Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Hero or Villain?! Vivek Ramaswamy’s Red Flags | WEF Ties & Soros Funding
In today's explosive episode, we're pulling back the curtain on Vivek Ramas Swami, the "golden boy" of next-gen politics. You know, the guy everyone and their grandma is singing praises about? Well, hold onto your hats, because this isn't your run-of-the-mill campaign fluff piece.
We're diving deep, and I mean Mariana Trench deep, into the hidden corridors of Ramaswamy's life—from his George Soros-funded stint at Yale Law School to his oh-so-coincidental feature on the World Economic Forum website.
But wait, there's more! We kick off this jam-packed episode with a bizarre tale you've got to hear to believe. Ever heard of the "Don't Tread on Me" flag? Of course you have. Well, some woke school district tried to ban a 12-year-old from sporting it on his backpack. Yep, apparently it's now "racist." But don't worry, we've got a happy ending to this madness, and it's one you'll want to hear.
So before you blindly jump on the Ramaswamy hype-train, you might wanna know who's conducting it, right? Trust me, you don't want to miss this no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is episode. It's time to shake up the echo chamber, question the narrative, and expose the truth.
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Full Transcription
Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams Archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening. Today. On today's episode, we are going to be doing a deep, deep dive into presidential candidate Vivek Ramas Swami. Now, you might be saying why we love this guy, and I get it. I've been singing his praises for quite some time now.
Uh, I have, have had many, many times told many people about how excited I was for his candidacy, but I'm not just going to blindly follow what everybody else is doing, and I'm not just going to buy into the hype when I see some red flags. So that's what we'll going over today is just some of those red flags and I'll let you make your own decision.
But by the end of this, I hope to have a conclusion for you from my perspective. Okay. So this episode will be going into all of the history of Avek Ramas Swami from his George Soros funded time at Yale Law School to his alleged, uh, mishap where he just so happened to find himself listed on the World Economic Forum website.
Hmm. And then even deeper into his time in a fraternity at Yale until now. So we'll watch some of the clips. I'll tell you why I like the guy. I'll tell you why I think the guy could be a great candidate, but I'll also tell you why there's some red flags being waved in my book now. The only other topic that we will discuss before that is going to be that there was a 12 year old child going to school who was told, if you've ever seen the flag, the yellow flag, I know you've seen it with a snake on it that says, don't tread on me.
Right. Everybody knows that flag. Most people like me correlate it with the United States Marine Corps, but we'll look at the history of that because it came into question during a school district telling a child that they could not walk around school with that patch on their backpack because it was allegedly racist.
Hmm. But we do have a conclusion to this and one that I'm actually proud to share in a world of so much wokeness. So stick around for that. First, I need you to head over to the CK Austin Adams, do sub stack.com. Sign up for the podcast companion. Then I need you to subscribe and leave a five star review.
Alright guys, I appreciate it a lot. We've been getting some great reviews recently. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. It's the only way that you can give back right now for all of the hard work that I'm putting into this. This is now the 84th episode, which means almost over a hundred hours that we've spent here together.
And there's no way to pay me back other than just leaving a review. That's all I want. Just spread the message, send this video, send this out to two different people. The podcast, subscribe on YouTube, do whatever you can to get the message out. Uh, as you know, a lot of times on social media, I am either shadow banned.
Or completely banned like TikTok. Uh, so there's only a few ways that I can get the message out, and that's through you guys sharing my stuff with people that you know and love. All right. So without further ado, today's deep dive on the Adams archive is on Vivek Ramas Swami,
the Adams Archive.
All right. In another win for freedom, a school has reinstated the 12 year old in Colorado who is kicked out of class for sporting the Don't Tread on me flag. Otherwise known as the Gadsden flag. I didn't actually know the name of that until now when this happened. I guess I should have. Uh, but I always just correlated this with the Marine Corps for some reason.
I know that's a very, uh, consistent flag flown for the Marines. However, learning the history of this, I am a big fan of the history of this flag. So it actually dates back to the Revolutionary War, and it was something that was, came up with, and maybe we can go into the history of this just a little bit, um, but it has its place in history, right?
It, it, it basically was a, a show of power against the British clergy to show that we will not stand idly while you strip us of our freedoms. That's the history. That's it. Revolutionary war. There's nothing other than that about it. Okay. Now there was a teacher who took that flag and decided that it was now going to be racist and went as far as to having a parent teacher meeting about it, and then even had somebody from her district back her up.
So let's go ahead and watch this video.
And again, you can always see it right here with me on the YouTube. All right, so here we go. Oh, okay. Hold on. Thank you.
Do they know what the Gadson flag is? That's a historical flag. So there, um, the reason that they do not want the flag, the reason we do not want the flag slave mm-hmm. Is due to its origins with the re slavery and slave tribe.
That is what was, um, as the reasoning behind them. Not like the Gadsden blood, the don't tread on me. Okay. Which is the Gadsden blood. Okay. Um, okay. So he, he um, now this kid has the best smile on his face right now. What's happen if he doesn't take it off? He, I mean, he is able to go, I was actually just telling him like I was upset that he was missing so much school.
I'm like, ah. So I asked if, can he just take his stuff out of his bag and go back to class? Like I just want him to go back to class. The bag can't go back. It's got patch on it. 'cause we can't have that in and around other kids. So that's what I was trying And then he said, you were close. So I was like, oh, okay.
Yeah. It has nothing to do with slavery. That's like the Revolutionary War patch that was enslaved when they were fighting the British. Like that wasn't, that's the revolution. Maybe you're thinking of like the, um, the Confederate pe arm Confederate flag. Okay. I so. I'm just here to enforce, is there, tell me.
No, I am here to enforce the policy that was provided Okay. By the district. Okay. And definitely you have every right to not agree with it. I mean, I, yeah, because the c u says that he's allowed to wear that if you like, go on their website, it's like, says in the big letters. So I all, I, all I'm saying is that unless there's like a ban on patches period, like if you said there's no patches allowed at the school, you cannot display what you think or anything like that or what cheer or anything like that.
Um, I, I don't, I think it's like one sided, you know, because you allow some patches, but not other patches. Other kids have patches like other names and like these American flag backpacks. Yeah. That was like flown during the revolution with, um, yeah. I, I just don't wonder stand that at all. So what I can do is, and if you, if you go onto the ACLU's website, Yeah, let's, let's talk to someone speak, because I don't have a lawsuit.
I really don't. I can speak, I can have you speak to our Jeff Yoko again. Okay. Um, and then he can refer you to our person at the district. Okay. Um, because like I said, we're following district policy. Okay. Is what we're doing. Okay. So the last thing I want is him out of class. Yeah. I know that. That's all my, the last thing I want takes his classes seriously.
He studies, he does. He wants to get straight A's he did that he made honor roll when he was here before. He intends to do that again right now. But it's hard 'cause he keeps missing class for this. So I understand that. Yeah. And I mean, we teach him to always stick up for your beliefs and I mean, you're going over the revolution.
This for seventh grade, I mean the founding fathers stood up for what they believed in against unjust laws.
This is unjust. 100%. Get it mama. We are upholding a policy that was provided to us, which we have to avoid. Okay. Can you show me where the policy. I absolutely applaud this mother for everything that she just did there, stood her ground, articulately stated her case, said, I don't understand why you guys would ever think that this is anything to do with slavery.
This is a flag that was flown against the British during the Revolutionary War. Now what would happen if he didn't? So she did her research on this. She knew exactly what to say, and, and I applaud her even more so because she's sitting there with another child, like a baby sitting in a car seat in front of her while making this case.
Um, and so here's the update on this. Alright, so they eventually, uh, sent a letter. To the district. So it says, meet 12 year old Jayden, who was kicked out of class yesterday in Colorado Springs for having a Gadsden flag patch, which the school claims has origins with slavery. The school's director via email, uh, said that the patch was disruptive to the classroom environment.
Now, the receipts from this with the Jeff Yokum that was, uh, told in reference to this mother was about, uh, dress code. Now, this actually happened yesterday and this email back and forth from the Vanguard School District. The, uh, individuals is Jeff Do Yokum, Y O U, or Y O C U m@thevanguardschool.com said, Mrs.
Rodriguez, I, as I discussed, I'm providing you the rationale for determining the Gadsden flag is considered an unacceptable symbol, first case when E E O C required the complaint to be reviewed. This was the Washington Post. Saying Wear don't wearing, don't tread on me. Insignia. Could be punishable. Racial harassment then posts the tied to the Confederate flag and other white supremacist groups, including Patriot groups.
Huh? Patriot groups. How dare you. Uh, then there's additional photos. Let's see if we can get the bottom of this. No. Okay. So then basically what ended up happening with this, the, what they ended up citing on this was somebody who is a graphic design scholar from the conversation.com. Hmm. So it also says that rattlesnake imagery in the United States, or the American Revolution was hosted and fueled by Ben Franklin's papers and interest in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
Franklin spent the latter part of his life petitioning Congress to free South slaves. But assistant Dean equity doesn't. Know that hmm many anx were quick to side with Jaden and his mother pointing out that the rattlesnake imagery of the gadson flag was inspired by Benjamin Franklin, who spent the latter part of his life petitioning Congress to free the South's slaves, the Epper Minutemen, who had also used the symbol Incorporated eight 14 black and native men in black flag bearer, a greater diversity than many other regimens, according to Tony Cannet, an investigative colonist of the Daily Signal.
Uh, so the result of this was that the district reached out and had a message because this spread like wildfire. And it said yesterday, the student was returned. The student returned with the patch still visible on his backpack. Following the district's direction, Vanguard administration or administrators pulled the student aside so that they could speak with his parents in the district.
Upon learning that they have these events to the today, the Vanguard School Board of Directors called an Emergency Meeting From Vanguard's founding, we have proudly supported our constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the ordered liberty that all Americans have enjoyed for almost 250 years. The Vanguard School recognizes the historical significant of the Gadsden flag in its place in history.
This is incident is an occasion for us to reaffirm our deep commitment to a classical education in support of these American principals. At this time, the Vanguard School Board and the district have informed the student's family that he may attend school with the Gadsden flag patch visible on his pack, on his backpack.
Sincerely, the va Vanguard School Board of Directors of. Good. Good. Finally, some decency and some, you know, reasonable conversations being happening now. There was actually a picture that came out of this child with his backpack standing in front of a teacher's car, which said, make America Green again. So the teachers were allowed to post these things on their vehicles and drive around with them, but a student can't wear this on his backpack.
Very, very interesting. So chalk it up for another win for freedom, as I said earlier. Right. We've seen it with Target, we've seen it with, uh, all Bud Light. We've saw it with all of the things that we've seen pop up recently. All of the, the music that is topping the charts, the Richmond, north of Richmond, um, all of it has, has culminated to show that there is power in numbers.
There is power in speaking out. I saw this. I saw this graphic the other day that showed a, like what looked like a, a authoritarian Egyptian slave bearer with a whip whipping a group of people. It was like a row of people. And then the next column was one person of that group standing up and the slave bear still, or owner, still whipping that person.
And then the next group of people behind that, one person starts to stand up. There's a group of them now, and then the slave bear, the slave owner whips them again, and then everybody stands up and the the slave owner runs. And this is such a good graphic, such a good. Picture of what it means to go through what we all went through in the last three, four years, where we went from, nobody's standing up against this, nobody's speaking out against it, nobody.
It wasn't cool to be, you know, talking out against C O V I and you know, it wasn't, it wasn't cool. We were getting banned and shadow banned and getting our accounts ripped away from us not led into airports and, and not allowed to get a job and or keep your job even if you had one already. We saw so many instances where nobody was standing up.
There was very few of us, and that was the very precipice of when I started this podcast was because I saw that there was so few people standing up during this crazy time while the curtains were being pulled back of authoritarianism. Once we were learning what was really going on in these institutions, So little people were standing up, but now we're seeing there's a massive group standing up against these things.
Standing up for freedom, standing up for liberty, standing up for the rights of our children and their schools to display their support for our constitution and what it stands for. So really happy to see this once again, another win. Alright, so with that, let's dive into our conversation about Vivek Ramis Swami.
Now, I have been for a very long time, months now since he announced his candidacy almost, it seems like been saying how interested I was in Vivec as a candidate and there was really one thing for me. There was one thing for me about Vivec. Made me really question him. That has kind of made a little, it was the thread on the sweatshirt that started to unravel it for me.
And again, I'm not coming to any conclusions on this yet. Uh, I still don't know how I feel about it fully, but I just wanna show you what, to me, has been the red flags. And maybe you've seen some of them, and maybe you haven't. And maybe because I mentioned him, you started to pay attention to him and support him.
So, I, I just wanna be transparent here, guys. I don't know how to feel about Vivek. There's been several red flags, far more red flags than I would like to see about a candidate at this stage of the race. The biggest red flag for me of Vivek was his Obama opener at the debate stage. Now you must be wondering, who's this skinny guy with a funny last name doing, standing on a presidential debate stage?
That, to me, started it all. I. And here it's, so first, lemme just address a question that is on everybody's mind at home tonight. Who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name? And what the heck is he doing in the middle of this debate stage, the hope of a mill worker's son who dares to defy the odds, the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name, who believes that America has a place for him too.
So first, lemme just address a question that is on everybody's mind at home tonight. Who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name? And what the heck is he doing in the middle of this debate stage? The hope of a mill worker's son now dares to defy the odds there is the,
there is the back to back between those sounds. Pretty familiar, huh? For a Republican candidate to verbatim, verbatim, Rip off. Barack Obama's just, this was one of the most famous statements in presidential history, right? That there's a reason that this was immediately followed up by, uh, Chris Christie on stage with him calling him out for it was because everybody knows this statement.
This was a statement that everybody went wild for. Who is this skinny guy with a funny last name and what is he doing on this debate stage? I don't think anybody was asking that about Vivek. I think he was a little out of touch. And then to actually re I, I don't know if this was supposed to be a quirky, funny nod to that statement.
Maybe that's the case. Maybe we can, we can attribute naivety or, uh, comedy where malice is being attributed instead. But it doesn't seem like, like that was the case here. To me, it seemed like he was legitimately using this as his opening as on, on the biggest floor that he's had so far next to podcasts, which is crazy that, you know, there's some podcasts that are far bigger than this debate stage.
Uh, but that's how you open the debate for the Republican party. Now, I could see if he was a Democrat doing that, I could see him pulling that quote, but just to, to, there, there was no, the, the follow up to this was not, I bet you've heard somebody say that before, but I'm different and here's why. Now, Viva Ram Swami is more articulate than Barack Obama was, I think more presidential than Barack Obama.
Was, which says a lot. Barack Obama was a great president in the way that he presented himself and presented our nation. Now you wanna get into policies and it completely unravels. But the ability that he had to speak on a stage to massive amounts of people, the, uh, intellectualism that he conveyed when he talked about certain topics was, was impressive.
And that you can say the same for Vivek. And what we came to find out about Barack Obama was that he wasn't as genuine as he tried to appear to be. It was all an act. And I'm afraid that maybe just, maybe that's what Vivek is doing too. Now, I'm gonna be honest with you here, and you might, you might laugh at this, you might roll your eyes at it, but I was watching the debate.
And I may or may not have had some t h c enter my system here. And I totally, in that moment, being a little bit high, watching the debates, uh, drinking a, drinking a beer. Um, I s I just felt it, the Vivek felt like a a, you know what it looks like to me for Vivek Ram Swami is that the big leagues, the BlackRocks, the Vanguards, the World Economic Forums said, wake the beast.
We got 'em. Guys call in our ace of spades and Vivek just rises from like a cryo chamber and the water just drains out of his plastic, uh, surrounding his, his glass, that, uh, box that he's standing in. And, and he. Takes his first step out of the glass box into the real world to take over the next presidential race, right?
It just seems all too good. He seems too good, he's too polished, he's too clean. Everything, everything he's saying is, is right spot on with how they know the disenfranchised feel on one side, everything that he's saying, his presentation is perfect. His teeth are white as can be. His smile is practiced to a t.
It's all a little too perfect for me. It's not, it doesn't come off as authentic. And, and maybe I was just a little bit high, maybe that that just unraveled it for me, but it just seems a little unauthentic to me. It seems like a play. And obviously everybody on that debate stage is playing games and all of them are wearing a mask and he's just way out of everybody else's league on that stage.
And guess what, Vivek, I would love to have a conversation with you and would love for you to convince me that you are not the second coming of Barack Obama drained from your cryo chamber by World Economic forum elites to come and take over the presidential race once they take down Donald Trump and be another puppet installed into our governmental system.
I would love that. Come on, come on the show. We'll have a conversation. I'll even have a drink with you. And, and I would love to have that conversation with you. You're very articulate. I think, again, he's probably the most presidential candidate that I've ever seen, you know, next to John f Kennedy's speech patterns.
There's nobody greater in history that I, that I've seen than the way that Vivek, uh, presents himself in, in the, the, the, the canned ness of his speeches, though the, the smiles on his face that are so practiced that articulateness, if that's a word, the, the, the way that he, how good, how clean, how perfect every response is, is just a little too on point for me.
And there's a little bit, there's just a, and maybe I just don't know the guy, and maybe he's like that all the time, but he's just so, it's so salesy. Not a salesy in a bad way, but a great salesman, great salesman. And those are the most dangerous 'cause they'll talk you into anything, trust me. Um, so that, that's where this all started.
To me, the Obama statement just irked me. And then it was just the way that he was just da da da. Like he knew every single question that they were gonna ask. He had the perfect response, every part of it. He's almost like a robot. And Chris Christie alluded to that. He said, uh, what did he say? Let me, let me pull up the Chris Christie, uh, response because it was just, it was just so spot on.
Uh, let me go to the YouTubes here and I can show you. It actually follows up, uh, in, in retorts, vivex statement there. Uh, Christie, G P t I.
It was just the, such a good retort.
Here we go.
I've had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like chat, G P T standing up here, and the last person in one of these debates, Brett, who stood in the middle of the stage and said, what's a skinny guy with an odd last name doing up here was Barack Obama. And I'm afraid we're dealing with the same type of amateur standing in stage tonight.
Who the heck is this skinny guy with a funny last name, and what the heck is he doing in the middle of this debate stage? The hope of a skinny kid with a funny name, who believes that America has a place for him too. I've had it. I'm just telling you, there's something about him, something about him that I just can't, I can't, there's a red flag and I can't get around it.
And there's other red flags too. So let's dive in to those. So here is where, uh, there's, there's some other influencers calling this out, right? And we'll get to those in a second. Um, but let's, let's just start from the top here. Okay. Now let's vet Vive. I like that. Let's vet Vivek. Let's see if these red flags have it even merit to them.
All right. So Ramas Swami was indeed nominated the sadness comes from dossier.today. Ramas Swami was indeed nominated and selected as a World Economic Forum, young global leader. In 2021, which is an obvious massive red flag. However, Ramis Swami claims an alibi explaining on his social media. Funny, you should bring this up because this all started with a tweet from Jack Poso who said, how strange.
When you look at the World Economic Forum, young Global Leaders of 2021 page. Today, it appears a name has been scrubbed from the list. It'd be a shame if somebody had receipts of the original list, in which case Poso posts them. Now, Vivek retorts this and says, funny, you should bring this up. Vivek says, the first chapter of my upcoming book in April has the receipts of my exchanges with the World Economic Forum.
Years ago when they repeatedly kept trying to get me to be named, I gave them a polite hell no reveals the games that the World Economic Forum plays. Now let's go to this tweet and actually read, said receipts. Uh, so there's actually the, the, uh, screenshots from the World Economic Forum. It says, meet the 2021 class of young global leaders under that, right under, uh, Terrance Kamal Vasu Vats.
Achmad Zaki. Aditi Avanan is Vivek Ramas Swami. Hmm. Very interesting. And then the next day on the website, his name is Gone. Now, Vivek has come out and personally said that, yes, I had to sue them for them to take me off of their website. Now here's the better question. Why would they elect him in this way?
Why would, why would that be on their website? Now, I'm not getting elected to be a World Economic Forum, young, global leader, I promise you that. But Vivek is, Vivek is clearly stated on their website until he says that, you know, nobody has been working to dismantle the Global World Economic Forum takeover more than me.
You're right over the target. Stay on it. I'll send you a signal or signed book so you can learn more about it. It's worse than you can ever imagine. Jack responded and said, you've sent me like five books already, my dude,
and interesting. So, What he has yet to explain is his longtime association with Soros Inc. Now, if Vivek is associated with the World Economic Forum as a global leader and he's been taking money from George Soros, maybe those are a couple red flags we should be at paying attention to. Maybe a G O P Presidential candidate is a literal Soros fellow directly on the Soros website.
Right now it lists Vivek Ram Swami 2011, founder and c e O of Roy Van Sciences. Vivek is the child of immigrants from India. Fellowship awarded to support work towards a Juris doctorate in law at Yale University. Vivek Ramma Swami is the founder and c e o of Roy Van Sciences. Vivek was born in, uh, Cincinnati, the Indian parents in high school.
He was a class fellow Victorian, a nationally ranked junior tennis player and accomplished pianist. Vivek graduated from Harvard College in 2007, Summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a major in biology. Later he entered Yale Law School well at Harder. Harvard, a preis of his senior thesis on the ethical questions raised by creating human animal kymera.
Hmm. Was published in the Boston Globe in the New York Times. He was chairman of the Harvard Political Union and served as one of three undergraduates chosen for an advisory board for the selection of the current president of Harvard. I. Hmm. During his senior year, Vivek co-founded student businesses.com, a technology startup company, which connected entrepreneurs with the professional LI resources via the internet.
And he led the company to its acquisition in 2009, after Harvard College, Vivek worked for three years in life sciences, investing in New York before pursuing his law degree. That's interesting. I didn't see that. Ethical questions raised by creating human animal chimes. That's an interesting topic.
Alright. I could get behind 2007 Harvard Vivek writing that. So maybe that's a, a green check mark instead of a red flag for a second. Very interesting.
Now another thing here, right on Vivex. soros.org website says, Paul and Daisy Soros fellow Vivek Ramma Swami's Rovan Sciences develops clinical stage antibody to prevent and treat acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with C Ovid 19. So Vivek profited during COVID through creating these clinical stage antibodies.
Another one is pursuing the potential of abandoned pharmaceuticals, and the other one is Havara. Swami's RO sciences stays innovative. So there's the articles from soros.com. He also showed support for George Soros in a recent, well, let's see if it's recent, a tweet from 2021. Pretty recent he said, well said, George Soros said, Vivek Rams Swami, I consider Mr.
Z the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world. Well said Mr. Soros. Hmm. For reasons unknown. Ramas Swami's Wikipedia page has recently updated that deleted information about his religion and his association with Soros Inc. Now, if you don't know, Ramas Swami is a Hindu, was raised Hindu by his family, which no surprise, he's from Indian immigrants.
Um, so I'm not sure why they would remove that. Who cares? It says writing on the Wall Street Journal. In 2020, Ramas Swami unveiled his opening salvo against the World Economic Forum in BlackRock stakeholder capitalism model. However, later in the piece he confusingly declared, I would love to have BlackRock as a shareholder if my company ever goes public, said Vivek.
Now on China, Ramas Swami is known for his recent tough talk on China. On Tucker Carlson's show. Ramas Swami said that as president, he would have America reorient all of its supply chains away from China. Okay, I can get down with that. Vivek.
However, Ramis Swami was a featured speaker at a Shanghai Investment Conference in 2018. Moreover, he has launched companies outta China and formed partnerships with Chinese firms in one such deal. Ramas Swami's Roivant partnered with the Civic Group, a state owned investment company of a Chinese government to launch an outfit called NT Sciences.
And here's the article to back that up, which says Viva Ramma Swami Strikes again. This time launching a Beijing based biotech player with a pipeline. This morning, Rove unveiled NTT along with cpi, a Chinese private equity group. Now, this is where this gets a little important when we get to some of the videos that I'm gonna show you from other people who are talking about this, um, because this is where kind of the shift of money and the, the shift of patents come from, uh, a little bit later.
So pay attention to that name SYN event as recently as 2020 2nd of February, February, 2022. Ram Swami's Roy event listed subsidiary companies in China, according to SS e c filings, which are the subsidiaries being site event biotechnology CO. In China site event sciences CO in China, Cynt Sciences Limited in Hong Kong Covid 19 in the mRNA gene, the biotech entrepreneur has repeatedly tried to find a niche in the game or in the gene therapy business, and therefore he unsurprisingly, A big proponent of mRNA shots.
In January of 2022, Vivek wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal declaring that social distancing and cloth masks would work to stop viruses, but that it needed to stop so that people can avoid antigenic drift. He added the most important step in fighting the C Ovid 19 pandemic was the distribution of vaccines.
But new variants aren't emerging in the US said Vivek. This was January 12th, 2022. But new variants aren't emerging in the us. They're emerging in places with a higher percentage of a vaccinated individuals. Those variants are the ones that have the greatest potential to drift and possibly shift away from the strain that initial vaccines were designed to.
And then it goes on to the second tweet. Ramas Swami has extensive business ties to to, to Pfizer. Extensive business ties to Pfizer Rovan, which was founded by Ramas. Swami has partnered with the taxpayer looting pharma cartel boss on several occasions. Tiva, another subsidiary says, download our free ebook.
Learn how Pfizer Rovan and m AMB X accelerate their process development strategy hashtag bioprocess. Now this, this is not a subsidiary. The subsidiary within that was Roivant. Um, so correct myself there. Tiva, C Y T I V A now, uh, from Reuters in 2022. December 1st at 11:21 PM posted Rovan Pfizer team up on inflammatory disease drug.
Hmm. So Vivera Swami not only said that masks work, not only said that vaccines need to be rolled out as soon as possible. Paraphrasing, but also teamed up with Pfizer in several occasions with his own businesses.
A brief search of his social media history found no evidence that Ramas Swami ever critiqued Pfizer. Roy vent has also, which again is not, that's not evidence. If you haven't ever critiqued somebody via your Twitter, doesn't mean it's evidence. Rovan has also sued Moderna claiming patent infringement re related to its disastrous lipid nanoparticle delivery system, which is shown to wreak havoc on the entire human body.
So here's, here's the way that I would rank my presidential candies right here is my 2023 presidential candidacy ranking and why, and I think he moves down a step here. Okay? Now, I don't agree with many things, several things about the. Robert Kennedy, Jr. But I do agree with him on his stance on Covid and his stance on vaccines.
And I do think that we are going into, which I did a whole breakdown in my last episode on pandemic season two, that we're going into another season where they're going to go after lockdowns. They're going to go after a new wave of authoritarian control.
So I also think that of all the presidential candidates right now, Robert Kennedy Jr. Is the most authentic. He's the most genuine. He also has a blood tie to not one, but two people who have been assassinated, allegedly by the ccia A. So there's a very good case here to say that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has real reason to go after the Deep State, real reason to obliterate three letter agencies into the wind.
I. A real reason, a foundationally, deep-seated reason to do so. Now, from what we've seen here, the evidence suggests not the words, don't pay attention to the words, pay attention to the evidence, the actions of Vivek, which shows that he not only teams up with Pfizer, not only that he wants to push vaccines, not only that he wants to push mask mandates, but that he's also associated somehow some way with the World Economic Forum and took money from George Soros.
Those things to me, are enough to knock him down several notches, several, several notches, because at this point it's only his words. It's not his actions and his words. You can tell this man is just gifted when it comes to speech. He's a great salesman. He's a great politician in the making, but that's the scary part.
Right. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has no skills whatsoever to convince you with his tonality, to, to take a point and, and paint it with color beautifully so that you can agree with him to, to he, he loses all of that in his cadence of speech. He loses all of it within, within the way that he has. His, his vocal chords are, are damaged, but vek almost essentially his entire campaign is, is surrounded by his ability to sell you to his ability to smile, his ability to quickly and perfectly articulate exactly what you want to hear when you want to hear it.
But there's a lot of red flags here. So I would say right now, Robert F. Kennedy Jr's right up there for me. Now I know his stance on gun control. I know his stance on abortion. So those things I vehemently disagree with, with him. And I'd love to see a, a, a breakdown of every one of his beliefs and every one of the policies.
And maybe I'm, maybe, you know, I'm pretty far off in, in, in several, several of those. But to me, the president is basically a figurehead who represents the people and is a display of where we're moving. Are we moving more towards the deep state? Are we moving more towards, uh, a nation of authoritarianism or are we moving more towards freedom and liberty?
So I would love nothing more than to see a Trump Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Ticket would love nothing more. That would be my ideal candidacy. And I don't know who I would put in which position. Uh, but because you can clearly see that the deep state that the, the individuals in power are, are obviously a. Trying to put Trump in jail over and over and over and over again.
There's been a concerted effort by big, big money to get him out. And we can also see clearly the same thing is happening with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Besides the indictments, but nothing is happening with Vivek. In fact, he's finding himself on all of the biggest shows, constantly being put on the BlackRock funded Fox News, and CNN's constantly being pushed in the public narrative, having the biggest clips from the debate stage constantly.
So let's, let's keep going. Here it says, Ramis Swami has estimated to have a net worth of an impressive $500 million, though it's unclear how he accumulated these funds, or if that number, which is a bit outdated, currently stands. Perhaps it's from a series of business ventures through which he successfully cashed out, but the trail left behind leaves a lot to be desired.
S o Gene Therapies, a company founded by Ramas Swami recently announced plans to dissolve after years of failing to advance any successful drug candidates once valued at billions of dollars. Millions. I o currently has a market cap of around 30 million, as it recently failed to find a buyer for the Troubled Corporation.
Just so you know, this stock in 2018 plummeted from $200 a share, and then the same day it was at $200. It dropped down below 50 and then over the next three to four months or so, and over the next year, moved down to less than a dollar. It's currently sitting at 40 cents. Crazy. Roy Van Sciences founded by Ramos Swami.
He was also the C e O until 2021, but remained on the board. Lost almost a billion dollars last year and has lost on average 650 million each year since 2019. According to the company's financial statements in 2018, the company has described as akin to a bloodbath efforts prized Alzheimer's drug, which formed the basis for the creation of Rovan failed clinical trials.
Over the last quarter, Roivant brought in only 12 million in revenue and had a net income of negative $291 million. Remiss Swami stepped down from the board of Rovan after announcing his presidential run, according to a company statement.
Crazy. How do you lead a company that loses almost $300 million? And then. Somehow make 500 million. The, the business world, once you get to that level is just pretty crazy. Ramos Swami's latest adventure is Strive Asset Management, which he founded in 2022 with the mission to combat the e s G agenda in corporate America, strive has set up a series of passively managed ETFs through which Strive takes an above average fee in order to purchase stock and Pro e s G woke companies Hmm.
Promising to use customer's proxy voices to convince these corporations to depart from that agenda. Since its founding, strive has published forward letters to select companies asking them to change course. Hmm. So Ramas Swami's latest venture is Strive Management. So he founded a wealth management company, strive in a, in a hope to voice with people's funds.
I. The, that we don't want them to be a part of the e s G and woke agendas. Cool. I like that. That's a very smart play. Vivek, especially if you're gonna run for office. But essentially he took in all of this money, right? Looks like many millions of dollars. And they held stock in all of these woke companies.
What is that? Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Tesla, Nvidia, alphabet Inc. Or Google again. Um, UnitedHealthcare, Exxon, Johnson and Johnson. Wow. Critics of Ramos Swami have pointed out that Strive is effectively damaging its own mission right off the bat by first purchasing shares and proceeding to add value to these companies.
Yeah. And later hoping to convince them by proxy letter or vote to change their behaviors. So what's the real agenda? This says it seems Vivek Ramma Swami knows full well that he will not actually be a serious contender for president. He has already spoken about wanting to merely be able to make the debate stage.
His campaign website does not discuss his platform in any detail at all. It only shares clips of his media appearances and is largely nothing more than a donation page. What is Vivek actually running for? First? Maybe we can get some more clarity about who this man is and what he believes. So
there's your breakdown, right? We'll watch some videos here. We'll get some other conversations going. But there's the overall breakdown of Vivek Pharma funded by BlackRocks and Vanguards World Economic Forum. Global leader, George Soros funded law degree. That is Vivek. That is his background. Those are, those are his actions that to me speak louder than his silver tongue.
Now there's other people raising the flag about this, one of them being Matt Kim. Now, if you don't know Matt Kim, he's got a podcast. He's also a, a pro prominent figure on social media, and he posted this video that I will show you, uh, where he raised similar red flags. So let's pay attention to it, because he allegedly got some messages from Vivex people about his posts.
So here it's when he supported Bob, let's restart it for you.
Some of you won't like this, but hear me out. He seems to be everywhere. Clips of him giving it to the man and calling out the establishment All over social media skyrockets from unknown to top of the Republican polls, and I understand why. He says what we all want to hear. End the war. Secure the border during the swamp.
Unity, freedom, truth, which outlets are considered untrustworthy? Propaganda Media. M S N B C, business Insider, AP Forbes, the New York Times, the New Yorker, Huffington Post, Axios, political, just to name a few, the mouthpiece of the establishment. Then why are they all so supportive of VI? Doesn't make sense.
How is he considered anti-establishment when he's supported by the establishment? If you or I were to say some of the anti woke things, he says we would be shadow banned, but somehow he's trending on every single major social media platform. Hmm. Prior to politics, he was a hedge fund manager. His claim to fame was a pharmaceutical startup company called Rovan.
In the nine years it's been in business, it has never been profitable or delivered a working product. Now that is where the only part of this that he was corrected with. So we'll look at that statement that he apologizes, um, quite sarcastically, rightfully, uh, about this. So let's watch it. Although RO continues to fail their clinical trials, they were able to find investors and raise money, making VI an extremely wealthy entrepreneur, good at convincing people to invest poor at delivering product and execution.
Not a good sign. So what about the money? The media highlights that Vik has invested over $10 million of his own money to fund his campaign, an honorable fee. Vik announced his run for presidency in February, 2023. How long do you think it takes to make that decision and execute a plan? Six, eight months.
July, 2022. The value of relevant stock is just over $3 per share. On February 21st, 2023, Vik announces his run for presidency, and on February 22, he sells 4 million shares for approximately $32 million million dollars at nearly $8 per share. Well over $15 million in profit in six months prior to him announcing presidency.
Good for him, right? Make that money. Company is losing over $1 billion per year, but he got paid. Smart guy. But anytime things are just so coincidental, I'm forced to keep digging. Why did the stock price of an unprofitable failing company rise over 100%. How does it go from an all time low to nearly? Its all time high.
Institutional money. You remember when Vik said the financial investment giants like BlackRock, state Street, and Vanguard represent arguably the most powerful cartel in human history? Well, guess who's on the list of institutional investment giants that started giving his company money one year ago? You wanna guess BlackRock, state Street and Vanguard.
All three have added to their positions in the last quarter. And Rian, which Vik still owns 7% share in, is now up over 300% in the last year. Mm-hmm. Making it worth close to $1 billion during the Republican primary debate. Vik vowed to end the teacher's union. Guess who is also on this list of investors?
California State Teacher's Retirement System. Look, his intentions may be pure, and this is all a coincidence. Maybe there's a great explanation, however, I am not a financial analyst, nor investigative reporter, but I was able to find all this out in a couple hours of sifting through publicly available data.
Why is this connection to George Soros via scholarship and his involvement in the Ohio c Ovid 19 response team scrubbed from Wikipedia in 2021, he was named a young global leader by the World Economic Forum. Two years later, after using that title to raise investments for his company, he sued the W E F to remove his name from the list.
Three months after that, he was able to settle with Klaus Schwas, W e f, and receive a formal letter of apology. How do you sue what many may consider evil, the World Economic Forum and win and get an apology letter in three months? He's either that good or I don't know. Any real journalist or news outlet could have easily found out all this info, but they didn't.
Real question is why. Hmm. So there's the first video, right? That's one of the main reasons. Almost all of that is so suspect every single part of this journey for Vivek, everything but his words. If you didn't watch a single debate, if you didn't watch a single video of Vivek and you only looked at his actions, it paints a completely different story.
If I told you there was a presidential candidate for the Republican party who was funded by George Soros, who is a World Economic Forum global leader, who went to Harvard Law School, founded a pharmaceutical company, which helped with C O V I D responses and was funded by BlackRock and Vanguard,
would you vote for that person? Would that person be your number one pick? And again, I just wanna drive this point home for you. If you looked at nothing, Vivek said, if you watched none of his videos, none of the debates, and you only saw that he was a World economic forum, global leader up until the time that he decided to run, he was funded with all of his companies by BlackRock and Vanguard.
He made his money in pharmaceutical companies during C O V I D.
Is that the guy that you want running this country? Because I don't, that's not what I want. That's not who I want running the country. You know who I want running the country. The guy who says that you shouldn't get the vaccine, the guy who says that all of these institutions are corrupt and wants to obliterate the cia.
Actually will do it if he finds office. You know why? Because two of his family members were assassinated by them. Or maybe the guy who's sitting and just got his mugshot taken three days ago from actually fighting the system, not just saying words on the debate stage. And you know, looking at, looking at you at the audience and nodding his head.
And then as soon as BlackRock, Vanguard and World Economic Forum, look at him, they go, and then you look at him, right? Does that meme? But that, that's what you have to look at. What are the actions of the individual? Not just the words, because the words literally mean nothing on the debate stage.
Here's the second video.
Here's a second video about Vivic. I promise I need to move on to other pending social coincidences. I was wrong and I'll admit it. I said V's. Company. Rovin had no successful product, but I was mistaken. Kind of Rovin had a subsidiary called Myov Event that developed drugs with Pfizer. Myov is no longer a part of Rove's products because it was sold to Sumit, which Rovin also owned, which is sold to Sumitomo Pharma Japan, where the executives of Sumit Tovan hold bore seats.
Two successful drugs are. Orvi, which is f d a, approved to treat advanced prostate cancer and mefe, which is f d a, approved to treat endometriosis severe period pain. What do the drugs actually do? Morgo. VX is a drug designed to lower your testosterone in mefe is the same drug but with estrogen mixed in.
So I apologize to Vivek's campaign team. I was wrong. But please understand that since the drugs were within subsidiaries of subsidiaries, it was not easy to find. So I will formulate correct myself. Vikk has successfully manufactured with Pfizer, an estrogen filled testosterone suppressor. Hope that clears the air.
What a great way to respond to that because I'm, I believe he said that, uh, he was asked, uh, for this correction by Vivex team. Uh, so masterfully done. Uh, just so you know, um, Matt Kim's Instagram account is Matt Attack 0 0 9, and he does some great work, uh, very, uh, concise and, uh, very, uh, un un, um, what's the word?
Unex Explosive. Unostentatious. Unostentatious. I add a lot of color to our show folks. Um, so just like you heard him talking there, I guess is how he talks most of the time in almost every video. So there's very little color in his voice, but he does it very well and very tactfully, very dry, uh, just like he did there.
So great stuff, Matt. You're doing a great job. Um, So found that to be interesting. Right? So here's uh, some other clips. Now I actually just have his Twitter account pulled up here. 'cause I think, you know, one thing we can do is just scroll the, the times of, uh, Vivex most recent posts here. Uh, but let's go the 20%.
Let's go to some, let's go to some more, uh, organized stuff here. So here is Vivek Ramas Swami. Now you might ask what, what website is this? Austin. What website am I looking at with Vivek's name on it? Well, I'm glad you asked. That website is right here, which says Paul and Daisy's Soros Fellowships for New Americans.
Hmm. So Vivek Swami was funded by the Soros family to attend Yale to get his Juris doctorate. Just 10 years ago. So he was what, 27 at the time?
Now that's an interesting choice to move from biology to law and then not use your law degree at all. But he was a Forbes 30 under 30 honoree founder of Rovan Sciences, and we looked at that already, but I just think it's interesting to, to find his name right next to the Soros name. Now, the next thing we have here is, I'm not gonna go into that, um, is that Vivex.
Ramis Swami paid Wikipedia editors to erase his Soros fellowship and his work on C O V I D. Now, this came from May. Of 2023. It's now August, June, July, August, three months Now it says he announced his 2024 presidential bid after making sure his Wikipedia page was edited. Vivek Rams Swami, this comes from new republic.com.
Never heard of it. Uh, is like much of the Republican party, so pathetically desperate. This says, Ooh, the 2024 candidate who joins other elite educated Republicans in cosplaying is a truth telling populace, while offering no actual solutions to improve people's material conditions, has reportedly used some of his millions of dollars to pay a Wikipedia editor to scrub his past
Mediate reports that Ramas Swami seems to have paid Wikipedia outta their Yerman to remove information from his page that he presumably thought would damage his candidacy in the Republican party. A few days later, he announced his 2024 bid. The editor scrubbed off information related to Ramos Swami receiving Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship from New Americans in 2011 during his time as a Yale law student.
Paul Soros is the older brother of billionaire Democratic donor, George Soros, who has been the subject of perennial anti-Semitic conspiracy theories Pedaled by the right. The Fellowship Ramis Swami received is dedicated to helping immigrants and children of immigrants pursue graduate degrees.
Prominent right-wing figures like Jack Poso have directed attention toward Ramis Swami's past fellowship, presumably in line with the aforementioned use of Soros as a catchall for anything suspicious. Also removed from Ramis Swami's page was his work serving in the Ohio's c Ovid 19 response team. The editor claimed that Ramis Swami had explicitly asked to remove the mention of his work on the Covid team while the editor himself deemed the fellowship to be extraneous material.
After some back and forth with other Wikipedia contributors information, noting Ramis Swami Soros fellowship was later added back to the page. Ramis Swami announced his bid for presidency less than two weeks after he seemingly commissioned an editor to modify his Wikipedia page. So let's repeat that 'cause that is worth it.
Ramis Swami announced his pre his bid for presidency just two weeks after he paid an editor to modify his Wikipedia page. To this day, Ramas Swami's Wikipedia page begins with a disclaimer that the article has multiple issues and the neutrality of this article is disputed. This article contains paid contributions.
It may require cleanup to comply with Wikipedia's content. Policy is particularly neutral point of view. Wikipedia warrants the episode is just another and a long series of Republicans Spinelessly refusing lead to stand by their past when facing Donald Trump, or to offer even a nugget of an argument as to why, Hey, maybe it's okay to care about problems like Covid.
So this is a left wing company calling this out most remarkably is that any of the Republicans think their hungry embrace of conservatism. It's furthest right instincts will result in anything other than failure. Alright? So, so I would say too, I'm actually quite, I'm actually quite, uh, proud of our party.
I'm, you know, and, and I say our party, I don't generally traditionally identify as strict conservative. I'm far more, I would say libertarian than I am conservative in many aspects. I believe our government should be basically utilized for a military to protect our borders and protect us against foreign enemies.
Not to, you know, go to war with other countries and start proxy wars for billions of dollars. I also believe that we should have a police force which is used to, uh, enact law and order, um, under very limited circumstances. Uh, basically off of the golden rule, which is like if, hey, if you don't want that to happen to you, maybe you shouldn't do it to other people.
And if you do it to other people, maybe there should be consequences if we all agree that this thing shouldn't happen. Uh, maybe some, some actually no. I wouldn't even say education systems. I think education systems in the modern day would do fairly well if it was a, a more capitalistic, uh, free, um, free market.
Uh, there's very limited use cases for the government, um, very limited use cases, and it's literally just a pile of money for them to, uh, to extort you out of with the threat of violence and captivity. In order for them to be able to find how much money and to move out of that pile into their own pockets, through these little games of money laundering, that's about 86% of government spending to me.
Right. You wanna talk about, um, social services? I, I think there should be some social services to be able to help people who are, uh, mentally disabled, who are physically disabled, who, uh, really need the help. Um, I, I, I don't see much other uses for the government other than those things. So traditionally probably not as Republican as many people who, uh, listen or who, uh, follow me or, you know, but that's where I'm at.
That's what I think. I, I don't think the government's great at literally almost anything. I think the government's quite bad at almost everything. Um, I'll, I'll give you a story. Uh, when I was in the military, uh, I was at, uh, Biloxi, uh, Mississippi. Uh, I was going to tech school for air traffic control training.
And uh, I was in the military from 18 to 22. And when I was at Air Traffic Control Tech School in Biloxi, Mississippi, we had a bowling alley. And at this bowling alley we would go there, you know, friends who would drink there and they'd get big pictures of beer and um, and it was like the shittiest bowling alley you had ever been to.
And about maybe four months into my tech school, I was, I was at, at Keesler Air Force Base for eight or nine months, um, doing air traffic school. And maybe eight or nine months, three months after we got there, four months after we got there, the bowling alley closed down. The government had a monopoly on entertainment on base and could not run a business properly in order to be profitable enough, even with tax funding.
It's like the most ridiculous circus show of a business being ran ever. Uh, it's unbelievably bad at literally everything it does ever. Right. The government is just horrific at every endeavor it sets out to do. There's so much red tape, there's so much bureaucracy. All the technology's super old. There's no innovation, there's, there's nothing happening from the traditional taxation based government services that is positive for the, for the people.
Like maybe you can say firefighters. Police in very limited cases, I think I, I legitimately don't think there should be any traffic enforcement. Um, there's very few use cases besides violence and, um, mostly violence. Like there, there's just, there's so many things that are off about, you know, the government having its own, uh, imperialist army.
So those are some of my beliefs on that. But, but so, so that's, when you hear me talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. I'm not like, I, I am not a hard right or a hard left. I am like somewhere in the middle with mostly a belief that our government sucks at everything it does. And the less that we can have the government do, and the more that we can have the free market do, the better off we will all be.
And when I say free market, it's not like the modern day free market that we have right now, because what we have right now is a, a monopolistic oligarchy of, of capitalistic institutions who own everything, right? We talk about the Black Rocks and the Vanguards. I. Uh, uh, we don't live in a capitalist society anymore.
Capitalism is dead. We live in an oligarchy. Every institution that you know, is owned by a single one, two, maybe three investment wealth companies, every politician, you know, is owned by 1, 2, 3 of those same wealth management companies. Every politician, you know, every company that you know is owned by BlackRock and Vanguard.
We do not live in a capitalistic society. We live in a oligarchy a we live in a, uh, a, um, a, a monopolistic based oligarchy where all of the politicians are bought and paid for, where all of the companies are bought and paid for, and they enact the policies through the politicians that they fund, through the corporations, that it's this big shit show mess, and we're just the ones at the bottom of it getting shit on.
This is just how this whole thing plays out to me. Our entire system is just flawed to, its very core as of maybe the last 80 to a hundred years, 80 to a hundred years. The Industrial Revolution, world War II was all the, the shifting of power to these elite class, uh, the, the Berg Group, the World Economic Forums, the, the BlackRocks, the Vanguards, right?
You guys, if you've been listening to me long enough, you know my beliefs on these things. You hear me talk about one-off topics, but you don't really hear me talk about the systemic governmental issues that I really, you know, what I truly believe about our government, mostly just that they suck at everything.
It's a proxy for politicians and corporations to siphon off government or to siphon off tax dollars. Right. Taxes weren't even implemented until like two thou 1913, right? Something like that. Like 110 years. Uh, when, when federal income tax was, was started and federal income tax was started basically just to fund, uh, you know, it was like two per, they, they were gonna, they were gonna charge, uh, people who were extremely wealthy, like two to 3% of their income just to fund some certain small services.
Right? Like, we left Great Britain because they were taxing us on fucking tea. Right. We were throwing barrels. Right. The, the Sons of Liberty and John Adams and or Sam Adams and, and the Sons of Liberty were just going off having secret meetings and cool bars or pubs like the, the Green Dragon. And they were having these underground meetings with, um, you know, the Freemasons and like, how are they gonna, you know, there was all this crazy shit happening.
And a lot of it, the, all of the fed up. Thoughts about the, the British clergy? Were based on the, the, the people not wanting the government to take their money from them. Don't. Maybe we should have you for a couple things, and maybe it's, don't invade my country, don't, don't, uh, kill me, don't take my shit from my house.
Right? Like, these, these are the things that the government should truly be focused on. But instead they're writing you traffic tickets via autonomous cameras for profit, and they're telling you that you have to get a mRNA gene therapy in order to get a job. Like we're so far off and it's just gonna get worse and worse and worse and worse unless we, we start to win this, this culture war even more than we are today.
So anyways, long tangent. Next thing that says here is, um, uh, most remarkable, uh, is, uh, okay. Yeah, that's a stupid article coming from a left wing, but not wrong in like the first half of this. Um, so originally I looked up this article, uh, about who are the famous alumni of Yale's, uh, Phi Beta Kappa Phi, beta Kappa being the, uh, the, um, the fraternity that Vivek was a part of.
And, um, I was looking at Yale and, uh, I, I was looking wrongfully at Yale, so he was a part of Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard. So let's see if we can get the celebrity names of people who were a part of Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard, because I misread that. Uh, and let's see, Harvard alumni.
It's so crazy to me that people like go to Harvard, right? Like that there's just like this, this completely, this university that's just like completely made up of elite families who just put a hyper emphasis on their children for academics who fund it with $120,000 or whatever the fuck it is to get your kid to go to Harvard.
And then, you know, all the scandals with like telling your, saying your kid was a bad gammon defenseman in order to get them into the university. Right. If you ever saw that documentary, I forget the name of it, but it was about the scandal at, uh, all of the elite universities where, um, it might've been a singular one where they were like basically saying that these kids were, uh, In sports that they weren't because they were paying off the, the admissions individual to get them in, uh, to the university on scholarship and stuff, like pretty crazy stuff.
Um, so let's see if we can find the Phi Beta Kappa Harvard alumni. Go directly to the website, harvard.edu five. The Kappa of Massachusetts at Harvard is established under a charter dated December 4th, 19 or 17, sorry, 1779. Wow. The charter was granted along with one for Yale by the original society.
Founded three years earlier, the College of William and Mary in Virginia. The charter was brought from there to Harvard by Alicia Parelli, who initiated four juniors of the day before commencement in 19. In 17. Wow. 19, uh, 1781. The first meeting of the new chapter was held in September 8th, 1781. That makes Harvard's chapter the oldest and continuous existence.
Interesting. Let's see. Members, literary exercises, eligibility, and election members. Let's see if we can get some famous members. Class of 2020. Class of 2024. Let's just read the names of these people. Samar Bajaj, Suha Bot Rah, Bahari, Alexander Chen. Rah. Hari Ganesh. Jay Gar. Amen Haw. Kaylee Ek. Hari Iyer.
James Jolan. Ja. Ana, Madeline Kitsch. Jeffrey Kwan, Clarence Naba. Will Nichols, that's the only white guy. Uh, Mitchell Minchi Park. Uh, Joel Sdo. Atlas Sgo. Trey Sullivan. Lucy two. Eleanor Wickstrom, Dora Woodruff. Vicki, you and Eric Zoo. No white people. Maybe one. Let's look at previous years. Uh, 1980s. 1990s.
Let's look. What year did he graduate? I think he said 2007. He was a graduate. So let's look at 2007 and see who he was a part of this with. Maybe there's any names that pop out to us here, so we see, see if we can even find Vivek Bally. Aaron. Vadim. Alinsky. I'll save you the names here. Let's see if we can find anybody that sticks out to us that he was a part of this.
With Mary, Brad, Eric, Brian, lots of more white people back in 2007.
I don't exactly see Vivek, but there's so many people on this list. Let's see, is this, uh, okay alphabetical. So Ramis Swami, there he is. Okay. The Vek Ram Swami 2007. It's a pretty long list, so I'm not sure I know any more of these people just by looking at it without doing research. Peter b Zuckerman, interesting.
Maybe that's a good deep dive we could do is like, who did he actually go to? These, who is he here with? Um, but anyways, I. Digress. Um, maybe we can look at the 1980s, but that would be the thing, right? Like maybe look back at like, who are the alumni at this be? Because the other one, when I was looking at Yale's, it was like, here are the famous ones that you will actually know.
And they said, George h w Bush. Uh, so I thought that was interesting until I found out it was the wrong college. So speaking of like when Matt Kim made a correction, let, let me make my correction here. Um, my correction is, I was wrong in the last episode. I talked about how there was a flood at the Dodger Stadium, and I said that, you know, oh, how ironic it is that there was this flood, you know, just months after there was the, uh, you know, the Satanic ritualistic.
Pride parade bullshit that was put on at the arena just months prior. And apparently there, there was all these videos and, and pictures that circulated and apparently it's an, an optical illusion. Um, apparently the, the way that the, even just in that video I showed you of the helicopter flying over it, it clearly looks like there was flooded.
Clearly it's, but apparently it wasn't. Apparently there was, uh, just an optical illusion where the way that the, uh, the parking lot was shaped around, it wasn't flooded. It wasn't flooded. So I was wrong. I'll admit it. Uh, there was no flood. And Dodger Stadium is still standing, unfortunately, um, even after a hurricane.
Um, so there's my correction. Take it or leave it. Um, anyways, moving on. I. Vivek Ramis Swami on the debate stage had many, many clips that were pulled from, uh, some of his stuff. Now I even posted some of them, um, again, until I really started to dive into his history and look through the red flags that I'm talking about here.
Uh, I don't know. Pretty crazy. Uh, just so, uh, last thing we'll talk about is this clip here, and that's it. Nope, that's the, that's the Chris Christie, uh, clip of him calling him chat, G p T, which was like this, the, just the perfect response to Vivec. That is almost exactly what he seems. He seems like if the future was to send a robot, uh, you know, if BlackRock was to create an ai like.
Oh, we hate the establishment. Oh, yuck. BlackRock. You hate them too. Oh, those elites. They're nasty. You don't want them. Uh, if, if BlackRock was to formulate the perfect robot to come in here and try to win over the people's vote, you know, because they think you're so stupid that you won't actually look into the history of this man.
Vivek would be that guy. Now, again, I'll, I'll preface this with, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Vivek isn't a World economic forum, global leader. George Soros funded Yale
graduate, who took money from BlackRock and Vanguard to start a company with, you know, to come out with products with Pfizer during Covid. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe that's not the case. I. Maybe he's just a nice guy who found himself funded by BlackRock and Vanguard accidentally and found him accidentally on the World Economic Forum website and just so happened to take money from George Soros and also, uh, you know, uh, decided that he was gonna run for president.
May, maybe I'm wrong, but maybe I'm right. And maybe you should pay attention to these red flags and maybe, maybe just, maybe this guy isn't the guy that you want to spend your vote on during the primaries, but I'll leave that up to you. I'm just giving you the information. Personally, I think I'm a little bit more convinced that Vivek, Vivek Rams Swami is a snake.
I don't know. I'm a little bit more convinced now than I was before, after hearing about his financial situation. After hearing about his investors being BlackRock and Vanguard, after hearing about all of this, it seems to me like he might be a snake in the grass. So keep your eyes peeled people and in the meantime, subscribe.
Leave a five star review. This is the last time I'll ask you. You've been here with me for an hour and 20 minutes now. So the least you can do when you leave this podcast and go listen to the last one. If you ever listened to the last one or go listen to the first one, go all the way back. All the way back in the podcast, uh, archive here and go to the very first episode where we do assassinations, coverups, and the Cult of Science, where I go up and I actually break down this book behind me right here.
Uh, it's called Code Blue by Mike McGee, where it goes into the, uh, the medical. Industrial complex. And, uh, we talk about, um, the, uh, untimely death of the creator of the mRNA techno, or I'm sorry, not the mRNA technology. Um, the P C r testing Kerry Moles and his death just months prior to covid, which is super weird.
Uh, so go back, see how, you know, see how I broke that down for you. I read some excerpts from the book. Uh, it is the very, very first podcast I ever did. Um, so tell me how good or how bad it is in your five star review. I thank you so much for listening. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I love you.
I hope you have a great week. I will talk to you next time on the Adams Archive. Thank you.
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