Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Mid-Term Election Shenanigans | Arizona Voting Machines, Denver DMT, Closet Conservative Celebrities
In this week's episode, we discuss all of the election day shenanigans that occurred. From voting machines mysteriously going down, Celebrities like Chris Pratt and Kim Kardashian voting for conservativish Mayors, and much more!
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Hello and welcome to Red Pill Revolution. My name is Austin Adams, and today's episode is going to be about all of the midterm election shenanigans. You got that. Right. We are going to be touching on all of the situations that have come out of the midterm elections, including Arizonas, uh, election ballot machines going down mysteriously.
Uh, some people say it may have just been something to do with ink, which seems a little bizarre. Uh, but we're also going to touch on all of the drugs that were on the ballot to become legal. And check on how those are doing. We will also touch on Chris Pratt, Kim Kardashian, Katie Perry, Gweneth Paltro, and even Snoop Dogg himself giving support to a Republican in Los Angeles.
So that's pretty interesting, all of that more. We're also going to watch some of the videos from the Arizona situation. We'll give you a little bit of updates by the time you get this tomorrow. Uh, or whatever day you're listening to this, you will already have the results. Hopefully, although if the Democrats have it their way, you wouldn't have them for six months from now when they're done recounting all of their ballots that people sent in prior to the actual election.
So we will touch on all of that and more today. But thank you so much for listening. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button. Leave a five star. That is all I ask from you today. I might ask you for a couple more things, but for now, at this moment, in this very second, that is all I want you to do. subscribe, leave a five star review, write something nice that you like about the show and I would appreciate it very, very much.
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Welcome to Red Pill Revolution. My name is Austin Adams. Red Pill Revolution started out with me, realizing everything that I knew, everything that I believed, everything I interpret about my life is through the lens of the information I was spoonfed as a. Religion, politics, history, conspiracies, Hollywood medicine, money, food, all of it.
Everything we know was tactfully written to influence your decisions and your view on reality by those in power Now, I'm on a mission, a mission to retrain and reeducate myself to find the true reality of what is behind that curtain, and I'm taking your ass with me. Welcome to the Revolution,
All. All right, let's jump into it. The very first thing that we're gonna discuss today is going to be the legal drugs that are on the ballot. This is coming from Vice News and it says, Here's where legal drugs. Are actually on the ballot, and we'll go ahead and check in on those and see how they're actually doing.
But this article goes on to say that five US states could legalize recreational marijuana and another state could legalize psychedelics after Tuesday's midterms, which would make cannabis legal in about half of the country. It all use cannabis is on the ballot in Missouri, Maryland, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Arkansas.
All five states currently have medical cannabis, and if they go recreational, but join another 19 states in Washington d c. That's pretty wild that Washington DC is a legal recreational state, but you can still get, you know, literally where the lawmakers are. Just puffing it up like Snoop Dog, which we'll talk about in a minute, , but at the same time, passing federal laws about Schedule one marijuana.
Pretty. That's pretty crazy. So 19 states will go, uh, total, um, are current. Medically or, or recreationally legal. But these other states, which is now five, more of them currently have it on the ballot. So we'll see how that shakes out. Uh, we'll look and check and see where those are at. Goes on to say that the votes mostly in states that skew Republican come after a month of President Joe Biden announcing he was pardoning everyone, federally and by everybody.
They made nobody. Says that it was convicted of a simple cannabis possession, which he didn't know. There's literally nobody in jail, uh, for simple possess. But it goes on to say that here I said the measure impacted about 6,500 people, which the White House stated though no one is currently in federal jail for simple weed possession, Missouri's amend three could legalize possession of up to three ounces.
That's a lot of weed. Uh, but violations of the new rules would still face civil penalties, including $100 for smoking up in. I like how it says smoking up Maryland's question. Uh, four would legalize an ounce and a half for adults, 21 and older, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Arkansas. I'll have it on the ballot.
And then Colorado, which legalize it over a decade ago, may become the second state to legalize psychedelics. If residents vote to create the neutral or natural medicine health act, that would be awesome. The measure would allow for magic mushroom treatments at psilocybin healing centers, and would legalize growing, possessing and using shrooms.
It would also decriminalize mes. Iga, uh, which is an African shrub and is used as an experimental addiction treatment. And DMT Durham, if Denver legalizes dmt, that would be crazy. Wow. I wonder where they're, that, where they're at on that, you know, how, how do we look at that? Um, let's go ahead and, and pull this up here.
The, the website that I'm using for majority of this to check in on some of. Situations as, uh, real clear politics. I don't think that they're gonna have that ballot on here, but we can check it in a different way. So let's go ahead and look it up here. Uh, Denver. Let's see if we can find the name of it, cuz then we'll be able to actually pull it up and discuss it.
But that's pretty crazy if they legalize DM. I began psilocybin, That would be the first of that as far as I'm understanding the natural, what is it called? The Natural Medicine Health Act. Let's see. Natural Medicine.
So currently as it stands, there is a 65% yes vote for Denver's. Psychedelic laws including dmt, psilocybin, igan. That is crazy. That would be so wild if you could go to Denver and just legally do DMT and, and grow a, I mean, that would. There, there's a real case study for how many people are go going to, you know, real interest, I should say, to see how many people would actually move there for that, because I think you would find a whole industry there and I would be really actually excited to see it.
I don't partake in those types of things. That specifically myself. It's a little, uh, you know, I think there's some steps that you take before you start doing DMT and one of them being psilocybin, but haven't done that either. And, uh, I, I think that you would find a whole cultural movement going on surrounding that.
I think what you would find is a lot of people would begin to be interested in it when it's not so demonized. And that could spread the same way that Denver spread the recreational marijuana culture and was like, Hey guys, this isn't. Bad. Maybe we should stop throwing people in jail forever for, you know, doing, you know, eating something that grows off the ground.
I think there's a case for that. That's one I'll be watching closely. Cause I think that's crazy. That's Proposition 1 22. Currently standing at 70,000 votes for 38,000 against. Very interesting. All right, so let's go ahead and move on. The next thing we're gonna. And actually let's, let's listen in here to this Russell brand video that I have loaded up and waiting and just see.
His Russell brand always has a unique approach on things. It's always kind of a good, not conspiratorial, not Republican, not Democratic or Democrat, not libertarian. He has a very interesting mix of, of perspectives. All of these issues. So I always appreciate listening to him. I've said it in the past, you know, I, I think that I align to be a little bit more, uh, you know, Shorthaired Russell brand than, uh, younger Tucker Carlson
So that's kind of, that's my hope for this podcast anyways, is, is not to be a traditional, you know, conservative talking head, although you will find that in many issues today. That is where I align because just the left is so crazy on. All of their issues that are, uh, hot button topics that it's hard not to disagree with them on almost all of it.
Even, even when you get into some things like financially, when we get into. Conversations surrounding the actual use useful of the government. I tend to differ quite considerably from the conservative party, which I think the less government, the better in almost all cases. That's, that's my opinion.
Almost all cases. Maybe not the military, maybe not the laws, but almost everything else, the government sucks at it. Trust me, when I was in the military, , when I was in the military, I remember back they had a bowling. On base and they literally had a monopoly in the area. You can, There was only one of these things, there was only one bowling alley it shut down because it was ran so poorly they couldn't even do that.
Right. And have a literal monopoly on the area and they sold drinks and beer and all of that good stuff and still couldn't to a bunch of military members keep it alive. It's cra it's, it's so crazy. All. Let's go ahead and Marsh's clip Russell Brand on the election. If you are saying that this election is to save democracy, then democracy is already over cuz you've only got one option.
It's a self defeating argument. It's like saying that there is only one Democratic option and that is. Plainly a, a form of ideological tyranny. I mean, nine 11 was a tragedy. We lost thousands of lives in a horrific way, and we still mourn to this day. But when you look at something that is an attack on democracy, something that could actually bring about a fundamental change to American governance as we understand it.
Nine 11 is nothing compared to January 6th. It's always like, we'll go back to nine 11. Cause that's the worst example that they can kind of think of. Doesn't seem very helpful to escalate conflict in the manner that they do, except unless, of course you look at it from the perspective that regardless of whether you vote for Republicans or Democrats, the ultimately powerful institutions will remain un.
So there you go. And I, I think that's an interesting perspective is that if, if this is the only option that we have to save our democracy, that means that our democracy is fundamentally already flawed. Right. If, if we don't have any other way of, of improving upon the state of our nation, other than the singular election, which I think a lot of people are hoping, you know, you've heard this term a lot, the red wave, that this is just gonna really, and, and hopefully in some way, it's a reality check, right?
I, I, I've talked about this before, is like when you get negative social feedback, you te like if you're just an, an asshole of people and everybody keeps their mouth shut, then you'll. Being a jerk to people constantly. But if you get negative social feedback, right, and there's like, um, a lot of people are very passive.
I tend to not be very passive . Uh, but when, when somebody does something that's rude, if somebody shuts the, you know, doesn't hold the door for me in front of me and it shuts right on my face, you know, or, or I hold a door for somebody and they don't say thank you and just walk right past me like they deserved for.
Open the door for them. Then, you know, I'm like, Oh, you're welcome. You know, I'm the guy that who says, You're welcome when you don't say thank you, , because that's negative social feedback, right? If somebody does something polite for you, you should return the favor and say thank you. I always say thank you.
When somebody holds the door for me, I always, you know, say, you're welcome. When they say thank you, it's just a social contract, right? So if you walk right past me, don't even look at me like your Queen Elizabeth. Rest in peace. Not yet. Maybe, I don't know. I don't know. But , if you're her and you walk past me, you know, and you don't say thank you.
Maybe she's expecting that from how she grew up. But if you're not her, maybe you should say thank you. So negative social feedback I think is important. And I think this is, this election is a form of that it, and that's what, at least what people are hoping is that there's negative social feedback to counter the ideological radicalism that we've seen recently.
And I think that's an important thing for people on the left to see is like when, or, or, or at least politicians and people who are hoping to win these elections is when you can. To the radical side of the general population. You don't need to win the radical side. And they, they've, One thing that I think we've seen along this election is there's been a really big topic of Roe v.
Wade and abortion coming up, and I think that was a way to incite the left to show up to vote on a singular issue rather than on the political party or individual who's in front. So when, when you see, you know, Proposition three is something I've been talking about a lot in Michigan is that when, when that is something that is the only issue that somebody cares about.
They framed it in a way, in the way that it was framed with Proposition three. It's like, Oh, reinstate Roe is like, No, you're not. You literally are not reinstating. Roe Roe is a, a decision to return the power to the states. It was never a mass like celebration of abortion up to the day of birth. That's not what it was.
It was saying that federally you no longer get the. And you can't implement that at a state level. That's literally what Ro Roe v Wade was. And so all of the signs that were on proposition three always said reinstate roe. Right? And, and that's not what you're doing, but what they're trying to do is to incite the general public into believing that that's what's happening through that proposition.
And by doing so, getting them to show up to vote on that singular issue, and as a result, getting them to show up for everything else cuz they know they're gonna go. Ticket Democrat, regardless of the individuals or, or decisions that are made. One thing I really hope, but I'm not unbelievably hopeful on, you know, I hope for, but am not too, too confident in, is the Whitmer Dixon ticket right now.
Currently Whitmer sits at 52% Dixon sitting at 46%. Hmm. And getting in third place by. Our very small margin is the libertarian. I think that's sad. You know? I think it's sad that Libertarians just have no choice. No, no, no opportunity. I think that's another thing that Russell Brand is saying there is like when you only have a two party system, and in that two party system you only have one candidate, and that candidate's basically set in front of you and you're choosing between one one A or one b.
Not one or two even. You're choosing between what, what is presented to you by the very people that are behind the curtains, Right? When you, when you're looking at the circus show of Federman and Oz that is going on right now, it's like, this is the best that you guys have. This is it. This is, this is the, the best people that you could present is somebody who's.
Seemingly actually mentally handicapped and a fake doctor who's been on the TV shows for a while. Like, that's, that's who you presented to us. I, I just, it's so wild to me that we are stuck with 1:00 AM one B. Right. And that's, again, Russell Brand's point there that I think's important to point out. Is it shouldn't be one A, one B.
It should. It should be an actual and, and at the very least, let those options be viable. Don't let them be idiot one, idiot two, which it's been in a lot of cases there. There is incredible people out there right now, incredible, intelligent, charismatic people who deserve to be voted for. I would say very few of them are currently on tickets right now.
I really haven't heard of too many people that I'm like just awestruck by their ability to speak to audiences or their leadership capabilities or, you know, I just, I don't see it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just, I don't see it. So there's 37% reporting right now in Michigan. Again, by the morning we'll have this answer, but.
Currently as it stands, it looks like Whitmer is currently leading, but she was leading by a fairly large margin at the very beginning when they're counting those mail-in ballots and now it's starting to close up. I do not like Whitmer. It is starting with her fake little, uh, you know, when she. It got kidnapped by their random rednecks where, you know, 10 of 'em or something like that.
And nine of them ended up being FBI to the point where they were, the whole case got thrown out because the nine or eight FBI agents coerced the other one or two random guys because they were all wearing flannel just to get in the van and go somewhere with them. . I dunno, It was something like crazy like that.
And so, I don't know. I, I just think. Through all of the pandemic. She was a nightmare to. As a governor, so I, I, I really do, am looking forward to potentially her not being the person in office. Now, moving forward, the next thing we're gonna talk about is Chris Pratt, Kim Kardashian, Katie Perry, Snoop Dog, Gwyneth Ptro, all flaunting the fact that they're voting Republican on social media.
And this brings up a very. Interesting point of what is going on. The red wave, and that's where it really starts, is socially, once it becomes cool and it started to become cool, like the old school Republican was like a random 59 year old white business man. That's always been the perspective, right?
That's always the idea. But I think when Trump got into office, it started to become cool again, to be Republican, right? The ideas of going against the machine, the, the ideas that were formally liberal of going against the machine, of going against the man of, of going against the, uh, the elites of the world.
At some point, it's shifted, right? The liberal party, the, the Democratic. Are no longer the ones fighting the man. They're the ones like literally getting Pfizer tattooed on their neck because they just can't wait for their next booster shot. They're, they're the ones who are screaming from the, their top of their lungs for daddy government to shut down their businesses and, and mask their faces as they walk into federal buildings and mandate that you and I.
Vaccines. That's, that's who they've become. They're no longer the cool hippie Woodstock democrats or liberals who, who wanna push back against the man, who wanna push back against the, uh, war machines, who wanna push back against the medical industrial complex that is not the Democratic party anymore. The Democratic Party is a bunch of sad, like people who who want.
Abdicate the responsibilities of their lives to somebody that they feel not even has their best interest, but has a direction they're going because they don't wanna pick one themselves besides one that they're spoonfed. Right. And the, the Republican party has Republicans in general, the right. Has dealt with so much backlash, so much, so much censorship, so much talking down to so much, literally losing your job for holding beliefs that are specific to a political party for the last however many years.
Right. And I think again, that's the hope. That's the hope of this election is that, that that's shown here and, and hopefully through the social movements of Chris Pratt, Kim Kardashian, Katie Perry, back in Caruso for mayor. It, it drives the point home It, it makes that social feedback of like you guys have gotten so fucking crazy that normally people who would always.
Left, or at least not even speak out about it. Like Chris Pratt has kind of kept his beliefs to himself, but everybody kind of knows that Chris Pratt's the only allowable Republican in Hollywood that people really love. For some reason, Chris Pratt's just like really pulled it off. , Uh, but let's go ahead and read this.
It says, Los Angeles Mayor. Hopeful Rick Caruso may be a political newcomer, but he's enjoyed considerable support from some of Hollywood's a-list celebrities. Now Guardians of the Galaxy's leading man, Chris Pratt has thrown his weight behind the controversial candidate. Caruso is a, I like how they called controversial.
Caruso is a Democrat running against the US rep, representative Karen Bass. California. He thought he once registered as a Republican. The billionaire developer is a public figure in Los Angeles who edged out another competitor in the cramped June 7th primary Former Democrat or is a Democrat once registered as a Republican. So, so this is like the half ass way that they can do it. so I was wrong. Not a Republican, but was once maybe a little bit Republican and that's why it's so controversial.
Uh, Chris Pratt announce his endorsement in the post on Instagram. I've lived in LA for 20 years. It's been great to me. The movie Star wrote on Sunday and that time I've seen many residents. I've seen what many residents here have seen. Oh my gosh, it is 1130. Um, the city's gradual decline in the pain and utter disarray.
If you live here, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't normally support political candidates, but in this election there's too much to lose pr. Add to that, if you're an LA voter, I urge you to vote for Rick Carus. Uh, Caruso la I, I assume it's not Caruso . He's a builder. He knows how to get shit done.
He's the guy for our city, Rick Caruso, for La Mayor Pratt has largely stayed mom on this past political meeting. Some on social media, slammed him in 2020 for allegedly being the supporter of them. President Donald Trump, Although a Newsweek fact check from October, which must be right of that year, had ruled that the claim to be unknown.
Meanwhile, other legendary celebs back in Cruso include rap, uh, rap dog, rap icon, Snoop Dog, Reality star, Kim Kardashian. You mean Porn Star and Oscar winner? Gweneth Paltro. Snoop O is em empathetic about his preference for LA Mayor saying during one news clip earlier this year, I endorsed the real and that is real.
Gweneth Paltro has a video and there you go. Pratt has largely kept his political preferences under lap, under wraps, but some of the Marvel co-stars are more outspoken. Yeah. We know Mark Ruffo is the biggest dweeb ever. Uh, and that's what we got there. So again, I think that brings up an interesting conversation.
I think that that's where we're going to start to see it. If it starts to become pushed within and, and that's where they really lose, They've already lost 51 60% of the public's vote in these last few years. But if Hollywood celebrities like Chris Pratt, start to make Hollywood able to speak out in these things, because apparently there's a lot of like under wrap celebrities who are actually more right leaning than they would lead you to believe.
But if that becomes cool, I would be really surprised if, you know, the Democratic party doesn't have a real problem on their hands. All right, let's move on. Let's kind of, uh, get, maybe get an update here, but, all right, let's touch on this Maricopa County. Is being sued by C Lake after hiccups, hiccups at Arizona voting locations.
So there's been some interesting conspiracies if you're into that sort of sort of thing about election fraudulent activities, which may or may not happen. I'm not saying they do, and of course they don't. If this is on YouTube, there's no way. That anything could happen that would cause the election to sway.
And they're always perfectly accurate and there is never, never any shenanigans. But this is something that people are talking about, so we might as well talk about it here and if it was real, which it's not. It does bring up a really interesting conversation. So this goes on and say the campaigns for Republican gubernatorial can.
Gubernatorial. Wow, that's such a fun term. Uh, Kerry Lake, US Senate candidate Blake Masters and the Republican National Committee are suing Maricopa County Arizona after issues with voting tabulation machines. And we're gonna watch some of the actual videos of this going on in just a minute, and it goes on to say the G O P lawsuit seeks to keep polls open until 10:00 PM.
Which immediately got shut down. I'd also asked the state court to instruct the in inspector at every polling station that voters whom the EPO have recorded as having previously voted in the election must be permitted to complete and cast a provisional ballot. Fox News previously reported Tuesday that many polling sites in the county were experiencing problems.
Unfortunately, we have had some hiccups with about 20% of these Tabulators, Chairman of me Hope aboard of supervisors. Bill Gates told Fox. Chairman to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, Bill Gates. Okay, so not Bill Gates. Bill Gates, Different Bill Gates. Just a terrible name to have during these times.
you're like, Bill Gates said, What about voting tabulation machines? No, he said nothing. This guy's some random guy who hasn't the unfortunate happenings of having Bill Gates name. Uh, as Gates said, the issue happened when people tried to run their ballots through the Tabulators, but had the ballots spit back out.
All right, so here's some of the videos that you'll see coming out of Arizona in Maricopa County is some very, very frustrated voters, and here we. Two tabulators, one of the tabulators is not working. Okay? The other tabulator is taking about 75% successful to that. So 25% of them are being misread and it could be a printer issue, um, or it could be the TABULATOR itself.
So when it's misread, you have an option to put it into what's called box. And it gets read. Whether it goes downtown and gets read in annually or whether it gets re fed in, into our tab, you don't worry. So that is a poll worker explaining how their stuff is not working. , it's like, how, how? How long do we have to do this?
Like we would be much better off in some second or third world country in this, in this matter, Like we've taken technology. We have, if you look at these polling machines, when I sat and made my vote today, you look at these polling machines and it's like embarrassing how old these things look for how, I don't know.
We have vehicles driving themselves, but we can't get a machine. Properly tally like we had scantrons 20 years ago, or whatever, when I was in first grade, uh, that were reading our answers. Nobody was going through and tallying them like, we've had this technology for decades and we're still having issues with this.
It's, it makes zero sense, zero sense at all that we're still having issues with these voting tabulation. And again with the blockchain, I assume I'm not a blockchain specialist over here, but I assume there is absolutely some way we could utilize cryptocurrency type blockchain to verify the votes that are happening on EF damn phone.
Everybody pulls out their phone. Everybody vote. The day of the election by showing they are who they are, uploading a document, verifying identity, and somehow through the madness that is the blockchain. It's probably a very vague term to the people who actually know what they're talking about here. Uh, but there's some way that we can have it be verifiable, much more verifiable than what we're doing here with these random companies.
And I say random, but they're probably owned by the very people who are giving us one A and one B options in this case. And if you know who I'm talking about, you know who I'm talking about, The George Soros, the Rockefellers, the World Economic Forums of the World, all are the ones who somehow manage to fund almost every candidate on almost every side, and also somehow own some of the largest stakes in the voting tabulation machines and their companies and their shell.
And they're Shell's, Shell's, companies, , possibly. So yeah, let's go ahead and watch the next video because that's, uh, that's what we got here. Let's go ahead and, and check it out because there's some interesting perspectives that are going on from the, from these poll workers who are just blabbing their way through these issues.
Yeah, I'm at the North Scottsdale United Methodist Church on, uh, Tuesday, November the eighth election day, and it's 10 33. Uh, I've tried to vote and neither machine in there. Neither ballot machine will accept ballots. There's numerous people in line and every time it's either rejected or misread and they said there's a Dropbox we can put it in.
They said it will be counted.
And the problem with this is that they're primarily always in conservative areas. Almost always. Isn't that interesting, right? That in just the areas that are conservative, the ballot machines seem to, I don't know, not want to read ballots. That seems like a problem. , who am I? Currently, as it stands, it is now 1135 Eastern Time.
The Senate is being held by 46 Republicans, 45 Democrats. Uh, the house is at 177 Republicans to 134. Democrats, Governors 24 to 14 and. As it stands now, uh, Dixon is making some ground, 51% to Whitmer, 47% to Dixon, and let's see, with some other ones, 56% to Hobbs and 43% to Lake in Arizona. Interesting, interesting, interesting.
And obviously Hobbs is the Democrat, Carry Lake is the Republican, and that's the exact place where this Maricopa County issues were. You know, one of the, and that's at 50% of the total votes being recorded at this point. Uh, Michigan's votes are at 40%, but. Seemingly making some ground. All right, let's go ahead and watch the next video here of them explaining again from a different perspective what they think is going on.
Put it in there. Yeah. And tonight a Republican and a Democrat will sit and go through all of the misread ballots all over the county. Okay. And count them and it will get counted. Okay. And both machines were not working yet? No. Nothing's working in the last half hour. Nothing. Thank you. Nothing's working.
That that is the whole point. These things are here. Is for them to work. What do you mean? Nothing is working. That's gotta be the most frustrating thing to hear ever. Oh. Oh. Nothing is working. Not, not just we're having some issues, just no, literally nothing is working . That is so crazy. And then on the backs of that, there's this Project Veritas video that just came out, which was explaining that, you know, she said, Oh, there, there's these Democrats and these a Democrat and they Republican.
With zero margin for error in those political leanings are going to sit down and read these ballots and with perfect precision, give their feedback and. Mark everything correctly because no human ever has purposefully made mistakes. So here's this video. I just dropped it, airdropped it to my computer here, uh, and we'll watch it.
This, here's the Project Veritas video of somebody to work and change the system. Jump jumped the gun a little bit, but now I'll be able to turn it down for you guys. Uh, this is a. Uh, Donald Skynyrd, a Republican affidavit inspector, talking about how he's not actually Republican and how he scammed the system to be considered Republican.
Meanwhile, this woman is sitting there going, Oh, it's just a one Democrat and one Republican for sure. Nothing weird going on here. They're for sure gonna read it 100% accurately and let's prove 'em wrong via Project Veritas. So here, Go from what they signed. It had to be a Republican. Yeah, I'm a Republican, but I'm a Democrat.
I'm only Republican cause of this job Here in New York City, we met a man, perhaps a sleeper democrat, who got a job as an election inspector for the Republican Party in the Bronx. A rare sighting. Indeed. If you know anything about New York politics, watch how he tells their undercover journalists that he votes as a Democrat, but got a job as a re.
Each party in New York picks their own observers, and somehow this guy, Donald Skinner, senior, got the job. I'm a Republican, but I'm a Democrat. So why I, Yeah, I, I'm only Republican cause of this job. What do you mean? Uh, in order for me to work, I had to be a Republican. Why? Cause it was the only one that was giving up to jobs at the time, and all the Democrats had all these spots filled.
So I had to be, if I wanted to work and change the system. This side, it had to be a publican. Yo. Is there a lot of people like that? Yes. Excuse me. Oh, his name tag says he was an affidavit inspector for the Republican party. New York State law says there must be at least two inspectors. One from the Democratic Party and one from the Republican Party.
Oh, nothing to see here if your ballot doesn't go in the right way. Well, you have one Democrat and another Democrat who's gonna sit here and read these ballots perfectly with precision without any bias whatsoever. You know, like being the complete opposite political party to begin with. Now, imagine two Democrats sitting there reading.
And deciding what was actually on the ballots of these ones that weren't going through in a primarily Republican district. And that's all it takes is two people. You don't need this massive conspiracy of people and moving parts we're not, you know, if Naso Space mission never happened, too many people would know.
Yeah, probably didn't happen, but. In this case, it's that much easier. It's that much easier here. You don't have to have a hundred thousand people in New York who, who help to make these things, These, these political parties sway or the political, uh, ballots change. You have two people, right? And in this case in Arizona.
Oh, nothing to see here. We have a Democrat and a Republican. Even though the Republican might be an undercover. That's all he needed to get the job. That's so crazy. And this woman sitting here, you know, we'll go back to that in just a second saying that, Oh yeah, no problem. Nothing to see here. It's just all not working.
Donald says the only way he can change the system is to pretend to be a Republican. I'm only Republican cause of this job. If I were to work and change the system from inside and to be recovery. Yep. There you have it. And what a wonderful job, as always, from,
from Project Veritas. They always do great stuff. All right, so, uh, let's see, Uh, let's see what's going on with Pennsylvania right now, because I, the Federman Oz situation is, well, you know, we'll give one little update here. See if Denver's, uh, 1 22 has any updates too. Such an interesting situation there.
Uh, currently sitting 64% to 35% or 35,000, 70,000 to 35,000, 64% to 35%. Wow. Crazy. All right, let's go ahead and check it on Pennsylvania. And see where they are at too, because that Oz Federman debate should literally be a reality show. Like, if you've ever seen a, a great, uh, a great movie with Zach Galinas called The Campaign
It's the such a hilarious play on modern politics where he like punches the baby in the face. It's , it's amazing. Um, but anyways, there is your check-in. Let's see if we have. Any other information going on here that we want to touch on prior to moving on? I know it's a little bit of a quicker episode today, but you.
I don't wanna sit here and update you guys, because tomorrow you'll know more than me. But here is just the, the interesting conversations surround the ELE surrounding the election that I found. So let's go ahead and maybe we can drop in and see if there's anything else going on here. Uh, let's do a double take on where we're at with Proposition three with Michigan.
And again, if you didn't know what that was, that was something regarding, uh, it was under the guise of abortion rights, but really, uh, is. Changing of the Constitution of Michigan State laws to supersede all other state laws regarding the sexual, uh, sexualization basically of, of giving children the right to, uh, be taught sex education without parental consent or being able to pull their children out of the class.
Allowing for, uh, women to have abortions up until the time and date of pregnancy as long as they say that they're having a, a mental health issue, which, you know, all women days away from giving. Probably have some sort of large amount of stress on them, I assume . And by assume, I mean I have a wife who has had three of my children, so I know there's a tremendous amount of stress on women at the time.
But anyways, I digress. So, It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Thank you guys for listening today. That is what I have for you. There is your updates on all things election shenanigans, including, You know, what we touched on was the celebrities coming out and supporting a Democrat who was once a Republican, which is about the craziest thing that you'll see because they would never support a Republican.
That would be, call that crucification. Uh, they would be all but what's happening to Kanye West right now? Uh, and then we see some of the actual ballots that are going on between that. Denver one's crazy to me. I'm, I'm really, really surprised to see that on the ballot. I'm gonna be watching that one closely and we'll have to do a follow up.
But, uh, anyways, guys, thank you so much for listening. I hope you have a wonderful day. Go check out the results if you are listening to this. Hopefully they're all in by the time you are listening. And we will be doing another episode this week. So stay tuned. Go head over to repo revolution.co. Hit the subscribe button on your phone right now.
Hit the five star review button. Leave a review. Even if it's just like, Hey, thanks man. Good stuff. That's all I care about. If you wanna write something beautiful, that would be nice too, and I would actually really, really appreciate it. Um, but that's what I got. Have a nice guy day guys, and welcome to the Revolution.
Welcome to the Revolution.
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