It helped me stop drinking. It helped me start smoking. It helped me align with positive principles in my business, in my love life. In my environment, people started to feel that I was much more confident and, and, and, and, uh, enthusiastic and positive.
And it was overall. It gave me a great, uh, uh, uh, healthy, demeanor. More than I had before. And then, because I really stand for humanity and I am a, basically I'm a warrior that exposes evil and defend good as I am now. Um, uh, I got involved with, uh, with the exposing child trafficking raid, and I went on a couple of myself on the board of China.
I raised a lot of money for char children in, in, in Africa for, for the slum children, uh, human trafficking victims in Vietnam, where I am now. Um, I I've, I've been doing a lot of humanitarian humanitarian work. So from the get go, I took on this mission and crusade to expose the, uh, the, the, the Chinese communist party.
That's basically the inside, every known government agency, the us military, the, the world health organization, the United nations. And I'm here today, exposing it close to Chinese border across the pond, uh, uh, with my, with my wife and. Soon to be a child. Absolutely.
Well, it's interesting that you kind of bring up that spirituality aspect and, and what's intrigued you about martial arts and yoga and Tai Chi.
And, you know, I kind, I kind of had a similar calling myself throughout different points of my life, you know, as something growing up, I always always, you know, a little bit interested in the Eastern way of, you know, martial arts and, you know, grew up doing karate and some things like that. But I, I think I found yoga a little bit later in life.
Um, and specifically what I think to be the most spiritual aspect, you know, there's different types of yoga, right? There's like, um, you know, the, the type of yoga that people do for a workout than there's like, uh, Kini yoga, which is far more spiritual. And so did you find the LAN go kind of aspects of the expression of their spirituality to be a little bit different than anything you have seen before?
Or was it kind of similar to some of those different or, uh, you know, Eastern ideologies that you've seen before?
Even more simple, even more clean and beautiful. I, I love the exercises and the music were just quite profound in comfort, in freedom in organicness there's no money involved. Um, there's no regimented dogma.
There's no requirements. There's no hierarchy. There's no memberships. I loved it because coming from a religious background myself, it was so easy to learn, to get along with people. Um, like I said, all walks of life, all backgrounds, all religious affiliations, uh, all political, uh, uh, um, um, base. It didn't really matter who you were from Muslims to Jews, to Christians, to atheists, to agnostic Catholics, uh, black, white, transgender, homosexual.
It doesn't, it didn't matter. I found these people, a wonderful group of people and learning the exercise. Really took me back to that yoga Tai Chi cup of vibe. And when I was in San Diego, pretty much the yoga capital of the world, and I've traveled to Bali and I've traveled to Thailand and you go to the spiritual retreats, um, people, um, I was, I was, I was teaching, uh, or sharing the exercises, the fallen gong exercises, or so known as fallen Duff.
Exercises in the yoga studios. People really resonated with these exercises because they loved yoga so much and Tai Chi and they felt an overwhelming piece and prosperity from these exercises, the energy particularly, cuz when you're dealing with yoga, as you see that you do have a spiritual aspect, but there's also a physical, energetic aspect, which combines together.
Uh, fallen go is more on the, on the, on the physical and fallen D is more on the spiritual. So when you combine the spiritual and the physical together, it forms like a beautiful Lotus flower of balance. And that's what I really appreciated about follow.
gotcha. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. It seems to me, especially, if you even look at like the LAN gong movement, you look at the more recent movements towards even Kini yoga and, and just even the more workout ask yogas.
It, it seems to me like this is, it's kind of filling a void that we've had in our society for, you know, a few decades now and the Lanng movement. When did that start to become popularist in China,
fallen gang, um, was introduced by Mr. Lee hung, sir, a very humble teacher. He's me nominator for five, no peace prizes.
He's been given all award types of awards. I've made him as a very humble person and he asked for no money. He seeks no reward. He, he wanted to benefit society. So he introduced the spiritual practice and the exercises. In China in 1992, and only about 200 people started to come to these classes. But then by 1998, Austin, a hundred million people, one out of every 12, Chinese national citizens, that's 8% of the 10% of the population growing annually, millions of people from all walks of life, mercury officials, government officials, the highest ranking officials of the Chinese communist party and their families over 30%, uh, more than 30% of, uh, of, of the, um, upper class society, the celebrities, just the rural people were all practicing.
You would see tens of thousands of people a day, morning, noon, and night practicing the exercises to these loud speakers of traditional music, which I wanna show you in a moment. And it just skyrocketed. It became the light force of China by 1998. However, in 1999, it was completely outlawed suppressed. And to this day, Bann.
after becoming the largest, the largest spiritual movement in Chinese history. And it was outlawed by the Chinese communist party's military dictator or evil head of the Chinese communist party in 1999. And we can get into that as well. Um, but I would love to share with you that clip from that award, what is documentary?
Absolutely. Let's do it. I have a, I have a, a, a show, uh, as well talking about all the politics that's going on in the world. And I had this award warning filmmaker who produced this video, all this, this, um, um, documentary. Her name is Kay. Ruberick a phenomenal, phenomenal, uh, uh, uh, film, uh, maker. And she actually, uh, produced the, her latest film.
Her latest were called China's walking dead, who she in, where she interviews all the very high ranking car, intelligent agents, the spies, um, and, and diplomats, former diplomat. Talking about the CCP and how evil they are, but take a look at this. I think you'll find this most, uh, interesting. Let me share this with you.
Hopefully you can see this and, and hear it. Just let me know if you can hear this. Um, yep. I will. Yep. Okay. Can you hear this?
In the late nineties, Chinese government surveys said up to 70 million people were practicing, fallen, gone. Daily health bills were decreasing. Crime rates were falling and morality was rising.
So why were these people targeted for elimination and organ harvesting?
Mona. Ye was one of the millions meditating in parks. Every day. There was a park across the street from my house because the first exercise site couldn't hold so many people anymore. It divided into the second, the third, the fourth. So at every street corner and in every park you could see people practicing Fallon Kong.
It was from different kind in society. It was many policemen and military. It was just fundamental part of society that, I mean, everybody knew somebody who practiced Fallon go is a traditional practice of self cultivation, a practice of slow moving exercises, meditation, and studying of the principles of.
Compassion tolerance and trying to adopt those into your life. While morning exercises had always been popular in China, fallen gong brought more than just health benefits for thousands of years, the Chinese people have believed in Buddhas and Dows and becoming an immortal following. Following. Goong really dare to talk about these things.
And immediately people took it to heart. Oh, the true ancient, good things of China have come back.
However, after 50 years of political campaigns to destroy traditional beliefs, any revival of spirituality was seen as a threat to communist. Since I was 11, I experienced all of the Chinese communist parties, campaigns group. After group of good people were targeted. There was no faith, no truth.
Following gong, students, stark contrast with communist ideology. So it would be very hard for it to be tolerated by the CCP with more practitioners than members in the communist. The party, chief Jon Zin saw it as a threat to his. And overruled. The government support of fallen gone Themi issued order set up special office called six office in charge of nationwide campaign of persecution known as China's GPO.
The sixth 10 agency was above the law and could use any and all means necessary to achieve its so mission to eliminate fallen gone. The nationwide campaign began July, 1990.
So as you can see, these people just started practicing hundreds and thousands, tens of millions of people, Austin, and the CCP just cracked down on it, outlawed it, and started to send hundreds and thousands of these people to state mandated hospitals, cutting out their organs while alive. Forcefully and in selling their organs because of the health benefits.
I mean, they were the healthiest organs in the world because of the organs, uh, being so amplified in health because of the exercises, the philosophy, a healthy mind, a healthy body, healthy spirits. And they were the CCP fueled a multibillion dollar business globally to this day.
And so it was from my understanding too, that, that they really started to crack down on this when the percentage of people who were following gong practitioners outweighed the Chinese communist party members.
So it started to become a threat to their, you know, their, their governance and their belief systems when there was, uh, this idea of, you know, freedom of thought. And, and maybe you can speak to this, you know, they were considered prisoners of conscious, right? Is, is that the term that they.
There's four types of groups that are S of conscience at the Tibetans. I'm sure you've heard about the di Lama, the Tibetan movement for a long time. Now it's been going on, he's been going around the world, the di Lama to stand up for the Tibetans who have been also snorted for their organs and persecuted.
You've also got the house Christians and the Catholics that have also been forced underground. That's what they called. House crash, Catholics and house Christians. You've got the Uyghur Muslims in Shang. I'm sure a lot of people have heard about UMass canter, the famous NBA, uh, uh, star. Who's spoken candidly about this.
Uh, you've heard about the Hong Kong protest as well. The invasion of the CCP into Hong Kong, but not many people have heard about what we're talking about today. The largest spiritual. The 95% of the, of these, um, uh, organs are coming from these forced live organ harvesting and BR persecution is coming from fallen gong.
So yes, the four main, those are the four main prisons of conscience. Those are the four main groups, particularly the fallen gong. And, and I love what you said about the, the, the, because they became the largest spiritual group. The CC was threatened by their.
mm-hmm . Yeah. And it's interesting that you bring up the, the Uyghur Muslims, because that seems to be something that's a consistent, not consistent enough, obviously with every atrocities that are going on, but it's more of a conversation than the Fong.
I literally, when you reached out to me, I had never heard of that term before I knew nothing about the ideology. And this is again, coming from somebody who's interested in Eastern spirituality movements and, uh, those types of, uh, ideas. And, and so it was so such a foreign term to me, I'd literally never heard of it.
So I thought it must have been some underground, not well known spirituality movement that maybe had some weird, bizarre outlook. And, and so the Uyghur Muslims was something that I had heard of, not again, not consistently enough, but far more than the, the, just the one email that I got from you regarding this, this conversation.
So it's it's why do you think that is? Why do you think the fallen gong is. Is such a, not, not even close to the conversation of the Uyghur Muslims. And obviously that's not to minimize what's happening to that, that group as well. But obviously this is a, a bigger problem as a whole, but why do you think that that's, this is not a more consistent con conversation
because they're making billions of dollars off the fallen organs.
This is a kill to a kill, to order on demand. And I was, I was testifying with my coalition, the main investigators in the British parliament in about 2018, I believe. And we talked about this, that the absolute deluge of propaganda, Austin demonizing fallen go is some kind of OUS, CIA bath cult, which is absolutely absurd.
It's ridiculous. They weren't here to take over the government. They had nothing to do with the CIA. They they've got nothing. There's, there's nothing cultish about following gong at all. It's like saying yoga. Christianity is a cult. It's got nothing to do with it. These are people who wanted to practice their spiritual beliefs in, in, in, in, in, in freedom.
It overwhelmed the number of people in the Chinese communist party's membership by 30 million people outnumbered. Wow. That's what made it the largest spiritual movement and in a communist country. And I'm living in one. Okay. Because I'm married to a, a traditional Vietnamese woman. You are owned. If you think your freedoms are eroded now in the states, come to a communist country, spend one day in a communist country and try over to protest or try and talk to the central command, uh, uh, about your problems.
They don't care about that because you are, you've got no public, uh, rights, private rights. You've got no gun rights. You've got no, uh, uh, um, um, uh, private, private business rights. You've got no constitutional rights. So in China, when something becomes so large that the CCP cannot control. They will outlaw it.
And so the reason why people haven't learned about fallen gone in the beginning, the Western world wanted to know what was this life force? What was this popularity of millions of people a day born in noon night? You, you saw the, you saw the pictures of the, of the clip. I just played. Mm-hmm, practicing the slow moving exercises from all walks of life, from all classes of society.
Okay. Why, what was this before the Western world truly got to understand as I'm sharing to you today on your incredible podcast in broadcast, which I'm so honored to be on, um, red bull revolution, right? Um, the CCP completely outlawed, Bannis suppressed it and sent out diplomats and delegations to demonize Fong in order to turn public opinion against the spiritual movement in and to, and to use them as raw materials.
To fund and fuel this new form of. Okay. And why I call it a new form of evil? This organ harvesting is because yes, organ harvesting and organ pilling has been widespread throughout the world. We know it from, from the us. We know it from India. We know it from other places around the world, but nothing where a government is using its military it's hospitalization systems, its entire system of control, even developing an office that sits on top of the communist body system and the government system controlling economic, social and political policies for one purpose and one purpose only to round up this vast array of organ ho organ donors, victims, excuse me, not donors because there's no consent sending them to state mandated in military hospitals and to the command of a Chinese communist party.
Just like the Nazis did with the Jews in cattle. Cause cutting out their organs while alive on a specified date on demand. Like a, like, just like a grotesque restaurant or, or, or a wet market. I don't know if any of your viewers have traveled to Southeast Asia where you see all these lobsters and all these squids and all these, uh, um, uh, shrimps swimming in a, in a bucket and you take, and you choose, oh, I want that one.
And they take out the out the, the wet, uh, outta the bucket. They're cut open for, you know, like a sushi restaurant. Well, this is happening to Fong petition. Uyghur Muslims, house Christians, but not to the scale and scope that we have ever seen. And this is what I have been investigating and tracking and have confirmed for the last 23 years of my life, particularly against following on.
Yeah. And I like the way that I like that you say con confirmed, right? Because I was, I was doing some research on this and I spoke to this a little bit. Last time we, we talked about it, but there was an article I was looking for scientific articles like EPU, you know, PubMed articles regarding this topic.
And it was, there was think there was three total. One of those three articles was basically disprove, like quote unquote, disproving. The idea that the fellen go were, were being utilized for this organ harvesting and, and it was such a grow. It was a 23 page paper, 23 pages that I read through to, to get to this information.
And, and they tried to disprove it as being like this folk lore. So what, what they said is because the, from my understanding of the fallen gong ideology, is that the idea is that there's this wheel of energy right in inside of you, I guess, is, is the general. I don't know. I I've, I read briefly on the ideology.
So there's this wheel of energy and inside of your body. And, um, that wheel of energy is, is life force. So they tried to use that analogy to make this idea of the organ harvesting, be some type of like analogy or folklore surrounding them, conspiracy the life. Yeah. Conspiracy surrounding them, taking the life force from these individuals from their wheel, uh, of energy through their, you know, um, so it was just really gross to see somebody scientifically, you know, and obviously probably paid for by the CCP to write this type of, of article of course, or in some way, shape or form push to do this because why in the world would you delegitimize such a horrific act that that's very well known to happen?
And if I'm sure the viewers don't know this, what, what year was it where they had, it was 2019, correct? Where they had the China
Yeah, the tribunal. So they brought out all of the, these different, uh, non-biased individuals across. It was some, uh, worldwide organization to try and prove whether or not this was actually even happening.
And that was only three years ago. And you said you've been doing this for 20, 22 years since this movement was outlawed in, in China or 23 years, I guess. And so to have it be going on for 20 years, without any type of response and, and people trying to even make it seem like it was a lie, like it was a joke.
Why would anybody, why would any movement, why would any ideology, why would anybody go to the lengths that you would have to go to, to speak on, on somebody doing such horrific acts to people and make that up? And so to see the, the propaganda that was being pushed out, even in American scientific journals surrounding this was so frustrating for me, especially knowing that the 2019, cause I think the article was written in 2017, the, the 2019 tribunal proving for a fact.
That this was going
on a hundred percent. I actually have a clip to share with your viewers that this is actually going on and that this has been confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt. And that's actually been 25 years. And before the tribunal, which was about 2019, uh, I, like I said, uh, was at a child trafficking court listening to MK ultra victims.
And, uh, I raised money for an Epstein Ireland, uh, uh, survivor. Uh, that was one of, from one of the satanic families. So I got a full glimpse into what is going on, particularly with the human trafficking in the child trafficking. And I was testifying with the coalition to investigate the persecution of fallen go and the organ harvesting at the British parliament.
This was about, uh, almost, uh, uh, maybe a year later when the China tribunal came up. But if I may also just to cover it through the. Video, just a couple of minutes. It's an eight minute video, but I'm not gonna play eight minutes, but just a couple, just to show that this is actually going on, that these people who have tried to debunk this are absolutely they're the conspiracy theorists.
They are the ones that have aligned, unfortunately with the red, uh, reign of terror, the CCP bribed and paid off like many of the, the criminal journalist media in the west to push propaganda. They sold their souls. They've sold their hearts for a piece of gold. What's new, there's nothing new. The world health organization, the United nations, bill gates, Henry Kissinger, the Rothchilds, all these cab Ballas have sold theirselves Biden, hunter Biden.
I mean, we don't have to go so far. I mean, you know, that apple doesn't fall far from the tree when it comes to traders and, and, and, and, and, and evil people who are colluded with the Chinese communist party. We see it now, rampant. Justin Trudeau Jacinda from New Zealand. These people that have aligned themselves with a communist regime for money and bribes and payoffs.
So I, I'm not surprised that they will come out and demonize an innocence spiritual movement and say, oh, nothing to see here, folks, we're not doing it. Even the Chinese communist party who were bragging on their 20 websites promoting their organ harvesting that they haven't, that, that, that, that, that they've, they banned organ harvesting.
They were only doing it to certain prisoners.
And isn't that crazy, right? That was like 2014, I believe was when there was a law passed that the, like they could no longer do it to regular prisoners or was correct me if I'm wrong. It was either regular prisoners or death row prisoners. And the only category that's prisoners.
Yeah, the, they were now, so it was 2014. They passed a law that said they were no longer able to do it to death row prisoners. And the only prisoners, they continued doing it to were prisoners of conscience. Right? So prisoners like the family wrong, like the Uyghur Muslims, like the, the Christians, like all of the, you know, these, these ideological movements, which is so foreign to us being from the United States, that you can be persecuted for a thought because that's all an ideology is right.
It's not like you went and hurt somebody. You didn't Rob somebody, you didn't go to a store. You didn't extort money from somebody. You didn't, you didn't do the insider trading that Nancy Pelosi does. And her husband on a daily basis, she didn't do any of that. You had a thought you had a beliefs, a stream of belief.
That your life brought you down a path to meet with, and you chose to go down that path because it path, because it spoke to who you were and what you felt was right in the universe, your universe, not the, not the reality of the, the Chinese communist party, not the reality of the, the democratic or the Republican party, but because you had a thought that you followed, that you felt a calling for, and because you felt that alignment with an ideology, you were then demonized to the point where you were not only, uh, deemed to have, have been put in prison for that thought.
But then the atrocities that you're speaking to today is just such a foreign idea for us here with just, and, and, and so many people wanna talk to the freedom of speech, being something that. You know, for speaking out against, you know, the, the, the wrongful press or, or the politicians lying and, and things like that.
But, you know, and, and maybe that's the separation of, uh, you know, I guess we have the separation of church and state, which it kind of adds onto another block of that, but to, to have that constitution be the, the, the dam holding back the water of all the horrific things that so many governments have done before the United States, and to have our founding fathers have the foresight to just put that one thing in there, right?
Just the one thing, the freedom of speech allows us to, to not only speak out, but to have thoughts, right? Because the, the, the thoughts are in your head and where they can start to have these persecutions is when you start to enact on them through your just verbally. Right? So it's, it's such a foreign idea to us.
And so the, I, when I heard that term prisoner of conscience was, it just blew my mind that he was, and that was again, a month ago that I heard that idea. And so to hear it becomes such a, such a, uh, a, a turning point in their culture, just for having an idea and a turning point in how many millions of people's lives that they were treated this way.
Not only put in prison, not only put into, you know, reeducation camps, which will get into a little bit later, but to be literally all right, guys. So thank you so much for listening to this episode. I need you to do one thing for me right now. I need you to go ahead and hit that subscribe button, leave a five star review, find.
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All right. So go ahead and hit that subscribe button, leave a five star review, and I hope you are enjoying the conversation, their organs harvested from them while they're awake, alive, and, and specifically for a thought is just sickening.
Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's why Americans need to really pay attention to this interview.
Willy citizens specifically in the Western country, you're seeing how your freedoms are being. You're seeing Twitter and Facebook suspending and banning people for speaking up and about the, um, you know, just different things that are going on around the world, this pandemic of sorts, um, et cetera, et cetera.
And you mentioned the farming fathers will the, the, the, the most important law constitutional law that all Americans, including myself and you have, because I'm an American citizen. I was the first in my family to be an American citizen, have to protect the freedom of speech. And the freedom of thought is the second amendment.
Absolutely. And this is what they are trying to take away more, more than ever before and failing. Thank goodness because of this and step one, human. Step
one, step one step that's step one. You have to take that away. And we saw today, today, I saw Joe Biden speak out on this, saying that I've done it before, and I'm gonna do it again.
We're gonna ban assault rifles. We're gonna ban, you know, like him going off on and hear it to hear that happening to the cheers of an audience. How, how, like spine showing is that knowing the things that are going on in different countries. And we're the only country that has that, right? The way that we do today to, to be able.
And, and so many people want to, you know, how many stupid things he even said. He said something today that was about, you know, you're not able to fight back against the government unless you have F 15. It's like tell that to the Taliban, right? The Taliban state of duo for 20 years. And, and now all of a sudden they've taken over Afghanistan.
Tell that to, to what's going on in, in Iraq today, they didn't need Ft F fifteens to do so. They didn't need any of that. They needed a, a, well, not even well formed in their case. If you watch some of the clips of the way that they, they treat combat, but a decently formed militia with gorilla warfare is a very.
Very difficult thing to fight against in an urban setting. And he's saying that tongue in cheek, cuz he knows that's not true. And, and, and for him to even point to the idea that, and he's specifically pointed out Republicans, he said that Republicans that think they're gonna fight back against their government.
Well, you need an F 15. How about the idea that we shouldn't need to fight back against our government? Right? That's what I want a president saying. I don't want a president saying, no, you need more than that. AR 15 to fight me the big, bad Joe Biden regime. No, I don't want a president. Who's sitting here, you know, pushing the, the idea that we're gonna have to fight back against our government and trying to make us seem little and on, in incapable of doing so.
I want a president who says we shouldn't even be having this conversation. I agree. You should be able to, you know, even if he doesn't want, if he doesn't agree with the, the right to bear arms or the, you know, the second a. Maybe you shouldn't be in citing the general public that in, in, in planting seeds of the idea that they're eventually gonna have to fight their government and saying it in a way that's defensive and not
Absolutely. I mean, that was such a tiny Olympic, uh, uh, audience, anyway. I mean, and you were let this guy, you, you, you wouldn't let this guy, uh, bite and lead you across the toilet, let lost street. I mean, he can't even barely pull up his trousers nowadays as even know he's shaking hands with air nowadays, you know?
Right. And that's the first thing that communist regimes do. They dismantle people's ability to think critically first and foremost, they'll divide and. They'll inside hatred between one group and another, and then they'll take away the guns in the safety and security of the greater good. You've heard this before the greater good, right.
Mm-hmm and this is what happens, but they haven't been able to do that in the United States. And that's why they haven't been going door to door. Like they have been in China. I wanna share with you, uh, Austin Crip, if I may. Absolutely. Well, I got, I've got many clips, uh, by the way. And, um, I think we have to do a part two because I, I, I might have to leave by around age 50 or 8 55, my time it's it says age 55 in the morning here in Vietnam.
But let me share with you a couple of clips, the one about the China tribunal, just coming back to confirming that this is going on against follow on practitioners, if I may. Uh, and then I wanna share with you, uh, one, uh, that is going on in China right now and how this relates because a lot of people wanna know, well, what has this got to do with me?
I'll show you what it's got to do with. because if we are not, if we don't stand up against the CCP and it's Aran, uh, uh, attorney that we're seeing coming into our countries, then you know, we better watch out, but take a look at this. I wanted to share this with you first. If I may, um, here we go. Here's the channel tribunal that you, you were, you were talking about.
See, um, let's see if we can share this. Here we go.
It says for decades, China has been accused of killing prisoners of conscious, and it says the China or the China tribunal final judgment possible
in today's day and time that the government would incarcerate a million people blood system, get their tissue samples, put that in a database and then sell their organs around the world.
Would it be possible that professional doctors would commit such atrocity to extract organs from a live body? because
it's such a huge
and unbelievable crime. It's impossible to accept it at the first site.
And it shows that this tribunal was taking place in London on June 17th, 2019
That was the tribunal of a 50 witnesses.
You know, people who have got high ranking standards, experts, uh, um, victims were all there exposing that. And we have something very similar at the child trafficking court at the British parliament exposing it. So it's beyond a reasonable doubt, all the skeptics. And I love the skeptics. I mean, you can't do anything about the freaking trolls and the agents, man, because they are, they they're, uh, they're so demented and, and I, I lost and I, I hope they come back.
I hope they can come back and, and, and, and get some sense about them and common logic and, and, and their WIS about them. But when you talk about skeptics, I work hard to bring the awareness to the skeptics, because I love the skeptics. I love them questioning everything until the unreasonable doubt is confirmed that this is going on and it is going on.
There's no doubt. So there's a lot more skeptics that are now coming up and coming to my son and saying, you know what, before Mitch, I thought you were a conspiracy theorist. I thought this was crazy. I did think they were a cult. I thought they were CIA backed a terrorist group. I was, I thought the government was, was, was right about them, but based on the evidence and based on seeing how, uh, fallen go has evolved into something beautiful, organic that it's always been and the evidence against this spiritual movement that has been persecuted, I am, I'm starting to see the truth.
And that is my mission complete. That, that, that is my sole mission. That's my intention to get the word out on your show on many shows to expose this evil for no fame, no fortune. I'm not tied to any CIA. I'm not tied to any Mo SUD. I'm not tied to FBI. Even though I had to sit down. When I received my death threat in Atlanta, Georgia, I sat down with two FBI agents.
They bought me lunch because I got death rided. My, uh, the Chinese, some agents, uh, broke into my car. They threatened me in 2005. When I was in South Africa, I was involved in an assassination, Tim charging, uh, uh, one of the ministries of the Chinese communist party. He was visiting South Africa and I was there at the time, visiting friends and family.
I protested outside the Chinese embassy by myself. Um, the cops tried to break, you know, break me up the, the, the cons general called the cops. And I said to them, what did Nelson Mandela and the freedom rights movement did in, in South Africa when the apart regime was suppressing you the same, what the CCP is doing to suppress fallen, go.
And they leveled with me. They understood. And they left me to my own volition and the CCP couldn't, the cons general was forced to watch the simple protest outside of their, their, their, their, their, uh, their, their bunks in their home. And, uh, they're they're housing, they're lodging and in front and across the street, the Chinese communi regimes council general.
Um, so yeah, there's no, there's no doubt that this is going on and that this is actually now reaching a boiling point and the mainstream media have to act because if they do not, there's a lot of complicity, alignment and collusion with the CCP. And if they don't want to be charged with genocide and complicity and collusion, they better come clear.
Do you think
they are complicit at this point? Do you think that they're in some way tied and that's the reason that this hasn't come out a little bit more than it has in a mainstream conversation?
Hundred percent. I mean, look at Biden, look at Nancy Pelosi. I'm gonna play you a clip if I'm, if I may, uh, you know, because, um, oh,
we don't have too much of your time left, so let's, let's make sure we get some conversation then, but yeah, we'll, we'll definitely, if you think it's, it's worth it enough, for sure.
We'll, we'll, we'll play it, but so sure. Um, so what do you think that, I mean, Obviously we know the, between the, what is it, the agreement, uh, the, the telecom agreement that almost all of the major conglomerate news organizations are in some way, your shape or form tied almost to the families that you've, you've kind of alluded to several times in this conversation, do you in, in, so do you believe in some way, shape or form now, obviously this is an interesting time to have this discussion between the tensions rising between China and the United States above all else.
Right? Obviously there there's the proxy war going on in Ukraine right now between the, the, the UN and United States and Ukraine and Russia. But at the same time, we're seeing tensions rise in between China and Taiwan and really China and the us. And so you would think if they're going to in the same way that we've seen them demonize Russia, More recently with all the propaganda, with all of the, you know, the ghost of Kiev and all of these things that came up initially at the beginning of this war, after it just went, you know, completely went silent after two months of the war.
It's surprising to me that our mainstream media narratives have not started to point to some of these things like these atrocity atrocities happen as propaganda to move towards a movement in the United States here today to push towards that war. So, you know, to me, it's, it's an interesting time to have this conversation and, and also including the mainstream narratives, because you would think in the same way that they've tried to demonize Russia, that they would do the same with China.
And in, in the case of China, it seems much easier to do so with a lot of these, uh, ideological genocides that are happening there.
Uh, I, I, I agree. Um, however, they have not done that because of the being in bed for all these years. I mean the China gate scandal in 1996, it just goes even further, deeper than that.
I mean, since the 1960s, the infiltration of the Chinese communist body backed by the Rothchilds, the Rothchild is one of the Satan families. I'm sure that is a household name, just like the CCP nowadays, who people want Toul in the behind scenes at the kazaia mafia, you've got the free masons, you've got the Illuminati, you know, all these, these groups ring a bell to a lot of your viewers.
I'm sure who like to do a deep dive about behind the history. Um, and so the CCP has always been funded by the BA backed by the Rockefellers, the rock Charles, the Kozian mafia. They have been used the spec of communism to rule the world, the CCP. Would've never been able to muster that kind of power to infiltrate into the global, uh, arena if it wasn't for these satanic elites.
Okay. Because Satan elites love the common I specter because it is the only specter that has the, the, the, the, the, the deception to move through the Western, uh, infiltration or west Western, uh, uh, lines. It's just very similar to what happened with Spiderman three. Remember we inspired N three was the, it was the black, um, uh, I don't know what it was called, but it was the black, uh, um, uh, GU I.
Venom, something like that. Yeah, it, it takes over, it takes over the right. It takes over and influences the mind. That's what the Spector does. It's like a black venom that takes over the mind. It, it slowly infiltrates and then controls. That's where you see the liberalism, the radical leftism, the cultural Marxism, the cancer culture, theism.
Where do you think it all comes from? The communist regime? They've used the specter to poison the minds, particularly the left's mind, the radical left the cultural Marxist through the form of socialism. Socialism socialism. It's all good for everybody. You saw some democratic congressmen and I'm not, and this is not about Democrats and Republicans.
I don't care about, I'm not political atheists. Yeah. We're far we're
far removed from that at this point, right. Between this conversation. Like it, it seems like such a small conversation that even have at this point, when you're talking about crimes against humanity, you know, I wonder if, how many, how many democratic verse Republican conversations were going on when Jews were being gased and gas chambers during, you know, 1940s, but, uh, probably very, very little in terms of, of what was going on.
And, and that's, what's just so crazy to me is when, when you talk about Nazi-ism and, and how much of a household name that is, this. You know, not to, you know, be sensationalist, but this is one step further almost than what we saw than what was happening in the, the, the camps, right? That, um, the, the Nazi camps, right?
The concentration camps with the Nazis, because they, they would put mass murder them in gas chambers, but they weren't taking it a step further in doing this organ harvesting while they were alive. And we see so many people cry out even to this day, 60, what is it? 60, 80 years later about all the horrific things that were happening in, in 1944.
But we're literally not seeing anybody talk about this. And they literally have the same terms. Right? Reeducation camp is literally just a concentration camp with extra steps and nobody, nobody, I haven't seen. This is the first conversation that I've seen have had about this. Be, you know, besides maybe the, the small clips that you sent to me in an interview.
So you're, you're absolutely right. It is interesting to see how, you know, the, the democratic and Republican party is, is not even a part of this conversation, but it's more, it's, it's a, it's a layer or five layers, even higher than that, to where they've integrated into the societies of both in mainstream culture and the west.
And, and so I, a hundred percent agree and we had Nancy Pelosi say, did, did you see that clip where Nancy Pelosi, after she left Taiwan, she, she came out and said that, go ahead. Yeah. She said that China is one of the world's leading democracies. Did you see that clip?
I have the clip for you. Uh, may, may I, may I play that for you?
Yes, let's do. Let, let me, let me share that with you. Uh, I know we haven't got much time, but please, because I, I, I put a compilation together for it. Um, take a listen to this. This is exactly what you're saying. They'll support the one China policy. We go there to acknowledge the status quo is what our policy is.
There is nothing disruptive about that. It was only about saying China is one of the freest societies in the world. Don't take it from me. That's from freedom house. Let's talk a little democracy, courageous people. And, and it just, I don't know why it is, uh, except there's some commercial interest who would like to diminish, uh, the relationship
you were looking at, uh, some type of, uh, like COVID, um, masked people going in and taking a woman outside of her home.
this is what's going to happen to you, ladies and gentlemen, be prepared. If you do not stand your ground against the Chinese communist party, following gun partitioners wigga Muslims, average citizens being broken into forced entry by communist rare guards, brown shirts. You talked about Nazim, fascism, communism.
It is all under the same umbrella breaking into your house like this. Look, look, look at this. These are Chinese citizens, America. Imagine this was you, you and your family refusing to take PCR tests, refusing to take so-called, you know, these, these things okay. Mm-hmm refusing to, to, to, to, to, uh, be obedience slaves to a CCP.
Well, this is what happens to you arm. God. In handcuffs, cuffing you and making you, enforcing you onto, uh, uh, you know, to get, uh, uh, uh, things that the CCP forces you to get tests and quarantine checks forcing you onto buses. Look at this, just thrown onto buses. This is what's happening in communist China.
Now, not tomorrow, not yesterday, not three years from now. Now. And I wanted to share that with you Austin, because I think that's very important for your audience to see this, uh, that, that, that they don't care. You're animals to them. You're raw materials. They don't care about you. Look, a woman arrested from home for refusing to do cover testing in Shanghai, Chi, China, the, the army, the military, it's all the same.
The rare guards is coming in. The gustapo removing you, like, like, like. so I just wanted to share that with you. Yeah.
Well, what, what timing that you had that, that clip up in the hopper? Cuz that's exactly the quote that I was talking about. They are some of the freest people in the world. Are you kidding me?
Who it was unbelievable to hear that clip, especially knowing the context of the conversation that we were gonna have and, and see that she came out after the Taiwan scandal of, you know, there was 200,000 or 300,000 people at one point watching her flight, there was a flight radar, uh, 365 that I watched it on and everybody was just praying.
China did one thing, right. to take, take Nancy Pelosi to their side. But, um, yeah, it's crazy to see that, that she comes out and says that following on the backs of the Taiwan situation and, and just how frustrating that is to hear and to know exactly the direction. Exactly the direction, our government, at least one half of the government's going.
And that's another conversation that we can have is like, you know, the divide and whether one side or the other is, is the enemy or, or is aligned with the Chinese communist party or, or the, you know, even more so than the Chinese communist party, because you can go one layer above that, which is the families that you were talking about in alluding to earlier because the, the Chinese communist party and the liberal idea, ideolog ideology and communist party is all just a subsection of what's above that.
And who's driving those decisions. But to, to see that one of our, the speaker of the house of the United States of America just came out and said that Chinese people are some of the freest people in the world, who are you comparing that against? Because from what I've seen and, you know, and there's even recently videos of, of the, the police there that have these, uh, sunglasses that they can wear these, these, have you seen this.
There's these sunglasses that they can wear that utilizes facial recognition technology that will facially identify individuals who, and, and it will read their temperature. In real time. It will look up their, their, uh, ID to see if they have any like tickets outstanding, or to see if they have any, uh, like warrants outstanding.
And it will allow these policemen, their social credit score, all of those things directly through this, like AR augmented reality glasses that they're wearing on their faces today. Just like you said, this isn't yesterday, this isn't tomorrow. This is today right now. There's there's in that country.
Policemen wearing glasses that is scanning the temperature of everybody, right? And this isn't even ideology. This isn't even ideological. It's not even physical. It's not, you don't have to do anything wrong. You can be around the wrong, but you like literally last week, my kids were sick. And, and I was sick and I would've walked out downtown to in the city that I live in.
And some policemen would've picked up on that. And I would've got thrown into a truck and sent to a, a camp for however many months in my family. Wondering if I'd ever come back. And now Nancy, Pelosi's sitting on TV talking to the United States, media companies saying that Chinese people are one of the freest people in the world.
And this is me sitting here, been researching this for a month. I can't imagine how infuriating that is to you to hear.
It's disgraceful. It's a sellout. I mean, before Nancy Pelosi was a huge advocate of, of bringing human rights to China, but it just goes to show the house of re uh, representative has passed resolutions after resolutions, paper documents, urging the CCP to stock the organ harvesting.
I mean, it's, it's, it's such a bunch of garbage. Uh, and then she comes out and talks about that. And you know, why, you know, why these politicians T tail and run and turn coats because of the money? Because the business deals look at her, her, uh, her, um, um, her son, she, he was on the same plane with her. These are business deals.
Look at the big guy. Look at hunter Biden. Yeah. Or business deals, all getting rich off the blood sweet and tears and the slave labor of communist China, China gate. I was just talking to buy 9 96. Yeah. Hey, can
you go into that a little bit? I, I haven't heard about China gate very much. I, I'm not familiar with it at all.
Can you give a, a real quick brief on
that? Sure it was the worst scandal in us history in terms of selling the missile defense systems technology and the manufacturing base and the book Clinton Ary, Hillary Clinton and Al gore to the Chinese communist party in exchange for millions of dollars in campaign contributions.
Look what happened in 2020 with the dominion systems, Michael and Delmar with absolute proof look at connect, which is a voting election software that has been running the election systems in the United States that has, has been created by the communist party and the Confucius Institute, which is the propaganda arm of the communist party.
The, the elections were rigged and stolen by Trump to install the CCP puppet Biden at thehe of the CCP. 80, 60 to 80% of the, the infiltration was coming and switching of the vote was coming from communist China. So all this Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia. You're looking at the wrong enemy guys. It's the Chinese communist party.
They've infiltrated into the us military, the spies, the network of spies, the database of agents. There was leaked 1.9, 4 million spies. I mean in a D O D in a department of justice in the us mercury the traders in the UK, us and British parliaments in the multinational corporations, in the criminal journalist media that have been sold out and bribed and, and paid off by the CCP to push the propaganda.
No wonder the world hasn't learned about Fong Kong now wonder the world has got a bad impression of the spiritual movement who were the first ones, Austin to warn the world. B, uh, of the CCP through their media, the epoch times, NTD TV, sound of hope. The epoch times outta New York has skyrocketed in popularity.
Why? Because people want to ti are tired of the, of the, of the lying mainstream media and they want the truth. That's why they come to you. That's why they learn about they listen to me now. I mean, it's been, it's taken me 25. God, you excuse my language to get the word out. I've I've been banging on the freaking doors of these multinational corporation media agencies for the longest time.
I've just got Bann off Facebook. I Bann off Twitter. I'm shadow a band off YouTube. I can't even, I can't, you can't speak anything. So where do we go? We go and we go on red, red pull revolution, podcasts like yourself that are actually gonna be skyrocketing, our population and popularity because people are tired of the lies and they want the.
absolutely. Yeah. And I think that is that you've seen a huge movement away and it is so nice to see. And, and, and, you know, you can say whatever you want about Donald Trump, rather whether you're on one side of the spectrum or, or the other, or somewhere in between. Correct. But the, one of the most amazing things that he did, it was open the general public's eye eye to the fake news.
Like the, the, the, just the tagline fake news. It was everybody exactly the, the fake news tagline changed the world's perception on mainstream media and made people realize that they were being pedaled propaganda from the largest corporations. I mean, one of the most impactful videos that you'll ever see that will wake you up to what is going on in our mainstream media today.
Is that, do you ever, have you seen the clip? I'm sure you have. I mean, you might even have it in, in the waiting list on your videos over there with how timely that Nancy Pelosi clip was , but where all of them. Where there was 150 different news people saying the same exact thing at the same exact time in this like, uh, you know, ordered oh yeah.
Uh, list of, of different companies and, and individuals say word for word, the same exact thing. And how many people woke up to that because of Donald Trump. Right? Because he came out and talked about the phase, the fake news, CNN is plummeting, right? They're they're they just fired basically everybody that they have on staff, hoping they bring some legitimacy back to their brand.
The CNN plus even Fox news is getting it right. Fox news. A lot of people have moved away from believing in Fox news. And that's because of the legacy that has been left by Donald Trump, by going after the mainstream media and news corporations for being a, a puppet for the, the powers that be that the large.
Multi-trillion dollar families that you've spoken to and, and it all comes off of the, you know, that's one thing that Donald Trump is realized very, very, you know, is a very powerful thing. If you can find some type of tagline taglines start movements, right? Whether it's fake news, whether it's, uh, you know, um, the, the Biden, uh, Biden, crime, family, whatever it is, there's the, these short one off punchy little taglines that he came up with had so much impact in the movements that were created.
But I literally, I believe that the best thing that Donald Trump did was wake up, not even just the Republican side, not even the cent side, but obviously with CNN, even we see that he woke up the liberal side of things to what is going on in our mainstream media today, because nobody not anybody under 70 years old, Does not believe what they've seen at face value now.
And so you're exactly right. That's why they're going to podcasts. That's why they're going to social media. And the podcast is such an awesome medium to be able to do these types of conversations with, because it doesn't have that, that, you know, lynchpin that algorithm, that shadow banning aspect to it, whatever audience you have, they're gonna hear you.
And they're gonna hear a long form conversation like this. And if you have a, a 32nd clip and a lot of my stuff, I is promoted through one minute reels and tos and that type of thing, you can't do it justice in the same way that me and you sitting down having a an hour conversation at this point has, it's just so impactful.
And it allows people to unpack things in the way that you never would have had, right. Even Tucker Carlson. What a 25 minute, probably piece on throughout the night, you know, you, you just cannot go into that much detail, the same way that you can in the podcast format. And, uh, lucky for us, it, it, it popped off right at the right time, right?
As mainstream media was, was being, you know, just completely just being obliterated by the general public, waking up to the idea that these things that they're saying are, should not be taken at face value at the very least should not be taken at face value and warrant extra steps. If not just bluntly, not believing a word that comes out of their mouth.
100%. I couldn't have said it better. And that's why thank God for your, uh, podcast re revolution Austin, because you're doing a godsend. I mean, for people to come on your show like myself, especially myself who is exposing this genocide of the modern era. I mean, when this comes out to realize what the CCP has done to the fallen gone practitioners also known as fallen, Duffer practitioners, people are gonna be Godsmack.
They it's been so hidden. So demonized. So, uh, um, uh, you know, just CED the stifled.
Yeah. In every aspect, right. And even somebody like me, who's in the game, right. I'm constantly looking for articles, constantly reading on these things that I find to be interesting. And in the same world of like questioning the, the mainstream narratives and, you know, it's what this show is entirely about.
And I physically had no idea what the Falo gong were. Let alone the atrocities that were happening to them until you brought it up. And, and, you know, so just to, just to be able to have whatever platform I can to share that I'm, I'm, I'm really, really glad that we're able to get this message out because there's not very many atrocities going on across the world that, that match this, this
horrific thing that is happening.
No, there isn't no, there isn't and I've been dedicated to this for 25 years. And before I leave Austin, because it's been an honor and a privilege and a pleasure, may I share some websites that people can actually go learn about fallen gong if they want to practice it? Um, you know, I, I would love to just share them just briefly with you.
Absolutely. This is where people can learn about fallen. Gone. Can, can you see this? I think you can. Yep. This is learn, learn fong.com. Uh, learn F a L U N G O N g.com. Um, and this is the exercises again for the body, for the mind, for the spirit, whether you're religious, you're atheist is agnostic. It doesn't really matter.
Uh, the body it increases for Fong. What it doesn't increases energy and vitality boost immune system improves physical wellness for the mind, for the spirit acquiring inner pieces truck. It's quite profound and you can try it, uh, uh, free of charge, um, wherever you are in the world. This is the, uh, the exercises.
It's all based on truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. These are the five exercises Austin, actually the first one that stretches the second one, uh, third, fourth, and fifth. And it's, it's quite profound for health and longevity. Um, now for people who want to learn about the history and why it's has been outlawed and persecuted this, uh, particular, uh, site called Fallon info.net, uh, hopefully you can see this.
It talks about what Fallon gun is, the hundred million people who are targeted and the forced organ harvesting. And you can also, uh, watch really good documentaries for free as well, uh, award winning documentaries. And you can also voice your support, uh, to tens of men's remain at risk. And you can give your voice to those who ha who have none, uh, at follow info.net, F a L U N I nfo.net now for the skeptics out there.
And this is where I bring the next website. Um, it's all the reports at this particular website. This is end transplant, abuse.org end transplant abuse.org. Here are all the investigator reports from the, um, uh, the, uh, uh, investigators, the experts. You got the, the, the, uh, 2016 investigative investigation and update the tribunal, all the academic, academic articles, government reports, NGOs books, documentaries, the media analysis, the response taking action.
If you like, and if you go to the video section, you'll see the round, uh, Roundtable coalition. which is an incredible panel of experts. Uh, hopefully you can see this here you can. This is the round table coalition. Uh, David Kor, uh, um, Chris Chappel who runs China and uncensored on YouTube. Ms. Antalgia Lin, who is Ms.
World David matters, Ethan Goodman and Matthew Robinson. And you can watch the complete series for free about all the investigations and reports, the victims and the numbers, the suppression by the CCP and the legislation advocacy all here, black and. Uh, you know, it's beyond a reasonable doubt, but again, if anyone really loves yoga, Tachi fallen go is beautiful.
It's a spiritual movement and it's practice for your charge, but fail to support what is good and fail to expose evil's unacceptable. So again, I'm so grateful Austin to come on your incredible podcast to share about what fallen go is for fallen Duffer and the evil and atrocities behind it. And. Because if we don't stand up against a group that is outside of our realm of, uh, of family or friends of business of colleagues, then what happens when it happens to us, you usually stand up against, uh, this evil, when it starts to happen to us.
When our families are dragged up, when your children are sent to quarantine camps, what ha what's it. So take this as a warning, ladies and gentlemen, take this as a true warning that if we don't stand up against a atrocity and it's evil, that is now infiltrated into our economy, infiltrated into our, uh, businesses and our, uh, government agencies in our weaponization of the agencies you see in the FBI.
I, you know, look at the FBI being weaponized. Where do you think that comes from all coming from the CCPs playbook and policies. So let's just be aware about that and this absolutely
well, Mitchell Gerber, everybody. Where is, is there anywhere that they can find you follow you and, and kind of follow your journey?
Yes, you can. You can find me in my, the last, uh, remaining, uh, channel, uh, YouTube, uh, uh, Twitter. Twitter is, uh, truth seeker 0 7 7 truth seeker 0 77. I'm I'm heavily shadow banned, but those, if anyone wants to reach out and, uh, uh, uh, contact me, you can contact me there. Perfect.
Well, I love it, Mitchell. I thank you so much for what you do.
Honestly. It. Coming from my side of things, it's it, it's difficult enough and frustrating enough doing the things that I'm doing here in the us, which is not nearly what you're doing over there. Um, so honestly from the bottom of my heart and, and the bottom of the heart of humanity, what you're doing is amazing and, and keep spreading the word, keep sending, you know, keep getting on shows, keep, keep pushing because you, you truly, you know, if nothing else, if nobody takes anything away from this, you changed my view on this and, and opened my eyes to something that I, like I said, never had any clue on until you emailed me.
Um, so I truly, truly am appreciative of what you're doing. I'm truly appreciative for you reaching out and, uh, keep it up because you're, you're going to make a difference and I, and you already have, so keep, keep
doing it well, I'm honored to be on your incredible podcast and keep doing what you're doing, Austin.
You're awesome. You're a warrior and, and the soldier of the truth, and we are on. The verge. I mean, we are in the battle between good and evil and we're on the verge of change. And we really have to stand a test of time. This is the hill we have to stand and maybe possibly die on, but to fail, to support what is good and to fail, to expose what is evil is unacceptable.
And red pull revolution is doing just that. Exposing evil, bringing to light the truth. And, uh, the, the, the enemy are calling rat on a sinking ship. It's a matter of time that they, they lose the war because this is the last battle. And we will triumph for over evil.
Amen brother, well, keep doing what you're doing.
Then you completely embody that, uh, statement of, you know, pushing back against something that you believe is wrong and obviously live your life in a way where, where you hold that to be true. And, and not only hold it to be true ideologically, but, but physically too, by, by continuing to push the word out.
So, uh, thank, thank you so much for being on the show.
Thank you, brother. God bless you. Thank you everybody. What.
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