Monday Aug 22, 2022
Andrew Tate Gets Banned, Human Cloning & Ukraine War Crimes
In this week's episode, we discuss the controversial figure Andrew Tate getting banned by Meta from Facebook and Instagram. We also discuss a new biotech company that wants to clone human embryos for organs... creepy. We also discuss the recent accusation by Russia of alleged war crimes by Ukraine.
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Hello, and welcome to red pill revolution. My name is Austin Adams, and as always, thank you so much for listening today. I appreciate it. From the bottom of my heart, we have some wild things to discuss some happenings in the metaverse some things that have gone on with recent bands. So let's jump into it today.
We are going to talk about mark Zuckerberg, unveiling his new. Allegedly boyish metaverse avatar after getting mocked for his creepy dead eye original version. So we will discuss that. We've also discussed a little bit about what the hell the metaverse is, and even if you wanna ever take part in it for any reason, we're also going to talk about a biotech company that wants to take human DNA and basically just create artificial embryos that could be used to harvest organs for medical transplants, which sounds a.
It sounds pretty creepy, but when you actually think about what that means, it's extremely creepy and, uh, definitely some sort of human rights violation. And if it's not, it should be, but we will discuss that. We'll also discuss some recent allegations by Russia saying that Ukraine has been using chemical terrorism on its soldiers, as well as a recent, I guess, assassination that happened on the daughter of a Russian intelligence officer, uh, which seems a little bit.
A little bit like a war crime to me. So we'll discuss that. We'll also talk about maybe we'll we might have this little bonus article here. We'll see if we get to it, but we got some, some decent things to discuss here. So if we do get to it, we'll talk about a dad who took photos of his toddler. You know, basically like every person who takes photos of their toddler ever.
Um, but actually for this one was to send it to a doctor. And Google flagged him as a criminal, like basically for pedophilia distribution in some way, when his doctor asked him for the photo. So we may get to that and discuss it. We are also the main topic for today. Some videos that I have up today are to discuss Andrew Tate.
And if you don't know who Andrew Tate is, he's quite the character. And, uh, he's. Influencer, whatever the hell that means today, but he's kind of a Dick and kind of might be, uh, a little bit of an understatement, but he was recently banned by Instagram and Facebook. So we will discuss why. And if I agree with the decision.
So, I guess you'll have to stick around for that. Now. That is what we're gonna discuss today. It's going to be a great conversation, so stick around. But the first thing I need you to do is go ahead and hit that subscribe button, leave a five star review. It would mean the world to me, if you did. So it's the only way that we can get put up in the ranking.
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Tell me what you hate about Andrew Tate or love about him. I don't know whatever your opinion is. I don't know, say something on there and leave a five star review. It would mean a lot. Then next thing I needed to do is head over to red pill, revolution dot. See, you can sign up for the subst stack. You'll get all of the articles, all of the videos from today's episode directly in your email, along with the audio podcast, the video podcast, some awesome stuff that I'm building over there directly on the website, where you can get basically all of the content.
So head over there right now, and that's all I got for you. So without further ado, let's jump into it. Episode 40 of the red pill revolution podcast.
Welcome to red pill revolution. My name is Austin Adams, red pill revolution started out with me realizing everything that I knew, everything that I believed, everything I interpreted about my life is through the lens of the information I was spoon fed as a. Religion politics, history, conspiracies, Hollywood, medicine, money, food, all of it, everything we know was tactfully written to influence your decisions and your view on reality by those in power.
Now I'm on a mission, a mission to retrain and reeducate myself to find the true reality of what is. That curtain and I'm taking your ass with me. Welcome to the revolution.
All right. Welcome to episode 40 of the red pill revolution podcast. And the very first topic that we are going to discuss today is going to be mark Zuckerberg, coming out with a new avatar for his metaverse, uh, deal he's got going on there. So it says mark Zuckerberg, um, reveals new boyish metaverse avatar after getting mocked for a creepy dead.
Original version. so well, let's look at this article if you'll be able to see this, uh, if you're watching the video, if not, just look up mark Zuckerberg, metaverse avatar, and you'll see why everybody's going crazy about this because it is quite creepy. Right? I think the idea for people in the metaverse is already kind of a, a weird, uh, idea for them to jump into a.
Virtual reality type of world and interact with other people. And it seems to be even creepier when you're doing it with basically me or we characters , everybody's walking around looking like the original we characters you think by now, 20, 22, 10 years after the, we came out that they probably would've improved avatars in some way, shape or form.
But I don't know. It seems like Facebook just kind of ripped them off of Nintendo, but from the looks of this picture, The original one's a little bit more, uh, a little bit more 2d. The, the next one's a little bit more 3d, which I don't know how you, you know, they didn't change the whole graphics of the metaverse to do this, but it goes on to say that, uh, mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meda UN revealed of new boyish metaverse avatar on Friday after a creepy DEI version, he posted Monday was roundly.
Roundly not round deadly Zuckerberg also on Friday, promised a major graphics update for horizon worlds, meta versus platform, which has been criticized for its budget. Feel on which I guess is what I was just talking about with the, we hold deal on Monday, Zuckerberg shared on his Facebook profile that horizon worlds had launched in France and Spain and posted an image of the Zuckerberg avatar standing in front of the Eiffel.
Social media users were quick to de ride the image with some likening it to the graphics of 1990s video games like Zelda and quake in 2007 second life. Now that's an interesting conversation because if you don't know what second life is, second life was a. Some type of like role playing game, you could have played, I don't know, 15 to 20 years ago.
Like really like when the internet first started, second life was a, a very commonly used, you know, like third world. I remember my, my father actually talking to me about it and saying how people would like buy houses and buy land in second life. And they would go to a job and they would like do all this crazy stuff.
And it sounded almost exactly like. Mark. Zuckerberg's trying to recreate here just with, and with the same exact graphics you think they would do a little bit better job at it, but if you don't know what second life is, go look it up. I guess it has a very, uh, dedicated community of furries over the years.
who would meet up there. But, um, it, it is quite wild to me that there's been literally there. There's no difference between the metaverse and what second life was. And so it's like a weird, you know, the idea of like getting, putting a headset on and using, you know, web three type, uh, you know, uh, cryptocurrencies to buy stuff and, uh, NFTs in your home that you can show, like, I guess there's that element to it, but it's nothing new.
This has been out for a while. Second life has been around for a very long time, you know? And, and the only difference that they seem to have at all is just. It seems to be more expensive and requires a barrier to entry with a virtual reality headset. So I would say looking at this picture of mark Zuckerberg, the only thing more creepy than mark Zuckerberg's original or second avatar, right?
This weird boyish avatar. The only thing creepier than mark Zuckerberg's avatar is. Mark Zuckerberg if you go back and watch him in front of like the Senate or Congress and you see him sipping, you know, his, his water sipping stuff that he was so famous for, you know, is, is so interesting to see this robot sit in front and answer questions.
Exactly. Like a robot would. And so mark Zuckerberg's creepy little avatar here is pushing me no closer to jumping on the metaverse. Now what I would say is that AR VR is absolutely going to come into your life. It's absolutely going to become in, uh, a big facet of business. They're going to find a use for it.
You see all of these huge companies like Google, like apple, like Facebook, meta, whatever the hell you want to call it, they're all getting in on this for a reason. And this, the reason is not for today. The reason is for, I don't know, five or 10 years from now. If you remember in. Think back to like Google glass, right?
The glasses that you would wear, Google glass was mocked ridiculously for a while, but it looked a lot better than these virtual reality sets. So, so think of like, if you're putting on Google glass and you're walking through your normal day to day, the idea's gonna be that your phone's gonna go away.
It's gonna integrate into your glasses. Eventually turn into contacts and eventually be an implant in the back of your head. But the idea is gonna be that it's not gonna be these huge Oculus glasses that you're wearing on your head. The idea is it's gonna be first, something like the Google. hopefully just not as weird, you know, sci-fi looking, but the Google glass was mocked for, by a ton of people.
There was a super long beta program, which like took all the hype away from it. But imagine the Oculus turning into Google glass and then imagine going about your day and doing everything that you would normally do on your phone, where you have to look down your neck, stretches out six different ways and you wake up with a only being able to.
To the right instead of the left, all of that will go away is my guess. All of that's gonna what's gonna happen is it's gonna turn into glasses that you're gonna be able to, that augmented reality is gonna be going about your every day shooting video from it, taking pictures with it. Eventually it'll become integrated into your body somehow.
So you don't even have to wear glasses, but I probably would rather. Have glasses, honestly, myself and then the gaming aspects of it. Cool. But there, there's a lot of really interesting business cases that are coming about, and I'm finding this out in my business life, but I really do think that it's gonna become a part of something.
Now, I don't think that the virtual reality, we universe that they're creating here is going to be the answer. I think it's more so a test pilot for them to, you know, utilize these things and try new things to see how people like it. I don't know, weird, weird stuff, but that's where we're going a hundred percent.
That is where we're going. Augmented reality. VR is gonna be very much so integrated in the people's everyday lives. Probably more than a lot of people would like, but eventually you'll do it because the inconvenience of not doing it will be outweighed by the convenience of doing it. And. What will be a positive thing that comes out of that is we'll be able to get rid of our phones.
Right? You'll actually seem like you're interacting with people. You'll look up a little bit more. There probably won't be as many people with scoliosis in the world. So the chiropractors of the world might go away. a lot of positive things that could come out of this, but one of the negative things is we have to see mark Zuckerberg's creepy little, we face.
And, and, uh, even though he updated, it looks just as bad. So anyways, just wanted to throw that out there. I thought that was hilarious that his, we character, his metaverse avatar is basically just as, almost as creepy as he is in real life. All right. So the next thing that we're gonna discuss here is going to be a little bit more, you know, I guess to me, a little bit more creepy, what they're gonna be doing is says, and this is comes from the business insider.com and it comes from an Israeli company that is going to, it's a biotech company that wants to take human DNA and create artificial embryos to basically take for human organ harvest.
You heard that right in true Jurassic park fashion, they want to make cloned humans to do organ harvesting off of what a super. Freaky weird future dystopia. Do we live in where this becomes an acceptable headline, even without a bunch of people going off on how wrong this is, right. I'm pretty sure this would be not allowed legally in a lot of different countries.
Um, but let's go ahead and read this, read this article, and then we'll talk about it. This says a biotech company based in Israel wants to replicate a recent experiment that successfully created an artificial mouse embryo from stem cells. Only this time with human. So scientists at wet them's molecular genetics department grew synthetic mouse embryos in the jar without the use of sperm, eggs, or a womb.
According to a newspaper published in the journal cell on August 1st, it was the first time the process had been successfully completed insiders Maryanne GU not reported. The, the replica embryos could not develop into fully formed mice and were therefore not. Not real. What does that even mean? Jacob.
Hannah, who led the experiment? What does real mean? Real means tangible, right? Maybe they're not complet. Sentient like you and I, or a regular mouse or a regular person. But that doesn't mean they're not real. They don't, they're not mark. Zuckerberg's meta avatar. like, no, they're real. However, scientists, it says observed the synthetic embryos, having a beating heart blood circulation, the start of a brain, a neural tube, and an intestinal trick.
Hannah told MIT technology review after the success of the mouse review or the mouse experiment, he is working to replicate the results with human cells, including his own.
The embryo is the best organ making machine and the best 3d bio printer. We tried to emulate what it does. Hannah said in this statement, other experts say that will take significantly more research before synthetic human embryos are within reach renewal BioD is real based company founded by. Hannah wants to use this science for organ tissue transplants that could solve infertility genetic diseases and issues related to old age.
For example, the MIT technology review reported that blood cells from the embryo could potentially be used to help boost immunocompromised systems. Renewal bio believes that some of the world's most pressing problems are declining birth rates and fast aging populations to solve these complex and compounding issues.
Neuro bio aims to make humanity younger and healthier by leveraging the power of the new stem cell technology. Wow. Okay. In short, what they're doing is they're creating half. So it says, handle told the MIT technology review that he could potentially get around these ethical concerns. So actually let's read the next couple paragraphs, cuz it talks about that.
It says to solve these complex issues, we just talked about it O a mirror. My of DRI the acting CEO of renew bio told MIT technology review that the company did not want to overpromise or scare people with the potential technology, but that Hannah's experiment was amazing. The use of human embryo clones for research has been frequently raised ethical research or concerns within the scientific community, including the potential that synthetic embryos may experience pain or sentient, according to a 2017 paper published in the journal of E.
Hand has told MIT technology review that he could potentially get around these ethical concerns by creating synthetic human embryos with no heart, no lungs or no brain. Wow. You, that is a literal, super villain. They're cloning people to harvest their organs in, in a test tube. Like what, how in the world is this?
A UN violation. I'm sure it is right. I'm sure you're gonna have to go to a, uh, Biolab in Ukraine that doesn't exist to have this type of thing done, you know, like the other 17 that still according to the United States doesn't exist. so, um, so yeah, they, they're definitely gonna have to skirt some, some legality rules.
Now this is something that China's been doing for a while is, is some type of like, if you've ever heard of the word Kymera, Kymera is, are a real thing. So if you think back to like, there's like a lot of like, Like not, not biblical, but like hieroglyphics ideas. Think of like the man. Uh, the centar right. A centar is a Chimera in the way, because it's a human mixed with a horse in a, a Chimera is something that they've been doing in China for decades.
They've been literally taking animals, cloning them and mixing their DNAs so that they're not considered something that falls under the laws that we have created because we never created laws with the intention for China to recreate. Animal DNA creatures. And so they've been using these creatures and mixing them with things like pigs in humans, so that they can do these types of, or organ harvesting, which I'm finding out recently.
And you'll find this out in the next episode, where I do an interview with a guy who, who discusses this type of thing, where they do these live organ harvestings in China, on certain communities, which is gonna be an awesome. Um, not awesome is probably not the right term, but a very intriguing and deep and highly concerning episode is probably much more accurate than interesting or any other words that I used for that.
But this, this seems to be a direction that humanities going, that a lot of people ethically are not even aware of. They're not aware of this. This article was like pretty buried on Reddit that I found that, um, and it was just released nine hours ago. So maybe that's why, but it's, it's not a very talked about issue that there's literally animal human bags of meat out there that they're taking organs from in China, trying to recreate.
If you don't believe me, there's scientific articles where they're talking about this thing, and this is not, this is not new. This is not conspiracy theories, nothing. This is legitimate science. I don't know if you consider that legitimate, but, you know, God making of, of scientists by creating their own animals.
I mean, there was a quote that was pulled from Jurassic park about, you know, doing something before it's read. Like I saw it from this post about this. Let's see if I can find it. Cuz I think it was a pretty well relatable quote to what's actually happening here. It talks, you know, if you know the idea. Um, you know, Jurassic park, which I'm sure most of you understand.
Um, it, it's the idea that we're doing something that we don't know what we're doing. Right? We have no idea what the implications of these actions are going to be. We have no idea what's actually gonna come of this. We have no idea what type of sentience these things have. We have no idea what we are doing yet.
We are doing it anyways. And nobody's talking about like, this literally has 200, 322 comments on it and it's buried. and we're cloning humans, right? Like it's, this is, this is not, this, this should not be a small deal. Um, so let's read what it says here. It says that the, uh, let's see if I can find this Jurassic park.
Now, the interesting thing that Reddis been doing is they've changed it from top comments to best comments, which who decides what's best they do. So they can go in there and curate it, however you like. And you have to go in there and specifically choose to go to top comments instead of best comments.
But let's see if I can even find this. And if not, I'll, I'll kind of give you a synopsis of what was said here, but it looks like they've buried a lot of this. Of the actual comments here. So maybe I won't be able to find it, but I'm sure it's readily available for you to look up a quote from Jurassic park where they're talking about this.
But the whole idea is that we're doing something that we don't understand where we're putting ourselves as a position of humanity. We are, our scientists are acting as if they are gods, right? They are messing with human DNA and mandating you to do it. Or else you don't get your job. They are creating human clones that they're taking lungs hearts and.
Brains away from so that they've not legally considered humans. We, this is the most sickening, disgusting thing that's going on in the, like, probably not the most, but pretty damn up there. And nobody's talking about it, right? We, we are. So, and that's the problem with the internet is that we are so overloaded with so much information.
You can go on Reddit and. 500 posts that are more lighting up to the brain of the average individual and then buried in there somewhere as this article. And it never sees the light a day. And even to the point, I should have a whole damn episode on this and we're gonna be talking about some random social media influencer getting banned, right?
And now he's not random. He's like one of the most, you know, controversial top people of right now. But nowhere near the amount of attention and energy should be drawn to that is just drawn to this right. We're gonna be talking about that for probably even further, because I didn't do enough research on that.
This is wild. This is crazy. I just saw, like I said, this article came out nine, nine hours ago, but it's absolutely something that we should be talking about and something that we should be highly highly concerned with. Uh, but anyways, um, let's just read this small portion and we'll, it says, I mean, I guess we've read a little bit more of it than we, we needed to, this is crazy.
This is wild. There should be outcry everywhere in the world about this and nobody is talking about it. So maybe we should, you. bring it up. Maybe I'll I'll, I'll do a whole episode deep dive into it. And, and, and I think it'd be fair because the Chimera conversation is absolutely one that you should know about too, in, in the, you know, atrocities that are happening in these deep, dark biomedical labs with these villain, like super villain scientists out there creating monsters that we don't even know what we're.
And at the same time, they're creating AI. And at the same, like literally every Jurassic park would be the least of my concerns compared to the AI super robots that we're creating that are gonna be doing your chores. According to Elon Musk and the Kymera slash cloning of humans for organ harvesting. If they created dinosaurs and put 'em in a zoo, that's pretty damn cool.
This. This is not the thing. like, let's, let's go back to Jurassic part times because I'd much rather have that than I think have this, uh, anyways. So the next topic that we're gonna discuss here is going to be the Russia Ukraine situation. We haven't had a, a really big, um, we haven't had a really big update on this recently, and it seems like you almost have to find this information yourself, right?
If you're, you know, how many people on, on your road have a damn Ukraine flag on their porch. It's so crazy. But you really aren't hearing much about it. And, and this might be why there's some weird, uh, black hat, war tactics going on here between Russia and Ukraine and a good amount of it from the headlines and the headlines.
Only the headlines that we're seeing that are curated for us on the American, uh, you know, internets just like China had their own 10 years ago. We now have our own, you know, access to information cuz you can't even find the, um, what is it RT? Russia, uh, news outlets talking about these things. You have to go to Reddit and only get spooned.
What they're telling you that they want you to, to, to hear through the censorship of our social media channels. So now this comes from, um, in a butcher this, but it's like a foreign news company. I'll just zero a L J a Z E E R a. And it says that Russia accuses Ukraine of chemical terrorism using tox. So that Russia is accusing Ukraine of poisoning their soldiers, which would be against the Geneva convention.
It says Kiev dismisses the allegations of poisoning, Russian soldiers with BTO lium, toxin, and says that invading troops likely eight expired canned foods. Yeah. Okay. we think you're poisoning our soldiers. Nah, they probably got some bad chili from Kroger. uh, it says that Russian's defense minister accused Ukraine of poisoning.
Some of its soldiers in the Russia controlled part of Ukraine, Southern Eastern region of Zappia in late July. An advice to Ukraine's interior ministry said that on Saturday in response to the alleged poisoning could have been caused by Russian forces. Eating expired. Canned. A number of Russian soldiers were taken to a military hospital with signs of severe poisoning on July 31st test showed a toxic SU substance Butlin bow bot toum B O T U L I N U M bot toum toxin type B in their bodies.
The Russian defense ministry said on, on the fact of chemical terrorism sanctioned by the Zelensky regime, Russia's preparing, supporting evidence with the results of all the a. Said the ministry in a statement, it did not say how many soldiers suffered poisoning or what their condition was now, or elaborate on what the supporting evidence was involved.
Butum toxin type B is a neurotoxin that cause that can cause bot bot, gosh, this word, stupid botulism. when ingested and is previously contaminated food product, but it can also have medical uses. Russia's defense ministry said that his findings will be given to the organization for prohibited of chemical.
Or op C w evidence of chemical terrorism by the Keine was soon be formally forwarded to the op C w through the permanent mission of Russia. It. Um, it goes on to talk about the Russian expired me an additional investigation was also being conducted by the possible poisoning of the head of the provisional administration of Kirsten region.
Uh, with alleged chemical warfare agents, it added Sodo was a former mayor of the city of Kirsten and was appointed to head of the region of the same name when Russian troops overran it early in March. Uh, the par does not clarify whether the poisoning could have been caused by expired can't. Which is often found.
So he had the same poisoning. So they're using this consistently or allegedly not using it. Um, but there's some really bad spam in Ukraine, according to this article, because they seem to be writing it off pretty easily as food. Um, now. The next one is so, so that's the, the intro to this right over the last week.
That's in the last several days, we saw an article now about the potential of Ukraine poisoning, Russian soldiers. Okay. Now what we're seeing is a article that says that the car bomb kills the daughter. Of spiritual guide to Putin's Ukrainian invasion. Now this is a different headline than CNN originally had, which was Daria Dugina killed car killed in the car explosion.
And it was a Russian intelligence officer. So, so it basically was I, I can go find the exact heading of it. Um, but basically they changed the title of it to make it sound like some, like this guy was the entire reason for the war happening in the first place. Absolutely not the case, right. At least from my understanding it, I don't think anybody can answer that question, honestly, actually, I don't know.
And either is this CNN, but the original title of that article was daughter of Russian of Russian who was inspirational force behind Putin's invasion of Ukraine killed in a car explosion. You know, what they don't use in that title is the word civilian. It's not the intelligence officer who. Killed in a car bomb.
It's not a Russian soldier. It it's the daughter of an intelligence officer. So you're literally going off after family members going after family members of, of intelligence. That's a civilian that's again, a violation of the Geneva convention is killing civilians. This is a violation of the Geneva convent.
No matter what you do, nobody gets, unless you're the mafia, you shouldn't be going after people's family. And even then it's wrong, obviously. But in this case, if, if you're trying to curate world support from the United States citizens, the way to get to their hearts is not by bombing random people's children.
Right. And we're literally funding this entire war. Right. But let's go ahead and we'll, we'll watch this. I don't know if it's, uh, I think it's a part of the actual, uh, video. It says warning, this contains graphic information. So we'll watch it. We'll see if it says anything, if it's just the explosion, uh, which it looks like it is.
So let's see, I'll turn this down for you guys.
So it's basically just showing the aftermath of a car, uh, all down the road, a bunch of pieces of the car, everywhere. Daughter of an influential and prominent supporter of Vladimir Putin was killed yesterday. When her car exploded in a town near Moss. that is according to Russian state media, which also says it is likely an explosive device was planted in the car.
Daria dinos was driving. Wow. And if that's her, she's, uh, probably in her very early thirties, late twenties, um, pretty blonde woman. Um, and now she's become the, the. Uh, become the victim of a bombing by obvious you Lee Ukrainian forces. So this says that Russian authorities said, uh, Sunday, that they had opened a murder investigation after the daughter of influential ultranationalist philosopher, Alexander Dugin was killed by a car bomb on the outskirts of Moscow.
So he's not even an intelligence officer. He's a Phil philosopher and they use the word ultra nationalist, right. Ultra omega, right. All. The ultra extremes of the world to justify the killing of random civilians. And this is coming from CNN. So let's see what they have to say about it. It says the Russian investigative committee said that believe someone planned and ordered the car explosion that killed D DIA Dugina based on the evidence already collected from the blast, taken into account that data already obtained.
The investigation believes that the crime was pre-planned and was of an ordered. Dugina said, uh, died in the scene after the ex an explosive device presumably installed in the Toyota land cruiser went off on a public road in the car, caught fire at around 9:00 PM near the village of I'm not even gonna try it.
According to the press service of the Russian investigative committee is re uh, reported by the Russian state news agency, T a S S. Duga uh, father is a Russian author in ideolog accredited with being the architect of, or spiritual guide to Russian's invasion of Ukraine. He is purported to have significant influence over Russian president Vladimir Putin and was described as Putin's brain.
Yeah, of course. You're gonna call that when you randomly kill the guy's daughter, he's a full philosopher. You don't get to kill somebody or their daughter for their thought. So here's a video of him. Uh, this is what he said about Trump and Putin in 2017, which I'm sure will frame him very well being from CNN.
So let's watch this or listen, I guess, cause I'm like, I don't have it downloaded, but let's watch it slash listen, cuz you can't see it. go ahead Mr. Trump in Trump with trust. Meet the man who has been dubbed Putin's brain ultra conservative philosopher and TV personality. Alexander Dugin is a champion of Russian nationalism.
And he says, president Trump is on the same Waveland as long as I could. Uh, Judge on Donald Trump. I have remarked many, many similarities was my, uh, my thought and his integrational speech discourse was as if I would, uh, I would write it myself. Dugin Dugin is seen as one of the architects of Russia's growing ideology, a conservative nationalism with roots in the Orthodox church that is being exported across the world.
As an alternative to liberal democracy. November 8th, 2016 was, uh, important. Victory for Russia. And for Putin, personally, Dugin says that Putin didn't medal with the us selection, but that he provided Trump with a different kind of assistance. The real help of Putin to Trump was the example and notice how they immediately try to tie the guy.
Who's their favorite sports team. Ukraine's soldiers. Uh, they immediately try to try him, tie him to Trump and make him look bad to their, to their people so that they can shout from the rooftops that somebody who was pro chump and pro Putin's daughter got murdered in the street for no reason because of his pH.
So, well, let's go ahead and read. The rest of this says that both Duggan and his daughter have been sanctioned by the United States. The United Kingdom sanctioned Dugina in July for being a frequent and high profile contributor of disinformation in relation to Ukraine in the Russian invasion on Ukraine, on various online platforms.
Wow. Interesting. The United States sanctioned their family, uh, and now CNN's obviously. Finding some way to make this a positive thing that his daughter was killed. Videos of the explosion showed a vehicle on the fire at the side of the road and smashed car parts thrown across the surrounding area. One of them verified video appears to show Dugin at the scene.
A friend of Dugina said that he believed Dina's father was the true target of the blast, or possibly both of them as the car belonged to Alexander it's her father's car. Um, Desna drove another car, but she drove his car today and Alexander went separat. Uh, this was Andre Krasnoff who's the head of Rusky Goza or Russian horizon social movement in a personal acquaintance of dug Dina's family, Dina's family, um, a Russian foreign ministry official implied that Ukrainian state structures were responsible for the explosion.
A claim that Ukrainian authorities have denied. Of course you did, because you killed his daughter and you know, you're not gonna get public support surrounding. Even though CNN will try to make it a positive thing. Right? So they go on and on and on about this. But I guess this moral of the story here is nobody is in the right.
This is a ideological war and a war for claw, Schwab, and a war for, you know, the, the powers that be, if you want to use that term, the, the elites of the world, the, the, you know, you wanna include conservatives in there include, you know, the Bush family include the Clinton family, all of the corrupt, you know, huge, the Biden.
Crime family. All of them are a part of this and they know what's going on here. They were all funneling money through Ukraine, you know? So nobody's, nobody's in the right here, you know, obviously Russia's not in the right for invading a. What is believed to be a sovereign nation. Um, nobody is correct in starting this war.
It's a pissing match between Russia and the UN and really the us, because the us is just the representative in the world of the UN. Now we're starting to see that China's tensions with Taiwan are raising as they are sending missiles directly over Taiwan, which Japan just responded to saying that they're not going to allow it, and they're gonna do, uh, responses potentially.
As a result because they believe that it's unacceptable that that's happening to Taiwan because they know that they're next. Once Taiwan actually gets taken over, right. They're the very next step on that stool to creating the one China model. Uh, but we're seeing all of these tensions rise and we're seeing that Ukraine is not the Saint of a nation that all of the Democrats of the world are flying their flags believing.
Right. They're they're this is not. Right. Murdering a philosopher's daughter and then, you know, passing it off as being, oh, we didn't do that. Yes, you did. You're in war with them and you, you literally sanctioned them as of course, that's what happened here. I mean, I don't know don't this is all hearsay, but , but it seems very likely, right.
Especially when CNN's trying to make it a positive thing by tying him to Trump immediately. So. Pretty bizarre, pretty wild that we're starting to see, you know, and it's, it'll be interesting to see how people try to defend this, you know, people have gotten so, so balls deep in being team Ukraine at this point.
And, uh, how do you respond when they're randomly killing philosophers daughters for speaking out on social media platforms? And maybe it was, maybe it was accidental and maybe they were going after him, but even that's not okay. Right. If you're trying to be a pro-democracy state, that man is not a part of the governmental structure, that man is not a part of the military.
And according to the Geneva convention, he is not able to be a target in this war, just for speaking out on these topics. Okay. Is the UN gonna do anything about that? No. Is Nita gonna do anything about that? No, because this is their own proxy war right there. And, and especially when it comes to the, you know, what, we just talked about the poisoning of soldiers.
And, and especially when we're talking about the, uh, you know, murder of random, innocent civilians, that's on their hands. Right. We funded this. We funded this guys. If you don't understand that we, as the American citizens funded 80 something, however many billions of dollars now for them to go car bomb, innocent civilians with our tax money.
Are you okay with that? Because this was all fun, right? We were all pro not, we, I, wasn't a part of that. You'd know that if you followed me the whole time on this war, but I I'm neither take sides. They're both. But we funded this guys. And, and, and if, and nobody's saying anything about the amount of money that we're peddling over to Zelensky and his, his, you know, regime, all of the, you know, billions of dollars of weapons that our tax dollars have gone to, for them to be able to fight this war properly against Russia.
All of that is funded on the backs of you going to. You paying state taxes in, in national taxes, federal taxes directly from your paycheck, and then those that money, your money being sent to Ukraine, to poison soldiers around the Geneva convention and to blow up innocent civilians daughters. That's our money at work guys.
That's Biden's administration. That is what they're doing with your tax dollars. Instead of protecting your, our children at schools, that's our tax dollars at work instead of, I don't know, funding the proper, uh, conversation around abortion, right? How it should be properly framed in, in how people should, you know, we shouldn't be funding planned parenthood.
Maybe we should be funding education in schools. And that reproduction is actually the result. Sex and, and maybe we should be educating, uh, underdeveloped communities and, and, you know, minority communi. Maybe we should be doing that instead of, I don't know, poisoning Russian soldiers, uh, and blowing up in the, in the civilians, maybe some good ideas there.
Uh, but no, no, that's not gonna happen because, you know, 70%, this is a, a, a percentage that was given by somebody who was on the ground in the arms trade in Ukraine. I'll, I'll have to find the video, but, uh, he said that basically 70% of the weapons that are being sent to Ukraine are unaccounted. Only 30% of the weapons.
Now, I don't know if that's true, but it's his claim and it, he, he threw it out there frivolously it wasn't like he knew the exact percentage and was marking it down on a piece of paper. But that was his guess 30% maybe of the weapons that we're sending to Ukraine are actually getting in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers.
Where's the other 70% going. Maybe to the IRS so, um, yeah, so maybe not the, the white hat government that we were thinking they were. Okay. Um, now I will save this article for the end of the episode. We'll talk about maybe the Google. Flagging this father as a criminal for sending pictures to his doctor of his child, which maybe you probably shouldn't do anyways, cuz that's a little weird, but uh, but anyways, we'll, we'll discuss that after.
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All right. So next thing we're gonna do is we're going to discuss the big topic of today, which is the fact that the controversial, very controversial social media star, Andrew Tate, himself was banned from Facebook and Instagram this week. Now we'll read this article, which says that, uh, he was banned on Friday from meta platforms.
He says that the 35 year old was banned due to violations of metas policies on dangerous organizations and individuals. According to BBC, before he was banned, T had over 4.7 million followers on his Instagram account, the former kick BA uh, kickboxing champion discussed the band with popular Twitch, streamer, Aiden Ross.
And he said, I'm quite understanding of their position. It's not a big loss for me. It's not something I use. I'm kind of relieved because the real world is such a beautiful place. The less things on my phone. And it's just one less thing I have to look at. I'll just get in my supercar and go for a drive.
Wow. All right. So let's listen to just what he has says here. This, his 20 seconds about being banned.
If it'll play . Um, so basically what this guy is, is he, is you, if you haven't heard his name, you're probably not on TikTok. He's like half of my feed and I don't follow any of the accounts that he's actually a part of. Um, he he's a joke, but you know, we'll talk about it as you get banned. I don't know exactly why they Bann me.
Um, I just tried to log in Instagram a couple hours ago. Wouldn't let me, I have good people in the case. I trust due process with Instagram. I'm actually quite understanding of their position. I do understand it very, very well. I'm not angry at them in any regard. Uh, it's not a big loss for me. It's not something I use too often, but I do understand their position.
And it goes on to say that Tate told the Twitch streamer, he doesn't know why he was banned. We just talked. We just heard that part. So we'll skip that. It says that Tate's first rise of the limelight came when he appeared on as a contestant on the UK version of big brother in 2016. Don't know what that is.
He was kicked off of that for a video that came out that showed him allegedly attacking a woman, um, which was basically him sitting there. In some type, like this girl was in like lingerie on the couch. I watched it. You probably don't need to. Um, but she was in some type of linger on the couch and he had like a, you know, some type of leather whip that he was hitting her on her butt with.
And you know, it didn't seem very positive. It didn't seem, but it also. Could have been taken outta context in some sort of weird fetish thing, but it obviously is, you know, go watch the video cuz you'll see what I'm talking about. They show no context before or after he's just sitting there hitting her, but it's obviously looks terrible.
And if it's not something that they're both consenting to is very, very wrong, which probably talks about his whole, you know, ecosystem of conversations. This guy is all around the high hyper. Uh, you know, if, if there is a real thing such as toxic masculinity, um, I, I don't think it's masculinity is the wrong word.
This guy's just an asshole right there. There's no toxic masculinity here. He's just a douche bag. Um, so he, he goes on and on about how women are just. Tools and how, how they're owned by people or men. And, um, they're intrinsically lazy. And he, he says some pretty crazy stuff, right? And so it says that he was in 2017 during the height of the Harvey, Einstein allegations tape was suspended by Twitter for saying that women should bear responsibility for being sexually assaulted.
So we'll see if we can get the actual tweet of that. Um, I don't think I saw it when they posted it here. Uh, Now it says that, um, in these types of situations, while liberals screamed that nobody should rape women can walk around naked and men shouldn't look, uh, shouldn't look, you import waves of third world migrants, but that's a different point entirely.
My point is this. If my sister was raped, I'd be furious. However, I'd ask details and say, what the fuck are you drunk at a dude's house? You don't know. In those types of situations, pretending women are blameless and men shouldn't rape is stupid people shouldn't steal poor prep temps. Yeah. I'm not sure. I breed British very well.
Easiest way to protect your daughter, teach her self-awareness and to avoid poor decisions or ensure every man on earth. Uh, won't rape her. Uh, okay. So definitely a tinge of victim blaming there. Um, but you know, nothing that free speech. Allow for you to be an asshole. That's like kind of an interesting conversation about this is, do I agree with this?
Uh, do I think in today's censorship world, that if they are going to censor people based. Their thoughts, beliefs and discussions that, and how they negatively affect the real world, which is not what they're doing. Um, but let's, let's play in that fantasy world. If that is the case, then he should probably be on a list here after all of the weird things that have come up and all the shitty things that he's said.
But again, I don't agree with censorship at any level. So I think if you're a 35 year old man child, Look, and we character, you should still be able to show the world that you're an asshole for your words. And the world should be able to look at you and laugh at you and know that you're a joke and be able to judge you for the way that you talk.
Do I think he should be banned? No. Do I think he's a joke if you know, is he misogynistic? Yes. Is he an asshole? Yes. Is he, uh, somebody that I would want my son watching? No, he wouldn't watch him. Um, is he a caricature of what they want the right to be considered? Yes. Do I want that representing what fatherhood or, or manhood looks like on the, our, you know, on the more non left leaning people?
No. Is he a good representation to that? No, he's a jerk. He's an asshole. He's misogynistic. He he's a, a, seems like a piece of shit. Human being, to me, who's only focused on money and fucking girls, like he's 18 years old. Uh, and maybe at some point should have grown up and didn't uh, but do I think that he.
Have duct tape put on his mouth and can never talk again to the general public? No, I think they should be able, everybody should be able to look at him and judge him for the things that he says, because speaking is not a crime, nothing he did here is a crime on Instagram and Facebook. Now there are some crimes that do come up when you talk about Andrew Tate that are highly concerning.
That makes me think that yeah, nobody should be taking this guy's advice. One of which being that his house was rated for human traffick. Um, allegedly they found nothing. Uh, but let's see if I can find the article on that, where it says that. Um, alright, let's read, let's read this through here, because this article talks about some of the things that this guy has said, and then we'll watch a couple clips here of, of what he's actually said and to get some context.
So you can make your own opinion about it, because maybe you disagree with me. Maybe you like the guy. Um, I can't seem to find any way to like. In a leather jacket who wears sunglasses inside, calling out women.
this article says that now this article comes from the guardian and it says inside the violent misogynistic world of T's new star, Andrew Tate, it says observer investigation reveals how the ex kickboxer and big brother contestant from Luton has gone from obscurity to global internet fame in months.
Uh, now it says that Andrew Tate says women. Now this is again, so take the context of this. Who's writing it. You know, I I'm trying to be unbiased in this. I do. Like this guy, it's not somebody I would want to hang out with. It's not somebody who I would associate myself with. It's not somebody who I agree with on a lot of his accounts of like, you know, and then again, I'm just looking at clips from TikTok that people are pulling that are probably the most wild things that he says, and maybe I'm wrong.
But from those wild clips that I've seen, you can't find wild clips of me justifying rape. You can't find wild clips of me saying that women have no value and that their property, you can't find it because I don't say that that's not how I feel.
Maybe I haven't listened to a full podcast of him, for sure. And maybe he's a nice guy, which I have heard from, uh, Tom Sura and his wife had them him on or something. And that's how he originally got to be pretty big and they seem to like him and think that he's a caricature and he's just playing this role and like making a bunch of money off of being ridiculous and that he doesn't actually believe a lot of the thing.
So give him whatever you want to, you know, give him in Grace Wise. But I, I just, you'll never hear that come outta my mouth because I. I'm not saying that because I don't believe it. but it says Andrew TA says that women belong in the home, can't drive in our man's property. He also thinks that victims of rape must bear responsibility for their attacks and dates women aged 18 to 19, because he can make an imprint on them.
According to videos posted online. Now that is correct. I've heard that one in other clips, the British American kickboxer who poses with fast cars, guns, and portrays himself as a cigar. Smoking Playboy talks about hitting and choking women, which he also said, I heard that one and we'll listen to that one too.
Trashing their belongings. Stopping them from going out, um, will lead into some of these videos and read some of those afterwards. But it says that Tate's views have been described as extremely misogynistic by domestic about domestic abuse charities, capable of radicalizing men and boys to commit harm offline.
No, I don't think that's the case. Um, but whatever, but the 35 year old is not a fringe personality looking lurking in an obscure corner of the dark web. Instead he's one of the most famous figures in on TikTok where videos of him have been watched 11.6 billion times style is a self-help GU offering his mostly male fans, a recipe for making money, pulling girls and escaping the matrix.
Tate has gone in a matter of months from near obscurity to one of the most talked about people in the. In July, there were more Google searches for his name than Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian. His rapid surge of fame was not by chance. Evidence obtained by the observer shows that followers of TA are being told to flood social media with videos of him choosing the most social media clip or controversial clips in order to achieve maximum views and engagement.
Um, the coordinated effort involving thousands of members of Tate's private online AC academy. Hustlers university and a network of copycat accounts on TikTok have been described by experts as a blatant attempt to manipulate the algorithm in artificially boost his content in less than three months.
The strategy has earned to make huge following online and potentially made him millions of pounds, uh, with 127,000 members paying $39 a month to join hustlers community. Uh, many of them, boys and men from the UK and. Yet, despite much of the content appearing to break TikTok rules, which explicitly ban massaging the and copycat accounts.
The platform appears to have done little to limitate spread or ban the account responsible. Instead he has propelled him into the mainstream allowing clips of him to proliferate and actively promoting them to young users, uh, raised in the east estate of young London. Uh, Luton the SI the son of a catering assistant in chest master TA has been long making headlines for storing controversy through his twenties.
He worked as a TV producer and then he was a kickboxer. Nobody cares. Um, nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Uh, let's see if we can find the part about the trafficking. Uh, it says in another video, he was, uh, allegedly investigated by police for abusing a woman, which he denied in a case where he had his house rated devices confiscated and was held in a cell for two days.
Uh, it says that let's see.
Oh, wow. He also openly discussed being accused of violence against several women, although he has not understood to have ultimately been charged with any offenses. Um, in one interview, he describes an in incident where a woman, well, I can't talk today. A woman knocked a phone out of his hand in a club and a man punched him.
So they started wrestling and the tussle, he accidentally hit the woman and broke her jaw. He says, Wow. Also another thing you'll never hear about me um, so it says that Tate has understood to have left the UK for Romania and one video explaining his reasons for the move. He suggested that it become, uh, easier to evade rape charges.
Wow. This is probably 40% of the reason he moved there. He said in one video adding I'm not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want. I like being. Free. I'd like to hear that video. I have not heard that one. Um, and I've seen it a, a fair amount of his videos looking and researching for this, but let's go ahead and watch a video so you can hear this dummies voice and see, and have your opinion for yourself on whether or not he should be banned from social media and being able to speak to the general public.
And here we. Someone breaks in the house. I'm not sending her to fight. It's my job, right? I have to risk my life to protect her. So when someone doesn't break in the house and I ask her for breakfast, I expect it to be made. You cannot stop. You cannot give up. You're in the most fantastic place on the planet for making money hustle's university.
And the only person who could ruin that is you welcome to the metaverse inject it into your brain. And if you only exist amongst the money, you're gonna end up with some money. Welcome, El. Do you think that women are property? I think my sister is her husband's property. Yes. When a bride is walking down the aisle to marry the groom, the father walks next to her and gives her away.
Ah, how you cheating you cheating. It's bang out the machete, boom in her face and grip her up by the neck, but show up bitch. All right. So there is some of the things that come up when you. Research some of these controversial videos. So let's start with the very first thing, which is his hustler's university.
Okay. Andrew T basically started his own pyramid scheme. Okay. Hustler's university is a pyramid scheme where he gets guys, I guess, specifically men to join this university under the idea that they're gonna make a bunch of money and he's gonna teach them how to make money. Like he made it. I'm not sure where he made his money from.
Sounds like it could have been from his sex trafficking. So maybe that's a bigger concern about this hustler's university. It should be called, uh, you know, trafficking university, but basically it's a pyramid scheme. He made a Ponzi scheme out of people distributing his own content for him for $39 or 39 pounds a month.
Okay. So basically what happens is you bring, you know, you come into hustler's university from a. Then you go take his content, you post it on TikTok with your link to have them go sign up for this hustler's university and do the same thing that you just did. You make a percentage off the people that signed up under your link.
He makes a percentage off of everybody. Here's him. You know, don't mind the pyramid that I'm making. Here's him, here's you? Here's the people you bring on it all trickles up and he makes the most money. That's a Ponzi scheme. There's no real value. He posts videos of him standing by Bugattis. Uh, like they're probably not rented.
I don't know the guy's probably worth some decent money. Uh, but. It's a pyramid scheme. That's all. This is right. It's nothing new. And, and it's allowed to, you know, a bunch of people are signing up for it because he's a wild, crazy, controversial figure, which you know, who cares. They should lose their money anyways to this man.
If you're dumb enough to sign up thinking this guy's gonna be the one who makes you rich, I tend not to take advice from almost 40 year old man, children in leather vests with cigars in their mouth, sunglasses on inside who claimed to get all the 19 year. You know, sex in the world, like, yeah, you're probably not the role model or mentor that people should be looking for.
Now. I think there's an interesting conversation there, which is this something people are actually looking for or is he gaming the algorithm, right? Is he gaming the algorithm through this Ponzi scheme that he created and then people are going and distributing a bunch of his content. And then he gets famous off of people giving him money to distribute his content, to make him famous, to give him money.
I don't know. I don't see how this I, you. Business wise seems to be working just fine for him. If 129,000 people are paying 39 pounds a month, but he's not the guy I'm generally gonna go look for advice for. And you know, it's speaking to the, the idea that is this something that TikTok is circulating, right?
The idea is that there's a segmented TikTok. There's a TikTok in China, that's all violin playing and math and science and, you know, making their children in communities, uh, uh, the best possible people they can be. And then them flooding our system. With these toxic ideologies with these, uh, terrible, you know, caricatures of what it means to be on one side or the.
Whether it's the blue haired, L G BT Z or Z, uh, you know, nothing against the LGS BS or the, you know, but the Ts are obviously a, a movement that's been coming up from social media, right? That's something that has not existed before this and, and is being pushed in, in pushed into our ideology, being pushed into our school systems, being pushed into social media accounts, to normalize it so that when your children get on TikTok and whatever damn age you get, and I've seen six year olds with cell phones on.
Whatever you give them to that that's gonna be what's flooding their, their, uh, their consciousness, right? So when you have somebody being pushed and pushed and pushed over again, it's, it's the laws of advertising, right? If there's numbers involved, eventually you get a certain outcome. And if there's a, how many billion views that 11 billion views of this guy has.
Yeah. How would the world, does it get to that point? If the algorithm is true to attention, which is showing that if you watch his content over and over again, or you watch the full video, it's gonna recirculate it. So apparently people are finding maybe just entertainment, value, controversy, value, whatever it is, the currency that he's trading in is attention.
And through that attention, he's pushing these shitty ideologies that are making, you know, are they corrupting young youth? Yeah. You get a guy who's on there talking super confidently and making him look super cool with his stupid sunglasses, his, you know, uh, shaved head in his Bugatti in the background, , it's it. Is it positive? No. Should he be banned? No, I don't think so. I think that he should be a, you know, should there be better, uh, understanding of talk's algorithms and should we allow them to flood our community with negative ideologies? No. Um, but that's a, that's a platform conversation, not an individual conversation.
Right. And, and maybe you wanna talk about meta and Instagram and Facebook making these decisions. You know, I don't agree what this guy says. Maybe put a content filter on there that says, you know, uh, should be 18 and up. And I, again, I don't even agree with that really. Um, but if you're gonna do something, there's no reason somebody shouldn't be able to talk.
Even if they're saying stupid, Bad rude things, right. If you can go outside and say, it's somebody, as long as he's not specifically calling on violence for somebody or, you know, um, literally that's about it that you can get in trouble for on the town square, then you shouldn't get, I believe wholeheartedly that social media companies should follow the constitution.
They should have to follow our us laws, at least when dealing with people in the us and in this case, This does not do that. He didn't say anything that was go kill X, Y, and Z go, you know? Uh, shoot. So and so, no, he didn't say any of those things. He made himself look like a douche bag. Now all the women and men who are right in sound in their mind know he's a douche bag and they're not gonna listen to him.
They're laughing at him. They're everybody. Who's like 99% of people who are watching this man are laughing at what a douche bag. And no, they would never want to come within five feet of him, no matter how confident you talk and how you spit out, you know, your, your coffee. When you talk about all the girls who want you and no, nobody, nobody likes that.
Women don't like that. And the women that do are the ones who are getting $45,000 worth of work done on themselves, because they're not confident in who they are. And that's not somebody that I would've want to attract into my life. So I'm not going to follow. Somebody who attracts women like that. Right?
The, the women that you want, if you are a young male is the one who is yeah. At confidence is attractive. Right. Of course, as always, right. Confidence is a number one thing. It means that you believe in yourself that you have some sense of self and that you, you know, confidence is an unbelievable weapon in life and you should learn to use it, right?
That's about 90% of who this man is. He has no substance, right? He, he can make a Ponzi scheme. Great. It's because of his level of confidence that he's able to, to present his content in the way that he doesn't give. Doesn't make him valuable. He doesn't have a amazing opinion on the structural foundation of our government.
He doesn't, he doesn't add value to making you a better person to the people that are around you. No, he's gonna, if you emulate him in everyday life, he lives in a fantasy land, a fantasy land. If you acted like that to people around you, they would fucking hate you. Nobody wants to go get a drink with a guy who wants to rant about girls for two and a half hours when he is 40 years old and a leather vest with a cigar in his mouth and his sunglasses on.
Nobody wants that. He's a caricature, he's a joke, but should he be banned from social media? I don't believe so. I don't believe that's the right move. I believe you should let people see how much of a joke and a douche bag that. And then that will work it out. He'll be a fizzle in the wind in a year from now, right?
These people do not last these controversy focused individuals, you know, even look at the Kim Kardashians of the world. They're irrelevant. Nobody cares about you. Now go watch Jordan Peterson. If you're, if you're thirsty for a mentor in life, go listen to Jordan Peterson, go, don't go. Listen to Andrew T.
And watch Jordan Peterson will be around for decades as long as he's alive, that man will have value in society because he gives value to society. This man is a deflated balloon of confidence wrapped in a leather jacket, standing in front of a Bugatti and a girl who looks like she's a bra stall. If you remember what those are.
so, um, that's my thoughts on this. All right. Now let's watch one last clip of this douche bag, and then we'll move on to that last article that I talked about, about Google, uh, basically going after a father. So here it is, find the old one. Who's a bit older who hasn't had too much experience in life, or sat around with some dork for a while or whatever, but in general, this is also one of the reasons men find youth attractive.
You wanna blow up the internet, I'll pull up the internet, right? Fucking now the reason 18 and 19 year olds are more attractive than 25 year olds is cuz they've been through Les. I'll say this right here on the fucking internet. I don't give a shit. I'll say this right there around the internet. I'm a pedophile.
I'm a weirdo. I'm a 40 year old jerk off who wears leather to interviews and sunglasses inside everywhere I go. Who of the sound mind goes onto a podcast? That's going to be seen by this is from the full send podcast. Um, and these guys are like baffled by him. If you watch this full interview, they're like, do you actually act this way?
Girls families and people, you know, in real life or are you being totally, you know, fake here. Um, but you see the way that they interact with him is like kind of standoffish. Like, does this actually work for you in real life? Or are you, is this entire thing fake? Right. So, but here we go. Now I just think that's funny that he's like, oh yeah, I'll break the internet right now.
I'm a pedophile. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. You didn't break the internet. You just had a self profession that if the, this is the thing that I think. People who come on here and say like, oh 18 and 19 year olds, if you're 24, 25, 30, 30, 5 40, almost like this dude is, and you're sitting there bragging about 18 and 19 year olds.
All you're saying is you're a pedophile and that doesn't being with an 18 or 19 year old legally does not make you a pedophile. But what does is the fact that if they moved that down to 17, His number would've moved down to 17. If it was 16, he would've moved that down to 16. If it was any lower than that, he would continue going.
But he only goes to that number because that's the legality surrounding it. Right? So now you know who this person is, what his belief systems are surrounding sexuality around children, around, you know, young adults. And literally when he goes on to say this, he's saying that they're more manipulatable, more manipulatable.
They can manipulate he can manipulate them. manipulable. and that's his reasoning. Oh, they haven't had as much Derrick they're like, oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah, because they. Just coming out of high school, you weirdo that, that doesn't make them intrinsically more valuable because, and, and then again, he he's like he there's clips of him going, oh, a key that opens many locks.
There's a master key, but a lock that's opened by many keys is a shitty lock. Like. It's just a flawed, a flawed idea of, of roles, right? Like, no, a guy who goes off and sleeps with 150 women, it doesn't make him intrinsically valuable. Yeah. Maybe he can pick up women because he has confidence or because he has money or because those women saw value will in him specifically, but that doesn't make him valuable because he did that and it doesn't make a woman less valuable because she did the same thing that you did.
Yeah, maybe just don't go sleep around. Maybe that's the proper idea. You know, maybe you as an individual, as a man, shouldn't be sleeping with hundreds of people, either. You idiot. Anyways, let's watch this video. People will sit there and go, oh, you can't say that. Yes, I can. A 19 year old is more attractive than a 26 year old woman.
And I'll tell you why. Cause that 26 year old has talked to more guys, been to the club. More times, been more places, been fucked and dumped more times more arguments, more heartbreak, more bullshit, more mess for me to clean. Whereas a 19 year old might have had one guy from high school just broke up.
She's fresh and I could fucking put my imprint on her, make her a good person. May put my imprint on her. You mean grooming her. You mean taking a child at 18 years old and grooming her to being the person that you can manipulate so that when you talk to her, the ways that you do the in public, cuz if you talks to the people this way in public, and he talks about women this way in public, just imagine what he's doing behind closed doors.
When a camera's not on him and he doesn't have a microphone in his. Like it's, it's wild to me that this guy, so I in no way shape or form like this guy at all. Right. I think he's a douche bag. I'll, I'll tell you that a hundred times over again, he's the exact caricature definition of an, you know, insert whatever term here, but he still, I, I just think that the, the social media platform banning is just not, not the move.
So let's listen to some more stupid things. This guy has to say without her having to go through all that detriment to learn about life. So what's your key age range? 19 to, it's not, it's not just about the age range. It's the example. No, I know, but what's your, what's your pre what's your preference? I mean, hot girls are hot girls, right?
Yeah. I know hot girls are hot girls, but my point is that older women. The reason they're less attractive to men, even if men don't instinctually understand it is because they've been through a whole bunch of more shit. And, and we not interested in dealing with someone else's problems. If you get with a girl who's 26, 27, she's gonna be sitting there going, I know men like you I've seen what men like you do.
You ain't going out. I, I don't like that. I, I ain't dealing. So you're telling me, wait, wait, you're telling me you were innocent and sweet for this. You were nice to him. He fucked you and messed you up. And now I deal with the attitude problem you've developed because he got your pussy. I didn't even want him to fuck you in the first place.
You should have been a Virgin when you met me. No, he just thinks that she thinks you're an asshole because she's not a naive child who can see through your BS. Like . Now I'm dealing with your shit. Get fucked. Goodbye. Don't you think though, the, you know, trying to find purity out of women, it kind of is like a low possibility.
I mean, it's kind of like when a woman says, I want a guy that's like six feet tall, whatever the case may be. Right. There's less to them. And like, it's like, dude, you can't really find a virginity. The, the best things in the world are low prob. It doesn't mean it's not what we desire. We're talking about we, what we desire and what I'm saying is that one of the best things about status is that you can now get what you desire.
So at status, most men have this dream of sleep with endless women. All right. So I'll leave it there with you guys. This guy's a, a, a creepy weirdo. Who's obviously interested in grooming. Children has gone to has had his home rated for trafficking, which you can't say about very many people that, you know, Hmm.
So maybe he's in some circles that he shouldn't be, maybe he moved to a country that he's should, you know, went to specifically for according to him, 40% of the reason was so they didn't get caught in rape charges. Like, yeah, this guy's a shitty person, but. Should he, you know, is he calling for the mass violence against people?
No. People should look at him and he shouldn't be employable outside of his own Ponzi scheme because he's an idiot who says stupid things and yeah. Is it going to affect youth? Absolutely. Should he be circulated the way that he is on TikTok? No, but should he get a piece of tape over his mouth and not be able to speak because he says outlandish shit, no, throw a, not safe for work thing on there.
And. People go after him for being a shitty person. Like they all do everybody, like besides his 120,000 people that pay money to get advice from this pedophile. Nobody likes this guy. Everybody thinks he's a douche bag. Okay. So, but again, that comes back to the free speech. Absolutist side of me, uh, which seems to be a good term that a lot of people are throwing around now.
So anyways, now the last article we're going to discuss is going to be a Google, uh, picking up a dad, uh, saying a dad, took photos of his naked toddler for the doctor. Google flagged him as a criminal. Google has an automated tool to detect abusive images of children, but the system can get it wrong and the consequences are serious.
So that Mark's noticed something amidst with his toddlers. His genitals were swollen and it was hurting him. Marcus stay-at-home dad in San Francisco, grabbed his smartphone and took photos of the document to, uh, to document the problem so he could track his progression. It was a Friday night in February, 2021.
His wife called an, an advice nurse at the healthcare PR provider to schedule an emergency consultation, uh, by video. The nurse had to send photos to the doctor so they could review them and advanced Mark's wife grabbed your husband's phone and texted a few high quality closeups of his genital through the iPhone so that they could upload them to the healthcare provider's messaging system.
In one Mark's hand was visible, helping to better display the swelling. Um, his wife gave no thought to the tech giants that made this quick capture in exchange of digital data possible or what the giants might think of the images. Yeah. Because you're giving access to Google, Google for all of your photos.
Like there's like that's. Difficulty with iCloud. That's the difficulty with Google with Androids is you're literally allowing them to run AI, scraping bots on every little piece of information that you have on your phone, which is terrifying. Now, there is a use case for this. Obviously I am a hundred percent against, as you probably just heard about Android Tate against pedophilia and about against, you know, child pornographer, distribution, pornography, distribution, and, and I think it's wrong, but you know, misfires like this, make the AI.
Data scraping on cell phones, like look really bad. And do I think that they should have automatic access to every piece of information that you have in your personal life? No. Do I want pedophiles who are distributing child sex? Uh, pictures and horrible things like that around in jail and found. Yes. Uh, but it's, it's an interesting like di dichotomy, like almost like trolley equation, right.
Which is worse. And that comes to like the LORs. Should AI bots be the ones that are going after criminals. Right. And again, here's some weird, weird trolley questions for you. It says it was, um, let's go ahead and read it a little bit more, um, says with the help of the photos, the doctor diagnosed the issue and prescribed antibiotics.
Um, mark, who is asked to identify by his only first name for fear of potential reputational harm has been caught in the algorithmic net design. To snare people exchanging child sex abuse material because technology companies routinely capture so much data. They have been pressured to act as sentinels examining what passes through their servers to attacked and prevent criminal behavior.
Child advocates say the company's cooperation is essentially combat at the rampant online spread of, um, sexual abuse imagery, but it can entail peering into private archives, such as digital photo albums. An intrusion users may not expect that has cast innocent behavior in a sinister light in at least two cases.
The times has unearthed
now welcome to the revolution now that you know that you're still here on the podcast. um, now it goes on to say that Google probably thinks that was child porn. Um, two days after the photos of a son's March phone made a blooping notification noise, his account had been disabled because of harmful content and there was a severe violation of Google's policies and might be illegal, a learned more link led to a list of possible reasons, including the, uh, pictures that he.
It goes on to go a big thing about how they actually found the images, what they did about it. This is a severely wrong article. Um, Or long, long article, uh, but guilty by default is the very last thing. It says that, uh, the law professor said that cooperation, the technology companies provide to law enforcement to address and root out child sex abuse is incredibly important, but she thought it should allow for corrections from Google's perspective, it's easier to just deny the people, these use of their services.
Otherwise the goo, uh, company would have to resolve more difficult questions about what's appropriate behavior with kids, and then what's appropriate to photograph or not. Mark still has hoped that we, he can get his information back. The San Francisco police said that the contents of his Google account preserved on a thumb drive.
Mark is now trying to get a copy. A police spokesperson said the department is eager to help him. So he's not even allowed to use Google anymore. Right? Pretty crazy, pretty wild. And on that note, I will leave you guys today. If there's nothing that you want, Google. Having a view scraping off of your phone.
maybe you should second. Guess what you have on there. . So thank you guys so much for listening. I appreciate you so much head over to red pill, revolution.co.com is for losers. Sign up for the subst stack. Um, get involved. You can watch everything there, listen to everything there. And I hope you guys have a wonderful, wonderful day.
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